  • 我永远都不会忘记自己在大学毕业的那个夏天是么得失落。在接下来的九年里,我和无数二十来岁的年轻人探讨过压力巨大的问题。这些年轻人想要立即找到自己的“天职”,并在25岁之前在某个领域干出一番事业。
    I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduation from college, and in the nine years since, I've spoken to countless 20-somethings who feel incredibly pressured to find their true calling immediately and build a successful career in a particular field before their 25th birthdays.
  • 一个更为现实的做法是遵循一些策略来让自己平缓地步入职场,可许人直到三十岁后才开始去尝试这些策略。学校也许教会了你许东西,但却可能没教你职场这套独一无二的法则。
    A more realistic challenge is to ease yourself slowly into the work world by following a few strategies that many people don't try until they're well into their 30s. School probably taught you a lot of things, but the business world's unique set of rules may not have been part of the story.
  • 随意找一份工作,只不过因为它与你的专业相关或感到工作内容有趣,那么你可能会进入一个对你来说并没有真正吸引力的行业,不用久你就得再去找工作。何不用战略的眼光来规划你的职业,就像曾规划你的学业一样?
    Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education?
  • 你可以先做个自我评估,这会让你了解许自己不曾注意到的事情--例如,你喜欢或者讨厌怎样的工作环境
    Start by doing a self-assessment that teaches you things about yourself that you might never have thought about--for example, what you like and don't like in a work environment, what defines success for you, and what type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up. Knowing these things can help you determine which occupations could be a good fit for you.
  • 工作空缺都不会登广告招聘,因为雇主更喜欢任用推荐的人选。和在你的领域工作的人们建立联系,这意味着一旦新机会出现,人们头脑中第一时间想到的就是你。
    A huge percentage of job openings aren't advertised because employers prefer to hire people through word of mouth. Developing relationships with people working in your field, then, means that you're top of mind whenever they hear of a new opportunity.
  • 尽管看起来被浪费的上班时间很,但Salary.com网站的薪资主管比尔·柯尔曼说,从具体数字上看,情况还是有所改观。自从2005年Salary.com网站首次开展此项一年一度的调查以来,被浪费的上班时间数下降了19%。当时员工一个工作日浪费的时间为2.09小时。
    While the amount of time wasted at work seems high, Bill Coleman, chief compensation officer at Salary.com. said the numbers have improved, with the amount of time wasted dropping 19 percent since Salary.com conducted its first annual survey on slacking at work in 2005. Then workers reported wasting 2.09 hours of their working day.
  • 科尔曼在接受记者采访时说:“我认为这是经济发展的结果。公司业务更、需要处理的事情更,员工们已没有余的时间去考虑如何打发时间了。”
    "I think (the decline) is really a result of the economy and that there's more business, more work available and less time to sit around wondering what you are going to do with your day, " Coleman told reporters.
  • 会委派工作。不论你是一个么聪明和精力旺盛的人,事必躬亲是错误的做法。除非你唱独角戏,不然你要信任员工,派他们完成工作,这样你才能有空经营企业。
    You can delegate. No matter how smart and energetic you are, it's a mistake to try to attend to every detail yourself. Unless you're a solo act, you're going to have to trust employees to do their jobs so that you can run the business.
  • 喜欢工作。和那些创业神话相反,并非一定要是工作狂才能成功。许企业家都认为建立合理的工作节奏更重要,在工作和个人生活之间建立平衡。除非对工作热爱,否则不要创业,因为今后会有很的工作。
    You like to work. Contrary to myth, you don't need to be a workaholic to start a successful business. Many entrepreneurs find that it makes more sense to establish a reasonable working pace -- one that lets them strike a balance between work and their personal lives. That said, don't start a business unless you enjoy work. There's going to be plenty of it.
  • 不轻易放弃。你将会遇到可能让人停步不前的障碍。如果你是一个喜欢这种挑战的人,那么你会取得更的成功。一些乐观主义会有帮助的,它将帮助你处理每一个企业中都存在的不确定性。
    You don't quit easily. You'll encounter obstacles that might stymie some individuals. You'll have more success if you are the type of person who relishes such challenges. A dash of optimism helps it will help you handle the uncertainty that is part of every venture.
  • 也许你和你老板相处得很好,但总是会有一些特殊的场合,你想说的话于你应该说的。下面是你不该和老板说的10句话。
    You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss.
  • 如果老板找你做一个项目,但项目并不总是你最感兴趣的。如果想要拒绝他,你可以建议其他人来做,或是告诉他你现在有么忙,直接说不行也许会让你的老板很不高兴。
    If the boss comes to you with a project to do, it's not always in your best interest to refuse to do it. You could suggest someone else do it or declare how busy you already are, but to say no might not be appreciated.
