  • 一个一年或多年生禾本属,包括装饰性和草坪用草品种和声名狼藉的业杂草。
    annual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious agricultural weeds.
  • 中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,村尤其不发达。
    China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas.
  • 项目建设主要包括大业、基础设施建设、第二第三产业开发、劳务输出、教育卫生和贫困监测等方面。
    This project mainly involved mega-agriculture, infrastructure, development of secondary and tertiary industries, labor service export, education, health care and poverty monitoring.
  • 几个男孩去偷瓜,夫放出狗去咬他们。
    Some boys went to steal melons but the farmer set his dog on them.
  • 几个男孩去偷西瓜,瓜却放狗咬他们。
    Some boys went to steal water melons but the farmer set this dog on them.
  • 兰开斯特美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部一座城市,位于费城西部。作为一个富饶业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺派教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。人口55,551
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia. A trade center in a rich farming region, it was settled by German Mennonites c.1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in1777. Population,55, 551.
  • 如果过去没有“左”的干扰,没有一九五八年的波折,尤其是没有文化大革命,不要说像我们现在这样吸收世界先进经验,不要说好多的雄心壮志,只要老老实实按部就班地干,我们的工业生产和科学、教育一定有了很大发展,人民的生活一定有了较大的改善。
    Had it not been for the "Left" interference, the reversals of 1958 and especially of the "cultural revolution", significant progress would certainly have been achieved in our industrial and agricultural production and in science and education, and the people's standard of living would certainly have improved to a fair extent.We could have accomplished these things simply by working conscientiously and methodically, even without applying the experience of the advanced countries and having the high resolve we have today.
  • 农产品收购方式
    purchasing methods of agricultural products
  • 三中农
  • 截至1999年,全国孕产妇保健覆盖率已超过86%,村妇女新法接生率达95.4%;
    By 1999, the ratio of health care for pregnant and puerperal women throughout the country had exceeded 86 percent, and 95.4 percent of rural women had access to the modern method of midwifery.
  • 妇幼卫生工作受到重视,目前,村新法接生率达70%以上,住院分娩率达50%左右;
    Special attention has also been paid to the work concerning the health of women and children. In the rural areas, the ratio of adoption of modern midwifery has reached 70% or more. The ratio of women giving birth in hospitals has reached around 50%.
  • 各地要清理、取消不合理的限制和乱收费,为民进城务工经商提供方便,切实保障他们的合法权益;
    Local governments should abolish unreasonable restrictions, cancel improper charges and improve their services in order to make it easier for farmers to migrate to cities for work or business and to guarantee their legitimate rights and interests.
  • (四)从斗争的工群众中创造出新的红军部队。
    4.Create new units of the Red Army from among the masses of militant workers and peasants.
  • 〔16〕“挨户团”是当时湖南村武装的一种,它分常备队和非常备队两部分。
    [16] The "standing household militia" was one of the various kinds of armed forces in the countryside.
  • 村的乡镇、行政村,城市街道和具有一定规模的企业事业单位,是民兵的基本组建单位。
    Rural towns and townships, administrative villages, urban sub-districts, and enterprises and institutions of a certain scale are the basic units in which the militia is organized.
  • 夫挤完牛奶以后,就把母牛放出去了。
    The farmer let out the cows after milking.
  • 夫将奶牛圈在一处挤奶。
    The farmer rounded up the cows for milking.
  • 民一天两次为奶牛挤奶。
    The farmer milks the cows twice a day.
  • 例如,磨坊主和面包师傅——是应该把他们算作民呢,还是应该算作制造者?
    The miller, for instance, and the baker-are they to be reckoned among agriculturists, or among manufacturers?
  • 村贫困人口由4960万人减少到2820万人。
    The number of rural poor decreased from 49.6 million to 28.2 million.
  • 自然护理署亦鼓励禽畜友采用可持续的生产方式,减少对环境造成的影响。
    Livestock farmers are encouraged to adopt sustainable production practices that minimise the impact on the environment.
  • 为加强业技术交易与合作,经国务院批准,由科技部、教育部、业部等16个国家部委和陕西省人民政府主办,联合国开发计划署、教科文组织、世界银行、欧盟协办的第七届中国杨凌业高新科技成果博览会将于11月5日至9日在陕西杨凌举行。
    As to stress on the transaction and cooperation in the field of farming technology, the 7th China Yangling high and new scientific and technological farming achievement fair is held from the 5th to 9th of November in Yangling of Shaanxi, rectified by the National State Council and 16 national ministries including the Ministry of Scientific and Technological, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Farming and Shaanxi people's government,and so on with the sponsorship of the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations Educational and Scientific Program and the Word Bank and European Union.
  • 为了向全社会展示“双学双比”活动的丰硕成果和对村改革与两个文明建设的有力推动,展现当代村妇女的聪明才智和崭新风貌,激励更多的村妇女投身社会主义新村建设,在“双学双比”活动十周年之际,全国妇联、业部、财政部等15个部委联合组织两项纪念活动:
    To exhibit the great success achieved in the dual campaign, the talents and completely new look of rural women and encourage more rural women to throw themselves into construction of the new countryside and give a more vigorous push to the rural reform and development of material and moral civilizations, 15 ministries and commissions including the ACWF, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance have decided to jointly hold the following two activities to celebrate the tenth anniversary of "Learning and Competing Campaign".
  • 农业部动物检疫所
    National Animal Quarantine Institute, Ministry of Agriculture
  • 业部业微生物重点实验室项目
    Key Laboratory Project on Agromcrobiology of Chinese Agriculture Ministry
  • 孟卡多美国明尼苏达州南部一城市,位于明尼阿波利斯西南偏南方,是其所在的业及乳品业地区的贸易和加工中心。人口31,477人
    A city of southern Minnesota south-southwest of Minneapolis. It is a trade and processing center in a farm and dairy region. Population,31, 477.
  • 加伏特舞一种法国民的舞蹈,类似于小步舞
    A French peasant dance resembling the minuet.
  • 那次暴风雨封作物造成了重大损害。
    The storm did much mischief to the crops.
  • 我们的办法是一面宣传“不杀反水民”,“反水民回来一样得田地”,使他们脱离豪绅的影响,安心回家;
    Our solution is, on the one hand, to announce that "peasant who have defected will not be killed" and "peasants who have defected will also be given land when they return", in order to help them shake off the influence of the landlords and return home without misgivings;
  • 因为敌人的严密封锁和我们对小资产阶级的处理失当这两个原因,两区几乎完全断绝贸易,食盐、布匹、药材等项日常必需品的缺乏和昂贵,木材、茶油等产品不能输出,民断绝进款,影响及于一般人民。
    Owing to the tight enemy blockade and to our mishandling of the petty bourgeoisie, trade between the two areas has almost entirely ceased; Necessities such as salt, cloth and medicines are scarce and costly, and agricultural products such as timber, tea and oil cannot be sent out, so that the peasants' cash in come is cut off and the people as a whole are affected.
  • 格林维尔美国密西西比州西部的城市,在密西西比河上,位于维克斯堡的北面。它周围为富饶的业区,其本身为贸易、制造业和工业中心。人口45,226
    A city of western Mississippi on the Mississippi River north of Vicksburg. It is a trade, processing, and industrial center in a fertile agricultural region. Population,45, 226.
  • 带着讥笑的声调说道:“你们上无片瓦,下无插针之地,有什么不进会1
    The rich peasants answer mockingly, "What is there to keep you from joining?You people have neither a tile over your heads nor a speck of land under your feet!"