  • 吉斯法国将军及政治家,曾镇胡格诺派
    French general and politician who suppressed the Huguenots.
  • 首钢到2002年年底前减产200万吨,2007年年底前进一步缩生产规模,淘汰污染严重的生产工艺,同时进一步优化产品结构,减少污染。
    By the end of 2002, the Capital Steel & Iron Corporation will cut its steel production by 2 million tons; and further reduction shall be realized with the heavily polluting processes eliminated and the product portfolio optimized to reduce pollution.
  • 加大工业经济结构和布局调整力度,加快东南郊和石景山等重污染地区企业改造步伐,缩钢铁、水泥等产品生产规模,市区200家左右企业实现调整搬迁,重点行业和郊区工业污染防治水平进一步提高。
    Comprehensive renovation in heavily polluting industries located in the southeastern suburban and Shijingshan should be fasten. Especially, the production of iron and steel and cement should be reduced. Moreover, about 200 enterprises in the urban area should be relocated and efficient measures should be taken to prevent and control pollution in the key industries and the industrial pollution sources in suburban areas.
  • 身心上受摧残,不仅受到一夫多妻制的迫和娼妓制度的迫害,而且绝大多数人从小被迫缠足,数百年来,“小脚女人”竟成了中国妇女的一个代称。
    They were subjected to physical and mental torture, being harassed by systems of polygamy and prostitution, the overwhelming majority of them forced to bind their feet from childhood. For centuries, "women with bound feet" was a synonym for the female gender in China.
  • 塑胶通过聚合作用制成的一种有机化合物,能被造型,挤和塑铸成各种形状或薄膜,也可被拉成细丝用作纺织纤维
    Any of various organic compounds produced by polymerization, capable of being molded, extruded, cast into various shapes and films, or drawn into filaments used as textile fibers.
  • 因为这种人不炫耀其富贵就不舒服,结果他们或是在举止言谈上神气活现,或是总要倒一切相反意见或竞争对手。
    Being never well, but while they are showing how great they are, either by outward pomp, or by triumphing over all opposition or competition;
  • 积沙还能造成窟顶巨大力和岩体积水。
    Accumulating sand can lead to great pressure on top of the grottoes and ponding in the rock mass.
  • 搬运工扛著这些行李得直不起腰来。
    The porter was weighed down by all the luggage.
  • 把高电线埋入地下是一种处理方式。
    Putting power lines underground would be a possibility.
  • 低(电)的低位的或低电的,或在低电下的
    Of or at low potential or voltage.
  • 电量计一种用来测量电流或电的仪器
    An instrument for measuring electrical current or potential.
  • 单位等于千伏特。
    a unit of potential equal to a thousand volts.
  • 尽管有严刑拷打和心理上的力,一些战俘仍旧坚定不移。
    despite the torture and the psychological pressure some POWs remained unbrainwashed.
  • 粉盒包括镜子、挤的粉末和粉扑的小盒子
    A small case containing a mirror, pressed powder, and a powder puff.
  • 运行或高推动。
    operating on or powered by a high voltage.
  • 高电、高血、高度的赞扬
    High voltage, blood pressure, praise
  • 这是我们党和国家当前倒一切的最艰巨的任务。
    Right now, for our Party and country, reform is the task that takes precedence over everything else and that is the most difficult.
  • 大气低于正常值的气团;常伴有降水。
    an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation.
  • 只允许预定高的电通过的电路。
    an electronic circuit permits only voltage pulses of predetermined height to pass.
  • 我本不愿意寻求总统提名,因为那个职位的力是难以想象的。
    I would not seek your nomination for the Presidency because the burdens of that office stagger the imagination.
  • 西方国家借口“教案”,向中国政府施加军事或政治力,提出种种无理要求,强迫赔款,捕杀无辜,甚至以此为口实发动侵略战争。
    On the pretext of these religious cases the Western powers imposed military and political pressure on the Chinese government. They put forward various unreasonable demands, compelled the Chinese government to pay indemnities, and arrested and executed innocent people. Moreover, they even launched aggressive wars on such a pretext.
  • 西方国家借口“教案”,向中国政府施加军事或政治力,提出种种无理要求,强迫赔款,捕杀无辜,甚至以此为口实发动侵略战争。
    On the pretext of these religious cases the Western powers imposed military and political pressure on the Chinese government. They put forward various unreasonable demands, compelled the Chinese government to pay indemnities, and arrested and executed innocent people.
  • 迫民族决不会听任侵略者肆意掠夺。
    The oppressed peoples will never allow themselves to be preyed upon by any invaders.
  • 印刷术,印刷业通过接触印或类似方式,将油墨从印刷表面转移到纸或布上的图像复制过程、工艺或行业
    The art, process, or business of producing printed material by means of inked type and a printing press or by similar means.
  • 用静电的页式打印机。
    a page printer that uses the xerographic process.
  • 这是一项倒一切的工作。
    This work is prior to all others.
  • 波在传播时施加在一表面上的微小力,方向与波传播的方向相同。
    the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave.
  • 气穴现象由于机械力,如由船用的旋转机械力产生的致使液体中的低气泡突然形成并破裂的现象
    The sudden formation and collapse of low-pressure bubbles in liquids by means of mechanical forces, such as those resulting from rotation of a marine propeller.
  • 如果电阻保持不变,则电流与电成正比。
    Current is proportional to voltage with resistance being constant.
  • 在电阻不变的直流电路中,电流和电成正比。
    In a constant resistance D.C circuit the current will vary directly proportional to the voltage.
  • 聚拢在一起或身体、心理范围上的挤
    drawn together or squeezed physically or by extension psychologically.
  • 尽管有些人确实从监狱中的常规医疗中得到了好处,但其他人由于力而加剧了他们的抑郁症、妄想症或导致精神崩溃。
    Though some people do benefit from regular medication while in jail, others suffer as the stress deepens their depression, intensifies delusions or leads to a psychotic break.