  • 数老板觉得自己懂得所有的东西,尽管你和办公室的其他同事也许会在一件事情上和你的老板有不同的观点。试着这样去说,“你或许已经知道这个”。这就让你的老板感觉到你尊重他的想法,即使你知道的更一些。
    Most bosses like to feel that they know everything, although you and the rest of the office may differ in opinion on that issue. Try beginning your sentence with, "You probably already know this ". This shows your boss that you respect their intelligence, even though you know better.
  • 你一年挣多少钱啊?
    How much do you make a year?
  • 数公司关于涨薪有自己的一套程序,你要了解这个程序,以至于自己不会很傻地要求额外的涨薪。如果你觉得自己有涨薪的资格,那么要确保做一些调查,然后找出最合适的时机提出要求。
    Most companies have a set program for raises and you need to understand that plan so that you don't look foolish and ask for a raise out of turn. If you feel you're entitled then make sure you do a bit of research and find out the best time to ask.
  • 我永远都不会忘记大学毕业后的那个夏天,我是么地失落。在接下来的九年里,我和无数二十来岁的年轻人探讨过。对于要立即找到自己的“天职”,并在25岁之前在某个领域干出一番事业,他们都感到有巨大的压力,
    I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduation from college, and in the nine years since, I've spoken to countless 20-somethings who feel incredibly pressured to find their true calling immediately and build a successful career in a particular field before their 25th birthdays.
  • 一个更为现实的做法是遵循一些策略来让自己缓慢进入职场。可许人直到三十岁后才开始去尝试这些策略。学校也许教会了你许东西,但是职场这套独一无二的法则可能漏掉了。
    A more realistic challenge is to ease yourself slowly into the work world by following a few strategies that many people don't try until they're well into their 30s. School probably taught you a lot of things, but the business world's unique set of rules may not have been part of the story.
  • 随意找一份工作,只不过因为你的专业相关或感到工作内容有趣,那么你可能会进入一个对你来说并没有真正吸引力的行业,不用久你就得再去找工作。何不用战略的眼光来规划你的职业,就像曾规划教育一样?
    Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education?
  • 你可以先作个自我评估,这会让你了解许你不曾注意到的事情--例如,你喜欢怎样的工作环境、讨厌的工作环境又如何.你认为怎样才算是成功.什么样的工作会让你宁愿忍受几小时的交通堵塞、仅仅为了出现在办公室?了解这些能帮你决定那些职业适合你。
    Start by doing a self-assessment that teaches you things about yourself that you might never have thought about -- for example, what you like and don't like in a work environment, what defines success for you, and what type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up. Knowing these things can help you determine which occupations could be a good fit for you.
  • 工作空缺都不会登广告招聘,因为雇主更喜欢任用推荐的人选。和在你的领域工作的人们建立联系的意义是:当一有新机会出现,人们头脑中第一时间想到的就是你。
    A huge percentage of job openings aren't advertised because employers prefer to hire people through word of mouth. Developing relationships with people working in your field, then, means that you're top of mind whenever they hear of a new opportunity.
  • 旧金山劳动发展专家DavidBach说,求职者能”对那些热门雇主加关注,提高自己的竞争优势“。他还说,可以赶紧关注那些受经济变化影响较少的领域,例如教育、医疗和能源。
    David Bach, a workforce development specialist in San Francisco, says job seekers can "improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing employers." Fields that are less affected by the evolving economy -- such as education, health care, and energy -- make an ideal focus right now, he adds.
  • 让自己和技能更受关注。“他建议在更地方贴/刷新简历。例如:在线求职公告栏,参加招聘会。
    "Make yourself and your skills more visible, " says Bach. He suggests posting and refreshing your resume in more places, such as online job boards, and going to job fairs.
  • Bach说:“尽量磨砺、利用好你的‘自我提示演讲’”,他指的是三十秒对职业价值的概括。
    "Hone and utilize your 'elevator pitch' as often as possible, " says Bach, referring to a 30-second summary of your professional assets.
  • 建立以"勇于创新、精诚合作"为基础的企业文化。创新不仅仅只是设计出更的时髦产品,它还应包括如何令客户更满意、为客户提供更好的服务等方面。
    Create a culture based on innovation and cooperation. Innovation is about more than designing snazzy products. It's also about improving customer experiences and services.
