  • 就小荧屏而言,《我为卿狂》的持久魅力大部分应归功亨特,她因在这部超长系列剧中的精彩表演而续四次被授予"艾美奖"。
    As for the small screen,the continued appeal of Mad About You was attributed in large measure to Hunt,and her solid performance on the long running series was rewarded with four consecutive Emmy Awards.
  • 表现出缺乏情感上的牵
    showing lack of emotional involvement.
  • 车夫回头望着,卫兵回头望着,那认真的头马也两耳一竖,回头看了看,并没有表示抗议。
    The coachman looked back and the guard looked back, and even the emphatic leader pricked up his ears and looked back, without contradicting.
  • 理想的情况是,企业需要的vpn是低成本的、能模拟他所熟悉的各种接,其中包括预分配的带宽、透明的点对点接、端至端的安全以及最大的不停机工作时间等。
    Ideally, enterprises need their VPNs to be cost-effective and to emulate the kinds of connections they've become accustomed to, including support for pre-allocated bandwidth, transparent point-to-point connections, end-to-end security, and maximum up time.
  • 不论举目世上何方,不论是香博尔,还是阿朗布拉,也比不上这里那样神奇,那样虚渺,那样引人入胜。那一片林立的尖塔、小钟楼、烟囱、风标、螺旋梯、螺栓,还有许多像是同个模子制出来的穿孔的灯笼,以及片的楼台亭阁,成簇的纺缍形小塔(当时把小塔tourelle这个词称为tournelle),形状各种各样,高低大小不一,风貌千姿百态。
    Not a view in the world, either at Chambord or at the Alhambra, is more magic, more aerial, more enchanting, than that thicket of spires, tiny bell towers, chimneys, weather-vanes, winding staircases, lanterns through which the daylight makes its way,which seem cut out at a blow, pavilions, spindle-shaped turrets,or, as they were then called, "tournelles," all differing in form, in height, and attitude.
  • 结绳印加帝国的一种记录方式,由一系列色彩各异的绳子组成,它们结在一基绳上,并打绳以编译信息,常用来记录最近发生的事
    A record-keeping device of the Inca empire consisting of a series of variously colored strings attached to a base rope and knotted so as to encode information, used especially for accounting purposes.
  • 侵战接近或侵占。常与on或upon
    To verge or encroach. Often used with on or upon.
  • 在互网络越来越多的世界里,基于链路的加密可能不再是网络安全最有效或高效方法。
    In this increasingly internetworked world, link-based encryption may no longer be the most effective or efficient approach to network security.
  • 尾尾相但没有重叠。
    place end to end without overlapping.
  • 如果你与这样一个阴谋案件有所牵的话,你就有身败名裂的危险,说不定还要倾家荡产哩!
    If you have anything to do with such a scheme you'll endanger you good name and probably lose your money into the bargain.
  • 让我们生时努力(为善)吧,以期到了要死的时候,承办殡仪者也会为之表示哀悼。
    Let us endeavour so to live that when we came to die even the undertaker would be sorry.
  • 让我们生时努力(为善)吧,以期到了要死的时候,承办殡仪者也会为之表示哀悼。
    Let us endeavour so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
  • 串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的
    An endless flow of words stream from the same orifice
  • 轻便的动力锯;锯齿接形成循环链。
    portable power saw; teeth linked to form an endless chain.
  • 车辆接不断地呼啸而过
    The cars zipped by endlessly.
  • "牛顿全神贯注地在实验室工作,常常吃饭也忘了。"
    Newton was so engrossed in his laboratory work that he often forgot to eat.
  • 这件罪行极端凶残, 经历丰富的警察都感震惊.
    The enormity of the crime has shocked even experienced policemen.
  • 这件罪行极端凶残,经历丰富的警察都感震惊。
    The enormity of the crime have shocked even experienced policemen.
  • 从2000年起,北京、上海、天津、南京、杭州、广州、深圳、大、青岛、宁波、苏州、无锡等12个发达城市在所属的省级重点高中举办了新疆高中班,每年招收1540名新疆民族学生,政府向这些在校学生提供财政补贴。
    Since 2000, the 12 better-developed cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Suzhou and Wuxi have run special Xinjiang classes in their key provincial-level senior high schools, with an annual enrolment of 1,540 ethnic-minority students who enjoy local government subsidies.
  • 拍摄一部电视续剧需要做大量的工作。
    Producing a series TV play entails a lot of work.
  • 接各因素或部分的接或纠结
    An interlocking or entanglement of elements or parts.
  • 讲故事讲有趣的故事或续的故事
    To tell an entertaining tale or series of tales.
  • 酶促反应一串催化反应或其他反应,通过它一种生物物质被转化成另一种生物物质
    A sequence of enzymatic or other reactions by which one biological material is converted to another.
  • ”bodyshop(国外一家专门经营化妆品、沐浴产品的锁店)出售的冰蓝护发素是埃琳的选择,因为“它能刺激头皮,还有宜人的薄荷香”。
    " Body Shop lce Blue conditioner is Erin's pick, because "it makes your scalp feel tingly and has an amazing mint smell."
  • 他的学位论文错误篇。
    His thesis is rife with errors.
  • 吉拉迪说在经历了飓风和随后而来的火山喷发这样接不断的自然灾害后,野生鹦鹉的数量在二十世纪八十年代中期达到最低点。
    The parrots' numbers in the wild hit a low point in the mid-1980s, Gilardi says, after they suffered through back-to-back natural disasters: a volcanic eruption followed by a hurricane.
  • 尤克防止(对手)赢三墩牌
    To prevent(an opponent) from taking3 tricks in euchre.
  • 伊凡斯和他的搭挡与他们的对手打成平手,他们在这种平局状态僵持很久,终于在得两分之后赢得比赛。
    Evans, and his partner, took their opponents to deuce, and they stayed there for a long time before getting the two advantage points they needed to win the game.
  • 元旦那天,他按计划完成了续游40公里的目标;
    At the New Years Eve, he should swim 60 kilometers according to the plan.
  • 孩子都能看懂这本书。
    Even a child can understand the book.
  • 国王和王后在战时都经受了苦难。
    Even the King and Queen experienced hardship during the war.
  • 病人对这食物尝也没尝一下。
    The patient never even tasted the food.