  • 平移一个物体的运动,指该物体的每个点都平行于另一个物体每一个点的移动,并且距相同;非旋转性位移
    Motion of a body in which every point of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point of the body; nonrotational displacement.
  • 地位稳固而不大可能开某处或某职位的人;固定於某处不大可能移动之物。
    She displayed great fixity of purpose.
  • 但对方并不知道我就是那本书的作者,有几个顾客嫌我包的书不好,表示很生气的样子,小伙计正想告诉他我是谁时,我连忙使了个眼色制止了他,弄得那位青年莫名其妙地打量了我很久,然后悻悻然地去。
    They often had no idea that I was the author of the book. Some didn't like the way I did the wrapping and looked somewhat displeased. The young clerk was about to tell a customer who I was when I immediately stopped him by tipping him a wink. The young man was confused and, after looking me up and down for a while, walked off in sulky silence.
  • 她没有表示去的意思。
    She showed no disposition to leave.
  • 国家处于分崩析之中。
    The state was in disruption.
  • 决裂结束或断决友好关系;脱关系
    A breaking up or disruption of friendly relations; an estrangement.
  • 既定路线者;阴谋破坏者采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人
    One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.
  • 委员会两名成员忿然去,以此表示他们对琼斯主席的不满。
    Two members of the committee expressed their dissatisfaction with their chairman, Mr Jones, by walking out in him.
  • 他们为什么要想法在各民族之间挑拨间呢?
    Why did they try to sow dissension among the nationalities?
  • 中国人民对于斯大林的敬爱,对于苏联的友谊,是完全出于诚意的,任何人的挑拨间,造谣污蔑,到底都没有用处。
    No attempt to sow dissension, no lies and calumnies, can affect the Chinese people's whole-hearted love and respect for Stalin and our genuine friendship for the Soviet Union.
  • 你必须把这两件事分开。
    you must dissociate these two events!
  • 能够被分开或者分
    capable of being divided or dissociated.
  • 政教分离
    the dissociation of church and state
  • 分子的离解能
    dissociation energy of molecule
  • 两种或更多种金属和非金属元素的混合物,通常在熔化时结合或分
    a mixture of two or more metals or of metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten.
  • “哥伦比亚广播公司早晨新闻”女主播丹尼尔斯,上周已决定跟随她的以前助手索耶(九月已纽约)的脚步辞职。
    Faith Daniels, the distaff anchor of the"CBS Early Morning News, " was ready to jump ship last week, following in the footsteps of her former sidekick, Forrest Sawyer, who skipped town last September.
  • 我家离海四英里。
    My house is four miles distance from the sea.
  • 两座城市间的距离
    the distance between the two cities
  • 他家医院只有几步路。
    His house is within walking distance of the hospital.
  • 你到学校要走多远的距
    What distance do you have to walk to school?
  • 在英国测量距用英里,不用公里。
    In England distance is measured in miles, not in kilometers.
  • 外宾:好长的距离呀!
    What a long distance!
  • 你能估计这段距吗?
    Could you judge the distance?
  • 你量过这段距离吗?
    Did you measure the distance?
  • 单位时间内形成的距
    distance travelled per unit time.
  • 可估计的财产;可估算的距
    Estimable assets; an estimable distance.
  • 一海里的距离
    A distance of one nautical mile.
  • 非常小的距或空间。
    a very small distance or space.
  • 您擅长判断距离吗?
    Are you proficient at judging distance?
  • 您擅长判断距离吗?
    Be you proficient at judge distance?
  • 这段距我估计是20英里。
    I make the distance twenty miles.
  • 教堂离这儿相当远。
    The church is some distance away.