  • 他未能得到提升。
    He failed of promotion.
  • 她有可能获得晋升.
    She's in line for promotion.
  • 希望你方及早回复。
    Your prompt reply, therefore, will be appreciated.
  • 我们这批货,考虑即期装运?
    For this lot, could you consider prompt shipment?
  • 希望及时处理此订单,不胜感激。
    Your prompt attention to this order will be appreciated.
  • 希望及时处理此订单,不胜感激。
    Your prompt attention to this order will is appreciate.
  • 贵公司若迅速办理则感激不尽.
    Your prompt attention to this would be greatly appreciated.
  • 发源于或出于天生的才的。
    derived from or prompted by a natural tendency.
  • 行动自然愿望和直觉激起的行为和想法
    Conduct or thought prompted by natural desires or instincts.
  • 迅速送还,我将非常感谢。
    You will greatly oblige me if you return them promptly.
  • 依照付款条件,贵公司每次均迅速付款。但这一次的态度,我们实在难以理解。
    Your usual promptness in make payment according to term make it difficult to understand your present attitude.
  • 启发推动智力或情感,或者促进行动或发明的媒介物,如人或艺术品
    An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention.
  • 1984年人民银行专门行使中央银行职以来,特别是1995年《中国人民银行法》颁布后,人民银行的中央银行职不断强化。
    The central bank functions of the People's Bank of China has been continuously strengthened ever since 1984 when the People's Bank of China started to function solely as the central bank, especially after the promulgation of the "People's Bank of China Law" in 1995.
  • 旋前肌内旋或辅助内旋的肌肉
    A muscle that effects or assists in pronation.
  • 给我讲讲卧姿吗?
    Can you explain the prone position to me?
  • 用于描述这样的设备或操作:它们不稳定并且容易出错;它们可失效或使用困难。
    Of equipment or an operation, unstable and error-prone; likely to fail or cause difficulty in use.
  • 够读出或发出音。
    capable of being uttered or pronounced.
  • 他学发音怎么学得这样好?
    How can he learn pronunciation so well?
  • 易患感冒;证据被接受的。
    susceptible to colds; susceptible of proof.
  • 这条证据在法庭上站得住脚。
    This proof will stand up in court.
  • 没有证据,你不这么做!
    You can not do that without proof!
  • 这要求证明是合理的吗?
    Is the claim capable of proof?
  • 我希望你把这本书的校样校阅一遍。
    I would like you to check over the proofs of this book.
  • 税务局:不正确确定其活动是否应当纳税的,以及不正确申报的。
    Tax office: they are the one that lacks correct proofs to determine whether its operation is taxable, and the one that can not correctly file the tax return.
  • 税务局:这不影响专家组作为机构的性质。只是在确定机构应税收入时,可以将境外劳务费从总设计收入中扣除,如果你们提供资料证明的话。
    Tax official: that does not influence the nature of your group. The whole design income is considered as one obtained from china. If you provide the proofs to the design draft completed in Japan, this part of income can be deducted.
  • 他不总是指望他的同事来支持他。
    He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up.
  • 你总不老是指望你的同事们支持你。
    You can't always expect your colleagues to prop you up.
  • 他不老期望他的同事们支持他。
    He can not always expect his colleagues to prop him up.
  • 你需要掌握一些促使自己往上爬升的技
    You will need some skills to propel you up that ladder of success.
  • 让风推进船航行的大纤维布料(用帆布)。
    a large piece of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel.
  • 有核作为动力的潜艇。
    a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power.
  • 把螺旋桨上的草除掉吗?
    Can you free the propeller from the weeds?