  • 目前,只有在动物明显受到折磨的情况下,其主人才受到起诉。
    At present animal owners can be prosecuted only once an animal is clearly suffering.
  • 战争罪将受到追究,战犯将受到惩罚,到那时,"我只是服从命令"将不成为借口或免受惩罚的理由。
    War crimes will be prosecuted, war criminals will be punished and it will be no defense to say, "I was just following orders."
  • 责怪参加绝食、游行、签名的人,只追究用心不良、触犯刑律的带头的人。
    The ones who took part in the hunger strikes and demonstrations and signed petitions are not to blame. Only those leaders who had ulterior motives and violated the law will be prosecuted.
  • 不缴纳税款就可被起诉。
    Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
  • 不缴纳税款就可被起诉。
    Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
  • 不缴纳税款就可被起诉
    Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution
  • 作为一个群体互相见面,不怕被起诉。
    Being able to meet as a group without being afraid of prosecution.
  • 检察官和法官的职位不由一个人兼任
    The incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge.
  • 他访问了七个可的顾客, 但一笔生意也没有做成 。
    He called on seven prospects but failed to make a sale.
  • 汤姆是可购买我的房屋的人。
    Tom is the prospective buyer of my house.
  • 向可的买主介绍商品的人。
    someone who demonstrates an article to a prospective buyer.
  • 伯恩:有几位已经在寻找可要他们机器的买主。
    A couple of them are looking for prospective buyers of their machines.
  • 前景好得不能再好了.
    The prospects couldn't be rosier.
  • 当观看课程指南时,你要把握好两种课程之间的平衡。选修的课程体系越有弹性,你将越有余地依据你的力搭配课程。
    When looking at the prospectus look at the balance between the two,the more flexibility with the option structure,the more you will be able to tailor the course to suit your abilities.
  • 她有可成为一位优秀的作家。
    his prospects as a writer are excellent.
  • 法国和香港的关系非常密切,我期望我们继续发展两地的关系,使彼此的联系更上一层楼。
    France and Hong Kong have a close relationship, and I look forward to seeing it grow and prosper.
  • 有商业头脑的领导人往往有助于公司兴旺发达。
    Heads with good business sense often can help their companies grow prosperous.
  • 但没有比残缺的灵魂更可怕。那是不用假肢来填补的。《女人香》
    But there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that.-----Scent of A Women
  • 他凭着自己的才为别人滥拍电视广告。
    He prostituted his abilities by acting in television advertisements.
  • 1949年11月北京市第二届人民代表会议率先作出禁娼决定,当即关闭所有妓院,将妓女集中起来进行学习和教育,帮助她们改造思想、医治性病、学习劳动技,引导和帮助她们建立正常生活,成为自食其力的劳动者。
    In November 1949, the second people's conference of Beijing took the lead in prohibiting prostitution.The city promptly closed all brothels, and provided education and medical treatment for prostitutes, enabling them to live off their own labor.
  • 我们决不拜倒在功名与财富脚下。
    We should not prostrate ourselves before rank and wealth.
  • 罗尔夫·希尔根菲尔德的实验室里有一种可以阻隔病毒中蛋白酶的药物,但是这种药物对人体毒性太大,因而不用于人类。
    Hilgenfeld's lab has a drug that blocks the protease, but it is too toxic to use in people.
  • 但任何国家实现和维护人权的道路,都不脱离该国的历史和经济、政治、文化的具体国情,并需由主权国家通过国内立法对人权制度予以确认和保护。
    However, no country in its effort to realize and protect human rights can take a route that is divorced from its history and its economic, political and cultural realities. A human rights system must be ratified and protected by each sovereign state through its domestic legislation.
  • 我们怎样才保护我们的计算机数据?
    How can we protect our computer files?
  • 她向父亲保证,她会戴上护胸,练习防守技
    She assured him that she'd wear a breast protector and exercise good defensive skills.
  • 他有该国最有势力的人作靠山,准成功。
    As the protege of the most powerful man in the country, his success is guaranteed.
  • 抗议者们充分发表了自己的看法,但他们的观点几乎没有对那些沉默的大多数产生影响。
    The protesters make the most noise but their views have little o f no effect on the silent majority.
  • 计算机是一种变化多端、神通广大的机器,因为它显示一千种图象,发挥一千种功
    The computer is the Proteus of machines, as it takes on a thousand forms and serves a thousand functions.
  • 一种传送控制字符,用于指明一个或多个后继的位模式不正确地解释为系统编码或系统链路协议中的字符。
    A transmission control character used to indicate that one or more of the following bit patterns have no correct interpretations as characters in the code or link protocol of the system.
  • 缺乏上下文或国家信息使之不把包过滤用于数据包为基础的协议,如文件传送协议。
    Lack of context or state information makes it impossible to use packet-filters for datagram-based protocols such as File Transfer Protocol.
  • 一种与移动的电子和质子有关的量。
    a form of energy associated with moving electrons and protons.
  • 微生物,细菌微小的活的物质或细胞,发育成新的有机体或部分有机体
    A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop.