  • 沙恩特制的裹了松脆黄油和巧克力的土豆深受劳伦一家的喜爱,以至于劳伦自己也不断鼓动她开始经营巧克力事业。
    Shane's butter crunch and chocolate-covered potato sticks were so beloved by the Lauren household that the designer himself urged her to start marketing her creations.
  • 两块田之间有一树木带。
    A belt of trees grew between the two fields.
  • 我需要一腰带系裤子。
    I need a belt keep up my trousers.
  • 这条带子很容易扣。
    The belt buckled easily.
  • 一条林带把田围住。
    A belt of trees encircled the field.
  • 皮带太短,围不住我的腰。
    The belt won't go round my waist.
  • 他要一系长衫的带子。
    He wants a cord belting the gown.
  • 这条长凳是榆木制的.
    This bench is made of elm.
  • 凳子能坐四个人。
    Each bench will seat four persons.
  • 长凳经常当桌子用。
    The bench often does duty for a table.
  • 他们在湖畔的一长凳上坐下。
    They seated themselves upon a bench that stood by the lake.
  • 公务员事务局局长稍后会委托公务员薪俸及服务件常务委员会进行详细的基准检讨,以确定公务员薪酬中的主要入职薪点是否仍然与私营机构目前的入职薪酬水平大体相近。
    The Secretary for the Civil Service will shortly commission the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service to carry out a detailed Benchmark Review to determine whether or not civil service pay at the crucial entry point is still in step with the equivalent pay levels being offered in the private sector.
  • 这条小河折向西流。
    The stream bends to the west.
  • 沉甸甸的硕果压弯了枝
    The branches were bending down with the weight of the fruit.
  • 路经过几个转弯之後就直了.
    The road straightens (out) after a series of bends.
  • 路在几码远的地方转向右方.
    The road bends to the right after a few yards.
  • 这条路在此急转。
    The road bends sharply here.
  • 这条河折向东流。
    The river bends to the east.
  • 这条路向左拐弯。
    The road bends to the left.
  • 河转了好几个弯才流入海中。
    The river bends several times before reaching the sea.
  • 路线已标有记号,很容易跟着走。
    The route has bene marked so that it is easy to follow.
  • 有利件有利因素或有利因素的总和
    A beneficial factor or combination of factors.
  • 规定一般来说,对社会极为有益。
    This regulation will be highly beneficial to the scoiety at large.
  • 在一定件下坏事可以变成好事。
    Under given conditions the harmful can be transformed into the beneficial.
  • (律)受益人财产份额的增加(当共同受益人死了或不符合件或放弃继承。
    (law) an increase in a beneficiary's share in an estate (as when a co-beneficiary dies or fails to meet some condition or rejects the inheritance).
  • 请从信用证上删去此款“所有银行佣金和费用由受益人支付”,因为这些费用理应由进口方支付。
    Please delete from the L/C the clause "All bank commissions and charges are for beneficiary's account". Such should be paid by the importing party only.
  • 现代医学、科学、高等教育的优良
    The benefits of modern medicine, science, higher education
  • 亚洲河流;发源于喜马拉雅山脉,向东流入孟加拉海湾;印度的宗教河流。
    an Asia river; rises in the Himalayas and flows east into the Bay of Bengal; a sacred river of Hindu India.
  • 最近暴发的肝炎使这个幸福的家庭丧失了三性命。
    The recent outbreak of hepatitis bereaved the happy family of three members.
  • 北美洲的一河流;流入白令海。
    a North American river; flows into the Bering Sea.
  • 哈弗尔河德国东部一流经柏林并注入易北河的流程约346公里(215英里)的河流
    A river, about346 km(215 mi) long, of eastern Germany flowing through Berlin to the Elbe River.
  • 〔1〕指一九四○年九月二十七日德、意、日在柏林订立三国军事同盟约。
    [1] The triple alliance refers to the tripartite pact between Germany, Italy and Japan signed in Berlin on September 27, 1940.[p. 452]