  • 而她在蒙哥马利的美国人社区中颇有名气。
    Mrs. Parks was not the first African-American to be arrested to this "crime", but she was well known in the Montgomery African-American community.
  • 玛丽肯定还在爱着那个头发的小伙子;自从他离去后她就一直精神恍惚——真是可怜。
    Mary must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about--it's pitiful, really.
  • 当旅馆女老板来收账时,发觉旅客已乘夜溜走了。
    When the owner of the hotel came to collect the money she found that her guests had done a moonlight.
  • 她一头蓬乱的黑发。
    She had a mop of black hair.
  • 对夜晚或暗产生病态恐惧。
    a morbid fear of night or darkness.
  • 天越来越黑了。
    It is more and more more black.
  • 这是灯蛾对星光的向往,夜对黎明的渴望;
    The desire of the moth for the star, of the night for the morrow;
  • 只要人依然是不堪形容的警察暴行恐怖的牺牲品,我们就决不会满意。只要我们在旅途劳顿后,却被公路旁汽车游客旅社和城市旅馆拒之门外,我们就决不会满意。
    We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.
  • 卵子来自色的老鼠,而养母全部是白色的老鼠,幼鼠的毛色却均为咖啡色,正是提供它们dna的母亲的毛色。
    The eggs came from black mice, while the foster mothers were all white mice. The baby mice all came out coffee-colored, the color of their identical DNA mother.
  • 不知哪个白痴把除草机放在花园的小路上,暗中我被绊了一跤。
    Some fool had left the lawn- mower on the garden path, and in the dark I fell over it.
  • 的夜;过人的记忆力;强有力的努力拯救了这座濒于灭亡的城市;小莫扎特惊人的天赋。
    a night of exceeding darkness; an exceptional memory; olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy; the young Mozart's prodigious talents.
  • 色的腐殖土,有结冻的底土,是北极区和亚北极区的特征。
    a black mucky soil with a frozen subsoil that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions.
  • 一个强盗在漆的街道上袭击了他。
    A mugger assailed him on the dark street.
  • 白人与白混血人的后代;人血统占四分之一的人。
    an offspring of a Mulatto and a White parent; a person who is one-quarter Black.
  • 可是夜间的影并不曾指明,在那一大堆闪现在他面前的面孔中哪一张才是那被埋葬者的。
    Now, which of the multitude of faces that showed themselves before him was the true face of the buried person, the shadows of the night did not indicate;
  • 问题是去慕尼还是去维也纳。
    The question is whether to go to Munich or Vienna.
  • 尔波墨涅司悲剧之缪斯
    The Muse of tragedy.
  • 色或白色磨碎的种子,用来做芥末糊或芥末粉。
    black or white seeds ground to make mustard pastes or powders.
  • 倒不是因为乘客们对步行锻炼有什么偏爱,而是因为那山坡、那马具、那泥泞和邮件都太叫马匹吃力,它们已经三次站立不动,有一次还拉着邮车横过大路,要想叛变,把车拖回荒原去。
    not because they had the least relish for walking exercise, under the circumstances, but because the hill, and the harness, and the mud, and the mail, were all so heavy that the horses had three times already come to a stop, beside once drawing the coach across the road, with the mutinous intent of taking it back to Blackheath.
  • 南美和中美的长尾小猴,皮毛稍带绿色,鼻子。
    small long-tailed monkey of Central and South America with greenish fur and black muzzle.
  • 奇妙的是,人们在稍后的岁月中逐步摈弃了纯蓝调风格,而投身于更具现代风韵的节奏与蓝调、灵魂乐及说唱乐。
    It is a myth that the Black man has abandoned blues music in favor of the more modern genres of R&B, soul, and rap.
  • 然而,正如在遥远的天边陷入险境的人们在匣子里留下的信息一样,他们的遗言描述了一个即将毁灭的世界。
    Yet like messages in an electronic bottle from people marooned in some distant sky, their last words narrate a world that was coming undone.
  • 达蒙德国东南部一城市,位于慕尼西北偏北。它是1935年建立的纳粹集中营的所在地,1945年4月被盟军占领。人口33,141
    A city of southeast Germany north-northwest of Munich. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp built in1935 and captured by the Allies in April1945. Population,33, 141.
  • 很多书被纳粹党列入名单。
    many books were blacklisted by the Nazis.
  • 铌铁矿一种色的、红褐色或无色矿物,本质是(fe,mn)(nb,ta)2o6,是主要的铌矿
    A black, red-brown, or colorless mineral, essentially(Fe, Mn)(Nb, Ta)2O6, the principal ore of niobium.
  • 斯廷斯内布拉斯加南部一城市,位于格兰德岛南部。是制造业中心。人口23,045
    A city of southern Nebraska south of Grand Island. It is a manufacturing center. Population,23, 045.
  • 色星云北半球接近天鹅座的一种类似色星云
    A similar dark nebula in the Northern Hemisphere near the constellation Cygnus.
  • 那个人女孩的家庭一贫如洗。
    The black girl’s family is in dire necessity.
  • 北海白色、短颈、蹼足的潜水鸟。
    black-and-white short-necked web-footed diving bird of northern seas.
  • 雅鲁藏布江中游河谷地区颈鹤自然保护区建立后,到此越冬的颈鹤数量逐年增加,约占全球颈鹤数量的80%左右。
    After a nature reserve for black-necked cranes was established on the middle reaches of the Yarlungzangbo River, the number of black-necked cranes wintering there has increased each year, accounting for about 80% of the earth’s total number of black-necked cranes.
  • 对此,西藏自治区人民政府强化了管理和宣传教育,对破坏环境保护的违法行为严厉制裁,使近些年来一些濒危动物如颈鹤、羚羊、虎等又得到了繁殖发展。
    The people's government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has taken counter-measures by strengthening administration, publicity and education. Serious penalties are meted out to those who violate the laws and regulations on environmental protection. As a result, the numbers of some animals on the verge of extinction, such as black-necked cranes, takins and tigers, have increased in recent years.
  • 对此,西藏自治区人民政府强化了管理和宣传教育,对破坏环境保护的违法行为严厉制裁,使近些年来一些濒危动物如颈鹤、羚羊、虎等又得到了繁殖发展。
    The people's government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has taken counter-measures by strengthening administration, publicity and education. Serious penalties are meted out to those who violate the laws and regulations on environmental protection. As a result, the numbers of some animals on the verge of extinction, such as black-necked cranes, takins and tigers and so on have increased in recent years.