  • 尊重客户。互联网让你的客户享有更畅所欲言的机会,说出他们真实的想法,喜欢你什么,不喜欢你什么。倾听他们的声音,并亲自融进你从事的市场中去征求客户的反馈。你需要根据情况不断改进公司的服务。否则,你就会发现客户不断减少(最终,关门大吉)。
    Honor your customer. The Internet lets your customers sound off and tell you exactly what they like or don't like about your business. Listen to them. Get out into the markets you serve, and ask your customers for feedback. Make the necessary changes to improve service or else you may find yourself with fewer customers (and eventually, out of business).
  • 视员工为客户。要吸引更的客户,你就必须首先吸引公司的员工。加大培训和辅导方面的投资。让每个员工都了解公司发展的目标,让他们充满不断前进并作出贡献的动力。培养和奖励公司中20%最优秀的、可为公司产生80%效益的员工,而把那最差劲的10%却带给你80%头痛的员工清除出去。
    Treat employees like customers. If you want to inspire your customers, you must first inspire your employees. Invest heavily in training and mentoring. Explain the organization's goals so that everyone has the information and motivation to contribute. Nurture and reward the top 20% of your staff who produce 80% of the results, and actively weed out the bottom 10% who give you 80% of the headaches.
  • 注意保持样化及社会责任感。从那些讨厌的规化演说中解脱出来,而把你的价值观贯彻到怎样把公司经营得更好上面
    Commit to diversity and social responsibility. Get beyond your dreaded mission statement and make these values central to how you do business.
  • 与科技交朋友。科技可以改变你公司出售的产品、运作方式以及应对未来的方式。绝不要忽略技术的发展。你应该运用技术来创造新的产品,拓展更的流通渠道,以及改进与客户、合作伙伴间的交流 。
    Make technology your friend. Technology can transform what your company sells, how it operates, and how it prepares for the future. Don't even try to ignore it. Use it to create new products, tap new distribution channels, and improve communication with your customers and partners.
  • 金钱在我们文化中是一个相当奇特的话题。我们渴望打听到别人赚少钱,本身却没洩漏的打算。薪资与身价有关,当你的薪资被公开,大家就会开始臆测你的身价到底被高估还是低估,以及为什麼你有资格领的比相同能力的人
    Salary information: Money's a weird topic in our culture. As eager as we are to find out what other people make, we're not as ready to divulge our earnings. Salary is associated with worth, and when your salary's known, it invites speculation of whether you're being over- or undercompensated. Why are you getting paid that much when another person with the same qualification earns much less?
  • 你可能会觉得,面对恐怖,打莲花坐不会有效果。但是很活动都可以缓解焦虑,从锻炼到按摩。这些技巧有很已使用了几十年,甚至数百年
    now advances in science are showing they can reduce the hormones associated with stress and even affect brain activity. The common trait among all: maintaining control and recognizing that our concerns are a natural response to the world we live in.
  • 减轻压力最有效的办法之一就是将注意力集中到我们可以有效控制的东西上--我们自己的呼吸。在头脑-身体医学院,参加者通过呼气时反复轻声默念一个单词(任何单词,可以是"om"或"HailMary"),来达到一个“放松的反应”。通过许次研究,Benson发现该练习可以使参加者血压降低,呼吸变缓,从而达到全身的平静。
    One of the most efficient ways to reduce stress is to focus inward on one thing we can effectively control: our own breath. At the Mind/Body Medical Institute, participants elicit a "relaxation response, " repeating a word - anything from "om" to "Hail Mary"--silently as they exhale. In numerous studies, Benson has found that the practice leads to lower blood pressure, slower breathing and an overall calm.
  • 研究者们说,尽管做起来很难,但是在事之秋,人们需要从生活的最简单的快乐中获取安慰。在Rochester大学医学院进行的一次小范围调查中,O.J.Sahler博士发现在骨髓移植病人中,那些听音乐的反应感到的疼痛和恶心程度比较轻,而且他们移植的骨髓也更早就开始工作。另外,笑可能确实是良药。LomaLinda大学公共卫生学院的LeeBerk博士发现一组看了一小时喜剧录像的学生其肾上腺素和皮质醇水平都出现了显著下降。“如果你非常害怕,”Berk说,“那就看小丑表演吧。”这才是值得我们好好考虑的东西。
    It may be difficult, but in troubled times, researchers say, people need to take comfort from life' s simplest pleasures.In a small study at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, Dr. O. J. Sahler found that bone-marrow transplant patients who listened to music reported less pain and nausea, and their transplants took less time to become functional. And, yes, laughter may be good medicine, too. Dr. Lee Berk, of the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, discovered that a group of students who watched a comic video for an hour had marked reductions in epinephrine and cortisol levels. "If fear is too great, " says Berk, "send in the clowns." Now that's something we can all meditate on.