  • 树突神经细胞中一种树枝状细胞质突起,它把邻近细胞的刺激传到本细胞。体内一条神经里可有许多树突
    A branched protoplasmic extension of a nerve cell that conducts impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body. A single nerve may possess many dendrites.
  • 现在,霍克蒂的燃料电池原型只输出几毫瓦的电力。
    Right now, Hockaday's prototypes put out only a few milli-watts of power.
  • 一个在美国麻省剑桥工作的日本三菱电子实验室研究小组已经成功制造出了第一个这样的智酒杯,不过要将这项发明卖给英国人却没有那么容易。
    A team from the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories working in Cambridge, Massachusetts has made the first prototypes, but may find it hard to sell the idea to Britons.
  • 最令人不安是,美国曾向伊拉克原子委员会无数次运送了各种菌类。
    What most unsettling is numerous shipments of"bacteria/fungi/protozoa"to the IAEC.
  • 大量的直接的援助,目前虽然还没有,尚有待于来日,但是中国有进步和大国的条件,够延长战争的时间,促进并等候国际的援助。
    Large-scale direct assistance is as yet lacking and will come only in the future, but China is progressive and is a big country, and these are the factors enabling her to protract the war and to promote as well as await international help.
  • 答复:不速胜,必须是持久战。
    The answer is, No, she cannot win quickly, and the war must be a protracted one.
  • 这个方面,又给予我们以够持久和最后胜利的根据。
    This trend also provides a basis for our ability to fight a protracted war and win final victory.
  • 这一切,又规定了战争不速胜,而只是持久战。
    From all this it follows that our war cannot be won quickly but can only be a protracted war.
  • 惟独中国的战争不不以最大的忍耐性对待之,不不以持久战对待之。
    China's war, however, must be handled with the greatest patience and treated as a protracted war.
  • 答复:不速胜,抗日战争是持久战。
    The answer is, No, she cannot win quickly, and the War of Resistance will be a protracted war.
  • 这一切,规定了我之抗战不速胜,而只是持久战。
    From all this it follows that our War of Resistance cannot be won quickly and can only be a protracted war.
  • 中国今天的解放战争,就是在这种进步的基础上得到了持久战和最后胜利的可性。
    It is on the basis of this progress that China's present war of liberation can be protracted and can achieve final victory.
  • 继续讨论下去并不解决任何问题.
    Further protraction of the discussion will not achieve anything.
  • 够伸出、伸展或者展开。
    capable of being protruded or stretched or opened out.
  • 经常吮吸拇指使牙齿向外突出.
    Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.
  • 他为女儿说四种语言而骄傲。
    He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages.
  • 为自己的孩子而感到自豪;为报效国家而自豪
    Proud of one's child; proud to serve one's country.
  • 带领香港向这个目标迈进,深感自豪和光荣。
    I am proud and privileged to lead it.
  • 当然,没有任何一个头衔让我比作为一个美国公民更为自豪的了。
    But there is no title I will wear more proudly than that of citizen.
  • 一个民族,没有振奋的精神和高尚的品格,不可自立于世界民族之林。
    Without an inspiring spirit and lofty character, it is impossible for a nation to stand proudly in the family of nations.
  • 谁能证明这一点?
    Who can prove it?
  • 你能对我证实吗?
    Can you prove it to me?
  • 证明有力或者正确;实现必要条件。
    prove capable or fit; meet requirements.
  • 但你用事实证明一下吗?
    But can you prove it with facts?
  • 向法庭证实这一点吗?
    Can you prove that to the court?
  • 他的表现证明他规规矩矩地做人。
    He proved he could keep straight.
  • 发生的,可存在的在与被证明的事实、法则或状况不发生矛盾的情况下发生、存在的或是真实的
    Capable of happening, existing, or being true without contradicting proven facts, laws, or circumstances.
  • 也没有人够听懂他们所说的话。
    One of its chiefs, who understood Proven?
  • 当港元面对最近一轮的冲击时,货币发行局制度证明有效发挥作用。
    In the recent round of attacks on the Hong Kong dollar, the currency board system has proven to be most effective.
  • 我们所需要的人须有档案证明且不需培训就接手这一工作。
    What we require is somebody with a proven track record who can take over the job without having to be trained.
  • 在实时小组设置环境中,人们不访问和分享pc机上的信息,这业已证明是台式计算机的一大弱点。
    The inability to access and share PC-resident information in a real-time group setting has proven to be a major weakness of desktop computers.
  • 告诉我为什么会有这种说法吗?
    Can you tell me why this proverb comes?