  • 优美的音乐使她眼中充满泪
    The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes.
  • 幼儿园的老师们了几个月的时间才把男孩子的班级整顿好。
    It took the nursery teachers months to bring their class of boys under control.
  • 池塘边有许多花。
    There are many flowers on the brink of the pond.
  • 有芒,例如在一些谷类和草的开部位有刺毛或者像毛发一样的附属物。
    having awns i.e. bristle- or hair-like appendages on the flowering parts of some cereals and grasses.
  • 圣母院也不像布尔日大教堂,并非那种尖顶穹窿的建筑物,壮丽,轻盈,千姿百态,繁盛茂密,布满尖形饰物,如盛放。
    It is not, like the Cathedral of Bourges, the magnificent, light,multiform, tufted, bristling efflorescent product of the pointed arch.
  • 不过,这座现代式样的宫殿,屋顶又尖又高,显得很离奇,而且屋顶上布满镂的天沟,又用铅皮把屋顶覆盖住,铅皮上有着许多闪闪发亮的镀金的铜镶嵌细作,形成千姿百态的藤共饰,轻舒慢展。这如此奇妙镶嵌的屋顶,就从这座古老建筑物的暗褐色残败景象中脱颖而出,显得分外飘逸。
    Nevertheless, the remarkably pointed and lofty roof of the modern palace, bristling with carved eaves,covered with sheets of lead, where coiled a thousand fantastic arabesques of sparkling incrustations of gilded bronze, that roof, so curiously damascened, darted upwards gracefully from the midst of the brown ruins of the ancient edifice;
  • 东半球一种开橙红色、结坚硬果实的一年生罂粟。
    annual Old World poppy with orange-red flowers and bristly fruit.
  • 北美东部的龙胆,有丛生的、有刚毛的蓝色
    gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers.
  • 罂粟科的模式属;主要为带钢毛的草本植物,常美丽。
    type genus of the Papaveraceae; chiefly bristly hairy herbs with usually showy flowers.
  • 中国的一种落叶灌木,粉红色、具有黄色喉部,果实包被以刺毛;常作为观赏植物栽培。
    Chinese deciduous shrub with yellow-throated pinkish flowers and bristly fruit; often cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 主要发现在北部温和地区长有羽状叶子黄并结有刚毛的果实的草本的属。
    genus of herbs found chiefly in north temperate regions having pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by bristly fruit.
  • 美国东部的一种大灌木或小乔木,茎有刚毛,簇大、粉红色。
    large shrub or small tree of the eastern United States having bristly stems and large clusters of pink flowers.
  • 生油可以用作医药品溶剂。
    groundnut oil is British usage.
  • 多年生球茎草本植物的任何一种,具有线形或宽的矛尖形的叶子,艳丽,通常单生。
    any of numerous perennial bulbous herbs having linear or broadly lanceolate leaves and usually a single showy flower.
  • 一年生植物,叶宽卵形,穗状序纤细、下垂、深红色;原产亚洲东南部和澳大利亚;已移植到北美洲。
    annual with broadly ovate leaves and slender drooping spikes of crimson flowers; southeastern Asia and Australia; naturalized in North America.
  • 菩提树一种产于印度受佛教徒崇敬的无果树(榕属菩提树),长有较宽且末端有一个长长凸起的卵形树叶
    A fig tree(Ficus religiosa) native to India, having broadly ovate leaves with a long terminal projection. It is regarded as sacred by Buddhists.
  • 对于他们,第一步需要还不是“锦上添”,而是“雪中送炭”。
    For them the prime need is not "more flowers on the brocade" but "fuel in snowy weather".
  • 古典传统风格设计要素有:用红木、樱桃木或核桃木做的古式家具,配以锦缎、丝绸和提毯,要求把不同种鲜搭配在一起(如玫瑰、唐菖蒲、康乃馨、百合等等)。
    Classic Traditional Design elements include classic furnishings and antiques made out of mahogany, cherry or walnut with elegant fabrics of brocade, silk and tapestry. And call for a mixture of flowers (roses, gladiola, carnations, and lilies to name a few).
  • 我们点些胡萝卜和椰菜。
    I'll have carrots and broccoli.
  • 好吧,胡萝卜、椰菜和土豆泥。
    Yes, carrots, broccoli and some mashed potato.
  • 扁化不正常的紧贴或生长在一起的椰菜的茎
    An abnormal flattening or coalescence of stems, as in broccoli.
  • 可供选择的蔬菜有豌豆和胡萝卜、椰菜、玉米或菜豆。
    Vegetables are peas and carrots, broccoli, corn or string beans.
  • 可供选择的蔬菜有豌豆和胡萝卜、椰菜、玉米或菜豆。
    Okay, vegetables are peas and carrots, broccoli, corn or string beans.
  • 吃菜和圆白菜效果最好。
    And broccoli and cabbage were singled out as the most protective foods.
  • 椰菜椰菜含有大量的植物化学物质,包括萝卜硫素和吲哚-3-甲醇——这两种物质可以在致癌物质产生危害之前解除其毒性。
    Broccoli Broccoli boasts a fistful of phytochemicals, including sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, that may detoxify cancer-causing substances before they have a chance to cause harm.
  • 芥末科的蔬菜;特指芥末绿菜;各种各样的卷心菜;椰菜;椰菜;布鲁塞尔幼芽。
    a vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts.
  • 一项研究报告指出,在绿叶蔬菜(如椰菜和甘蓝菜)中发现的类胡萝卜素,可能有助于防止视力下降。
    A study also suggests that carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables(such as broccoli and kale)may help prevent vision loss.
  • 椰菜十字科的一种草本植物(芸苔属甘蓝或椰菜),与洋白菜和茎甘蓝有联系,生有白色未充分发育的朵和有大的可食的
    An herb(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) in the mustard family, related to the cabbage and broccoli and having a whitish undeveloped flower with a large, edible head.
  • 据《国家肿瘤研究会学报》的报告,对一组为数48000名男性的研究发现,只有那些吃甘蓝菜及其它十字科蔬菜的人减少了患膀胱癌的危险。
    According to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Regardless of how many fruits and vegetables a group of 48,000 men ate, only those consuming broccoli and related cruciferous veggies reduced their risk of bladder cancer.
  • 将(鱼、家禽或肉)划上刀并炙烤
    To score and broil(fish, fowl, or meat).
  • 一块划上刀并烧烤过的鱼,家禽或肉
    A piece of scored and broiled fish, fowl, or meat.
  • 长有粉红色或白色朵的一种欧洲植物,当叶子被划破时分泌出有清洁功能的液体。
    plant of European origin having pink or white flowers and leaves yielding a detergent when bruised.