  • 初次从事专利代理工作的人员,实习满一年后,专利代理机构方可发《专利代理人工作证》。
    Beginners shall not be issued "Patent Agent Work Permit" until after a full year of apprenticeship.
  • 他从9岁老板做学徒,直到20岁才出师。
    He began working for the boss at the age of 9 and didn't serve out his apprenticeship until he was 20.
  • 他从十岁开始老板做学徒,直到十八岁才出师。
    He began working for the boss at the age of ten and didn't serve out his apprenticeship until he was eighteen.
  • 予了正式的行动批准。
    given official approval to act.
  • 不应无道理地拒绝予批准。
    Approval shall not unreasonable be withholded.
  • 予承认的正式行为。
    the formal act of giving approval.
  • 第七十八条 无权批准征用、使用土地的单位或者个人非法批准占用土地的,超越批准权限非法批准占用土地的,不按照土地利用总体规划确定的用途批准用地的,或者违反法律规定的程序批准占用、征用土地的,其批准文件无效,对非法批准征用、使用土地的直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法予行政处分;
    Article 78 Approving the occupation of land without the power of approval, beyond the term of reference, or not according to the purposes defined in the general plans for the utilization of land or approving the occupation or requisitioning of land in violation of the legal procedures, the documents of approval shall be invalid and the persons in charge and personnel directly responsible for illegal requisition or use of land shall be given administrative punishments. Whereas the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed.
  • 只有需求和供接近平衡,经济稳定才能实现。
    Economic stability can only be reach if demand and supply are in approximate balance.
  • 请给我围裙。
    Give me the apron please.
  • 顺便问一下,这个周末你可以借我点钱吗?
    apropos, can you lend me some money for the weekend?
  • 这样一桩犯罪要求予适当的惩罚
    Such a crime suggests apt punishment.
  • 他总是容易讨论带来争吵,而非解决办法。
    He is more apt to contribute heat than light to a discussion.
  • 第十条 县级以上地方人民政府根据国家对水域利用的统一安排,可以将规划用于养殖业的全民所有的水面、滩涂,确定全民所有制单位和集体所有制单位从事养殖生产,核发养殖使用证,确认使用权。
    Article 10 In conformity with the overall arrangement made by the state for utilization of water areas, people's governments at and above the county level may assign state-owned water surfaces and tidal flats that have been designated for aquaculture to units under ownership by the whole people and units under collective ownership to develop aquaculture, and after examining their qualifications grant those units aquaculture licences to confirm their rights to the use of such water surfaces and tidal flats.
  • 具着无限的忍耐的上帝带他到一个水族馆去,指着那些檀香山鱼的华丽的颜色和形状他看,可是那个人说他对此不生兴趣。
    God took him to an aquarium, and showed him the gorgeous colors and shapes of Hawaiian fishes, and the man said he was not interested.
  • 加强市区西郊和北郊山前地下水源侧向补区源头的水污染防治。
    More efforts will be make to prevent and control the pollution in the aquifer of the groundwater supply zone in the western and northern suburban.
  • 作为一名仲裁人的决定的行动;出权威的判断。
    the act of deciding as an arbiter; giving authoritative judgment.
  • 密码予某一任意意义的符号、字母和单词的系统,用于传输需要保密或简结的信息
    A system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity.
  •  ——提高水果、蔬菜和木本食物供水平。
    Increasing the supply of fruit, vegetables and arbor foodstuffs.
  • 曲率切线通过定弧线的角度变化与弧线长度之间的比率
    The ratio of the change in the angle of a tangent that moves over a given arc to the length of the arc.
  • 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。--梭罗
    The failures and reverses which await men- and one after another sadden the brow of youth- add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.-- Henry David Thoreau
  • 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。--梭罗
    The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • 使(文体等)有古风出一种古体特质或特征;使古老
    To give an archaic quality or character to; make archaic.
  • 一首诗呈现出古代的特色。
    give an archaic appearance of character to, as in poetry.
  • …盖拱顶…建造或盖以拱顶;以穹状物覆盖
    To construct or supply with an arched ceiling; cover with a vault.
  • 在一张流露着难以描绘其风韵的鹅蛋脸上,嵌着两只乌黑的大眼睛,上面两道弯弯细长的眉毛,纯净得犹如人工画就的一般,眼睛上盖着浓密的睫毛,当眼帘低垂时,玫瑰色的脸颊投去一抹淡淡的阴影;
    Upon an oval of indescribable loveliness, place two dark eyes beneath brows so cleanly arched that they might have been painted on; veil those eyes with lashes so long that, when lowered, they cast shadows over the pink flush of the cheeks;
  • 地质学在此把人类历史的延续移交考古学。
    Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology.
  • 射手或弓术家设立的目标。
    an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at.
  • 克奇坎美国阿拉斯加州东南部城市,位于亚历山大群岛中的一个岛上。在19世纪90年代的淘金热中是矿工的供点,现在是内部通道的一个主要港口和旅游中心。人口7,198
    A city of southeast Alaska on an island in the Alexander Archipelago. A supply point for miners during the gold rush of the1890's, it is now a major port and tourist center on the Inside Passage. Population,7, 198.
  • 阿维南玛群岛波罗的海中的群岛,位于瑞典和芬兰之间的波的尼亚湾的入口处。该群岛12世纪时为瑞典的殖民地,1809年割让俄国。第一次世界大战后成为芬兰的一部分
    An archipelago in the Baltic Sea at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. Colonized in the12th century by Swedes, the islands were ceded to Russia in1809 and became part of Finland after World War I.
  • 儿子娶了一位建筑师的女儿。
    He married his son to an architect's daughter.
  • 新剧场的建造委托一位著名的建筑师办理。
    The commission for the new theatre was given to a well-known architect.
  • 我的上级要我他在档案里找一份老掉牙的文件。
    My leader asked to find him an ancient document in the archives.