  • 酶由活的有机体产生的各种蛋质或蛋质结合体的一种,起生物催化剂的作用
    Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as biochemical catalysts.
  • 色蛋结合的蛋质,如血红蛋,包括一个有色并含金属的辅成基,如血红素
    A conjugated protein, such as hemoglobin, that contains a colored, metal-containing prosthetic group, such as heme.
  • 一种含亚铁血红素和珠蛋的复合蛋质,给血细胞其特有的红色,主要功能是将氧从肺传送到各种身体组织。
    a conjugated protein composed of heme and globin that gives red blood cells their characteristic color; function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.
  • 脂蛋一种复合蛋质,至少一种成分为油脂。脂蛋是根据其密度和化学质量进行分类而来的,并是脂肪进入血液的主要媒介
    Any of a group of conjugated proteins in which at least one of the components is a lipid. Lipoproteins, classified according to their densities and chemical qualities, are the principal means by which lipids are transported in the blood.
  • 尤宁位于伊丽莎西北以西、新泽西东北面的一个社区。由康涅狄格殖民地开拓者于1749年建立,是制造业中心。人口50,024
    A community of northeast New Jersey west-northwest of Elizabeth. Settled c.1749 by colonists from Connecticut, it is a manufacturing center. Population,50, 024.
  • 老余走了进来,面色苍,显得很着急的样子。
    Lao Yu came in. He was looking pale and worried.
  • 纤维组织炎色纤维性连接组织的发炎及增生,尤其发于肌肉周围,可引起疼痛及肌肉僵硬
    Inflammatory hyperplasia of white fibrous connective tissue, especially surrounding the muscles and causing pain and stiffness.
  • 常通过煮动物的皮、骨头和连接组织等得到的无色蛋质。
    usually colorless protein obtained by boiling skin or bones or connective tissue of animals; usually available as dried granules or powder.
  • 明胶,凝胶一种无色或浅黄色的透明胶状蛋,通过水煮特殊加工过的皮、骨和动物韧带形成,使用于食品、药物和摄影胶片中
    A colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals and used in foods, drugs, and photographic film.
  • 海茨帕·德罗斯尔梅厄对想象力一无所知。但她确实明,侍弄园子这活虽不能说有多么繁重,可肯定需要全身心的投入。
    Hesper Drosselmeier didn’t know about imagination but she did know gardening was, if not hard, certainly conscientious work.
  • 今天,新的技术和产品、产业不断涌现,许多新兴国家后来居上,全球经济竞争热化,保守的工作风格是无法产生足够的竞争力的。
    With new technology, products and businesses constantly emerging, and many newly developed countries fast catching up, this is indeed a pressing and necessary move. As competition in the global economy hots up, conservatism will not generate enough competitiveness.
  • 今天,新的技术和产品、产业不断涌现,许多新兴国家后来居上,全球经济竞争热化,保守的工作风格是无法产生足够的竞争力的。
    With new technology, products and businesses constantly emerging, and many newly developed countries fast catching up, this is indeed a pressing and necessary move. As competition in the global economy gets hot up, conservatism will not generate enough competitiveness.
  • 政府帮助农民改变千百年来传统的撂荒式的“色休耕”等不利于保持水土的耕种习惯,实行粮草轮作等生物手段,提高土壤的肥力和水分涵养能力。
    The government is helping farmers change their traditional cultivation habits of letting land lie idle after harvest — a centuries-old practice known as “white fallow,” which is detrimental to water and soil conservation. Rotation of grain and grass is adopted to increase the fertility of the soil and its ability to conserve water.
  • "制作这种蛋糕,先要把黄油和糖搅成浓奶油的稠度。"
    To make this cake you must first mix butter and sugar to the consistency of thick cream.
  • 白族音乐
    music of Bai nationality
  • 共产党员必须明,揭发和清除奸细,是和扩大和巩固民族统一战线不能分离的。
    They must understand that the expansion and consolidation of the national united front is inseparable from the exposure and weeding out of enemy agents.
  • 南非的大型灌木,有许多超群的多毛的分枝和大的多毛的叶子和丛生的显著的花。
    large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers.
  • 巡凫一种体形小的欧洲鸭(鸭属眉鸭),在公鸭的每个眼圈周围和头的后部有非常明显的色条纹
    A small European duck(Anas querquedula) having a conspicuous white stripe over each eye and down the back of the head in the male.
  • 羊座位于北半球靠近金牛星座和双鱼星座的一个星座
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Taurus and Pisces.
  • 球蛋由血红蛋构成的蛋
    The protein that is a constituent of hemoglobin.
  • 微管蛋一种球蛋,是微管的基本结构成分
    A globular protein that is the basic structural constituent of microtubules.
  • 如果连续失眠或者天困倦,就请咨询一下医生。
    If sleep trouble or daytime drowsiness persists, consult a doctor.
  • 基辛格在肯尼迪执政时的宫中当了一名兼职顾问,但很快就被排挤出去。曾任肯尼迪和约翰逊两位总统的国家安全事务助理的麦乔治·邦迪说,这是因为"他既想当秘密的顾问,又想当公开的预言家,这两者是不可兼得的"。
    Kissinger as a part-time consultant in Kennedy's White House was edged out early because,as McGeorge Bundy,one-time assistant for National Security Affairs to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson,said," He tried to be a private consultant and a public soothsayer at the same time,and the two are incompatible.
  • 因此,就国家资源所受到的持久性影响来说,这一半生产性劳动者所消费掉的物品,同非生产性消费一样,被浪费掉了。
    and whatever this half consume is as completely lost, as to any permanent effect on the national resources, as if it were consumed unproductively.
  • 由于丙的浪费,本来在消费时能得到收益的资金被浪费掉了。
    By C's prodigality, that which would have been consumed with a return, is consumed without return.
  • 中国目前酒类构成中耗粮较多的烈性酒比重过大,每年酿酒耗粮2000多万吨。中国政府将采取措施,减少高度酒的生产,降低酒在酒类中的比重。
    and the production of alcoholic drinks made from grain -- at present consuming 20 million tons of grain a year -- will be curbed.
  • 十足的傻瓜;十足的胆小鬼;彻底的痴;十足的恶棍;彻底的忽略;彻头彻尾的傻瓜;十足的傻话;多么脏乱;十足的疯子;彻底的坏人;十足的废话。
    an arrant fool; a complete coward; a consummate fool; a double-dyed villain; gross negligence; a perfect idiot; pure folly; what a sodding mess; stark staring mad; a thoroughgoing villain; utter nonsense.
  • 城有女子的人家,要的也是钱,许多“待价而沽”的现货,交易当然不是很难的,不到一个星期,他就花了四百元,买了一个,——或竟可说是一只——又肥又的。
    What the families in town with daughters wanted was also money. When there was such an abundance of goods available just waiting for the right price, the transaction was not difficult to consummate. In less than a week, he had spent four hundred dollars and bought someone --- or perhaps something --- plump and fair.
  • 入定与某人的物质环境所分离,如在冥思或日梦中
    Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.
  • 特别可鄙的是南方人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯”的天堂。
    Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches, which evidently looked forward to a “lily white” heaven.
  • 你根本不能明!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954)
    You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum, which is what I am.
  • 鸡蛋含有很高的蛋
    Eggs have a high protein content.