  • 看破生死者始成功。英国谚语
    He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.English proverb
  • 在你们的合同中已订定有可要翻译这本书。
    The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract.
  • 政府须为未来几个月中可出现的油荒作好准备。
    The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months.
  • 烛光只提供稍微的改变
    Candlelight provided just the right touch.
  • 当然,一个人底心若以仁爱为动机,以天意为归宿,并且以真理为地轴而动转,那这人的生活可真是地上的天堂了。
    Certainly, it is heaven upon earth, to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth.
  • 我们正着手设立公积金,并扩展照顾老人的服务,使老人够「老有所养、老有所属、老有所为」。
    We are setting up provident funds and extending care for the elderly in order that our old people are provided with a treasure sense of security, belonging, and worthiness.
  • 那条红牛不是偶然死掉的,而你的风湿病还不算作天赐的惩罚!”
    The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!'
  • 使全家丰衣足食。
    He is a good provider.
  • 有储存空间的任何建筑物。
    any structure providing space for storage.
  • 没有报酬;不满足个人的需要。
    not rewarding; not providing personal satisfaction.
  • 够存在、发生或可证实为真的。
    capable of existing or taking place or proving true.
  • 他有耐……表明自己是个不易被打倒的凶狠的对手。
    He had a genius…of proving himself an ugly customer.
  • 她一心要向全世界证明,女性也在拳坛上取得持久的成功。
    And she's committed to proving to the world that women can have enduring success in the ring.
  • 在世界上每个地区,自由市场、自由贸易和自由社会正体现出他们的威力,这些原则使人们的生活水平得以提高。
    In every region, free markets and free trade and free societies are proving their power to lift lives.
  • 过去没有人知道淮河是够徒涉的,那一次刚涨起来的河水又落下去了,伯承亲自去踩踏,恰好就是那个时候徒涉,这就非常顺利了。
    Nobody had ever known that one could walk across the Huaihe. Just when we arrived, the waters, which had been rising, suddenly fell. Bocheng himself walked into the river, proving that we could wade across. So things became much easier for us.
  • 他们采取措施防备可发生的灾难。
    They make provision against possible disasters.
  • 当然,仅仅依靠这些规定,并不自动地解决问题。
    Of course, these provisions alone cannot solve the problem;
  • 他才是个真正的君子:而对挑衅他竭力忍着不动怒。
    He was a real gentleman: he managed to control his temper despite the provocation.
  • 他是一个忍耐的人,但就连他也没法忍受那种挑衅了。
    He is a patient man, but not even he could sit down under that kind of provocation.
  • 这一协议的目的你也明白,是为了防止可出现过分刺激对方的行动。
    The purpose of this agreement,as you know,was to prevent acts that might appear to be unduly provocative to one side or the other.
  • 这种有倾向性 的说法可招致强烈的反对.
    Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.
  • 沙皇的统治非常暴虐,所以不用花多大气力就激发大众起来革命。
    The rule of the tsars was so oppressive that it did not take much to provoke the masses into a revolution.
  • 因为霸权主义者有疯狂性,不知道他们在什么地方制造一件什么小事情,就可挑起战争。
    For the hegemonists are desperate, and no one can tell for sure when or where some small incident they create may provoke a war.
  • 技能卓绝的足球选手
    a football player of great prowess
  • 越是贫穷落后的国家,越是致力于发展强大的武装力量,尤其不欠缺的是公然违反国际公约的化学武器。
    The poorer and less developed a country is, the more it seeks to strengthen its military prowess, especially the acquisition of chemical weapons that openly defies international treaties.
  • 越是贫穷落后的国家,越是致力于发展强大的武装力量,尤其不欠缺的是公然违反国际公约的化学武器。
    The poorer and less developed a country is, the more it seeks to strengthen its military prowess, especially the acquisition of chemical weapons which openly defies international treaties.
  • 以数学天才约翰纳薛教授为例,他虽然曾患精神分裂症,却够在美国普林斯顿大学教学,并在1994年获颁诺贝尔经济学奖。
    Take the case of Professor John Nash, who, despite being stricken with severe schizophrenia, was allowed to teach at America's Princeton University because of his mathematical prowess and who eventually won a Nobel Price for economics in 1994.
  • 具体而言,它将够控制位置查询所固有的独特存储器和cpu密集型处理(例如,街区路由、模糊查找和地图显示等)。
    In particular, it will be able to handle the unique storage and CPU-intensive processing inherent in location queries (e.g. street routing, proximity searches, and map rendering).
  • 集成电路有着许多优点,但首先还是表现在它的高速度、低耗以及更可靠上,而且总体上降低了电路的复杂程度。
    Integrated circuits have a number of advantages, the close proximity of devices results in high speeds, they require minimal power, they are more reliable, and in general, reduce the complexity of a circuit.
  • 地理优势,中国的文化根源,加上现代化的管理模式令香港比起其他方,更适合为国际机构提供人材,知识和技在中国成功开展业务。
    Proximity to China, the Chinese heritage, modern management style, and ability to speak English and Chinese have placed Hong Kong in the best position to provide the international business community with the people, the knowledge , the skill necessary to run successful business in China.
  • 替我找一个代理人吗?
    Can you find me a proxy?
  • 今天,多数商品化的路由器都不具备代理功,但我相信,将来代理技术将融合进路由器的程序代码中。
    Most commercial routers do not have proxy capabilities today, although I believe that proxy technology will be integrated with router code in the future.