  • 飞机各种够飞行的带翼交通工具,通常比空气重,用喷气式发动机或螺旋桨驱动
    Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers.
  • 飞机不飞入太空,因为飞机的螺旋桨如果没有空气的反推力推进,是飞不起来的。
    An airplane cannot fly out into space be cause it must have the air for its propellers to push against.
  • 倾向于或者够推进。
    tending to or capable of propelling.
  • 材料机械性能试验
    mechanical property test of material
  • 他说,世界需要一个共同的方法来描述用户要求管理的任何东西的性质,以使他们够对不同节点和应用程序的不同性质进行关联和比较。
    The world needs a common way to describe the property of anything users want to manage so that they can associate and compare different properties of different nodes and applications, he says.
  • 凡预言皆不指望其完全应验。
    No prophecy can be expected to go on all fours.
  • 预言谁能竞选获胜
    prophesy who will win the election
  • 未来学者早已预言,当所有形式的通信由单一格式定义,并由同一设备处理,甚至可由同一家公司结算之时,就实现了大集成。
    Futurists have long been prophesying a Great Integration, when all forms of communications would be defined by a single format, handled by the same equipment and possibly even billed for by the same company.
  • 预言力预言家的力或状态
    The vocation or condition of a prophet.
  • 预言作品;预言力;被证实的预言。
    prophetic writings; prophetic powers; words that proved prophetic.
  • 恒利曾写下了有警世意味的名句:“我是自己命运的主宰,我是自己灵魂的船长。”他想必是希望让我们知道,我们是自己命运的主宰,也是自己灵魂的船长,因为我们有控制自己思想的力。
    When Henley wrote the prophetic lines,"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul," he should have informed us that we are the master of our fate, the captains of our souls, because we have the power to control our thoughts.
  • 若干年后我们就体会他当时说的话多有预见。
    We are to realize year later how prophetically he speak on that occasion.
  • 若干年後我们就体会他当时说的话多有预见
    We are to realize years later how prophetically he spoke on that occasion
  • 若干年後我们就体会他当时说的话多有预见.
    We were to realize years later how prophetically he spoke on that occasion.
  • 现在的报纸和健美杂志都在倡导每天至少饮用8整杯共64盎司的水,认为这样才活得更健康,他们将这称为"8×8"健康理论。
    Newspaper articles,health and beauty magazines all advise drinking at least 8full glasses of water a day totaling 64ounces for optimal health--an approach called" 8 x 8"by proponents.
  • 其支持者梦想世界将由atm支配,即唯一的同时伸展到局域网和广域网上的技术,建立单一的、统一网络,在同一线路上向位于任何地方的桌面系统传送话音、视频图像和数据。
    Its proponents dreamed of a world dominated by ATM, the only technology able to stretch across both the LAN and the WAN, creating a single, unifying network delivering voice, video and data over the same wire to desktops everywhere.
  • 答案的关键可是人们要对一个人的功过权衡轻重。
    The key to the answer may be proportion.
  • 因为要在篇幅必然有限的情形下,对这36部实际上相互独立而各具特色的作品,逐一进行规模与其价值和重要性相称的研究,乃是不可的。
    For to study each of these thirty-six plays, distinct and truly independent of each other as they are, on a scale proportionate to its value and importance would he impossible where space is necessarily restricted.
  • 由于海洋哺乳动物的肺成比例地大于人类,所以每次呼吸时它们吸进更多的空气。
    Marine mammals can take in more air with each breath, as their lungs are proportionately larger than those in humans.
  • 工业愈进步,愈加匀称地扩展到世界各国,刚发生战争的可性将愈小。
    But the more that industry advances, and proportionately extends over the countries of the earth, the smaller will be the possibility of wars.
  • 某些人可认为,运输业者和商人也应归入这一类,因为他们的劳动并不给物品增添任何性质。但我的答复是,他们的劳动给物品增添了性质,使物品处在人们需要它们的地方,而不是别的地方。这是一种非常有用的性质,它所提供的效用体现在了物品上,物品现在实际上是在人们需要它们的地方,由此而增加了效用,物品可以按较高的价格出售,价格提高的幅度与所花费的劳动成比例。
    It may appear to some, that carriers, and merchants or dealers, should be placed in this same class, since their labour does not add any properties to objects: but I reply that it does: it adds the property of being in the place where they are wanted, instead of being in some other place: which is a very useful property, and the utility it confers is embodied in the things themselves, which now actually are in the place where they are required for use, and in consequence of that increased utility could be sold at an increased price, proportioned to the labour expended in conferring it.
  • 推荐他参加你们俱乐部吗?
    Could you propose him for your club?
  • 他的建议在理论上可以, 但不付诸实现。
    His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.
  • 你要是想知道汤姆在哪里,他很可正在“金杯”酒店里喝酒。
    If you want to know where Tom is, he is probably propping up the bar in the Golden Bowl.
  • 抛射体被发射出去、扔出去或被推动的物体,比如子弹,它没有自我推进的
    A fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as a bullet, having no capacity for self-propulsion.
  • 此外,我们所发现的另一个重要的东西是一些未被说明的被禁止的武器,举例来说,伊拉克提供的一份文件表明,他们目前拥有1000吨化学武器原料没有说明,当然,我们不据此下结论说伊拉克拥有化学武器,但是也不排除这种可性。
    Another matter - and one of great significance - is that many proscribed weapons and items are not accounted for. To take an example, a document, which Iraq provided, suggested to us that some 1,000 tonnes of chemical agent were "unaccounted for". One must not jump to the conclusion that they exist. However, that possibility is also not excluded.
  • 我们知道,很多政府的情报机构都坚信伊拉克目前仍然拥有被禁止的武器、设施和计划,美国国务卿曾经在不久前提交了一些证据来证明他的结论,各国政府都拥有一些核查人员不知道的情报来源,而作为核查人员本身来说,他们的报告只基于所发现的证据,没有证据就不服众。
    We are fully aware that many governmental intelligence organizations are convinced and assert that proscribed weapons, items and programmes continue to exist. The US Secretary of State presented material in support of this conclusion. Governments have many sources of information that are not available to inspectors. Inspectors, for their part, must base their reports only on evidence, which they can, themselves, examine and present publicly. Without evidence, confidence cannot arise.
  • 理解的意见;不理解的散文段落
    Unintelligible remarks; an unintelligible prose passage.
  • 人民要求政府满足自己的政治经济要求,同时给政府以一切可的利于抗日的援助;
    the people want the government to satisfy their political and economic demands, and at the same time give the government every possible help to prosecute the War of Resistance;
  • 根本就不可泄露什么机密。所以直到现在他们没有够找出那位李文和博士泄露机密的证据。他们没法起诉他,只好把他解雇了。
    As each of those working there knows about only a part of a project,it is impossible for them to leak any secrets. Therefore,even now,they have not found any solid evidence to prosecute Dr Wen Ho Lee. They can only fire him.
  • 我只用我的车了,但我得冒一次被起诉的危险,因为这辆车没有上过税。
    I had to use my car but I ran the risk of being prosecuted because it wasn't taxed.
  • 税务局非正式地告诉公司,它可被起诉。
    The tax office told the company, unofficially, that it would be prosecuted.