  • 尽管车已很旧,它还在平坦的路面上慢慢地跑跑。
    Although it is very old, the car can putter along on the flat.
  • 要是他保持有力将高尔夫球打入穴中的那种信心,那么他仍然是个好的高尔夫球轻击手。
    If he retains his faith in his ability to hols out then he remains a good putter.
  • 这辆破车不爬陡坡,但在平坦的路上晃晃悠悠、慢慢腾腾地行驶还行。
    The old car can't get up hills, but it can putter along on the flat all right.
  • 不可能,你在骗我!
    No , you are putting me on!
  • 你能找到谜底吗?
    Can you figure out this puzzle?
  • 猜得出这个谜吗?
    Can you get the puzzle out?
  • 你能猜出这个谜吗?
    Can you work out the puzzle?
  • 你能解这个谜吗?
    Can you work this puzzle out?
  • 看看你是否解决这个难题。
    See if you can work this puzzle out.
  • 看你能否猜出此迷。
    See if you can work out this puzzle out.
  • 但愿我猜出,他为什么这样做。
    I wish I could puzzle out why he did it.
  • 她是解谜能手。
    She's a great one for (solving) puzzles.
  • 在智力测验中,我们取样于个人解决各种难题和各种问题的力。
    In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individul's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds.
  • 仅有一个人胜任这个工作。
    There is only one man qualified for the job.
  • 他不胜任这项工作。
    He's not qualified for this job.
  • 这种汽车的一个有利特点是在黑暗中看清东西。
    A useful characteristic of the car is its ability to see in the dark.
  • 没有逃走的可能。
    There is no question of escape.
  • 一份调查问卷有500人作答, 是否真正代表全国人民的意见?
    Is a questionnaire answeredby 500 people truly representative of national opinion?
  • 既然他不赢得比赛,倒不如退出。
    Since he can't win the race, he may as well quit.
  • 现在我不给你我们的报价。
    I cannot give you our quotation right now.
  • 给我一张关于建造这座桥的估价单?
    Can you give me a quotation for building the bridge?
  • 他们够用雷达测定快艇的方位.
    They were able to position the yacht by means of radar.
  • 我们通过无线电收听音乐。
    We can listen to music by radio.
  • 我们必须学会控制放射
    We have to learn to control radioactivity.
  • 用短波收音机收听到你的信号。
    I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio.
  • 【谚】别看小狗现在丑,长大可成骏马。
    Ragged colts may make fine horses.
  • 雨量过多,丰收已经不可了。
    Excessive rainfall had made the harvest impossible.
  • 把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。
    I'm glad you raised that point.
  • 在我的筹款中赞助一些钱吗?
    Can I enlist your help in raising the money?
  • 你现已遭我们禁锢, 要到交出赎金以後, 才放你走.
    You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid.
  • 未经深思熟虑的勇武只称作轻率。
    That valour which is not found on prudence call rashness.
  • 双方未取得一致意见。
    The two sides were unable to reach agreement.