  • 在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。
    In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.
  • 注释,注解程序中的文本,在程序自身中没有功,但由程序员去使用来解释指令
    Text in a program that does not function in the program itself but is used by the programmer to explain instructions.
  • 供氧障碍引起的细胞退化一个器官或组织由于失去细胞而功退化
    Progressive degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by loss of cells.
  • 禁酒法可是一则有待商榷的理论,但谁也不埋怨它有漏洞(说不通)。
    Prohibition may be a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water.
  • 禁酒法可是一则有待商榷的理论,但谁也不埋怨它有漏洞(说不通)。
    Prohibition may is a dispute theory, but none can complain that it do not hold water.
  • 然而,把项目管理工具与因特网通信结合起来,基于web的项目管理方案提供特殊功,使项目不偏离目标。
    Nevertheless, by combining project management tools with Internet communications, Web-based project management solutions provide special capabilities for keeping projects on track.
  • 那时为企业的it项目选择一个项目管理解决方案可涉及很困难的折衷考虑。
    In the meantime, choosing a project management solution for enterprise IT projects may involve difficult tradeoffs.
  • 虽然没有项目管理工具保证良好的计划和管理,但把项目管理转移到web上,通过改进沟通和提高项目团队的效率,增加按时、按预算完成项目的机会。
    Although no project management tool can guarantee good planning and good management, moving project management to the Web can boost your chances of completing projects on time and within budget by improving communication and making project teams more efficient.
  • 当炸弹爆炸时够释放毒气的爆炸射弹。
    (military) an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes.
  • 火器一种发射子弹并用一定量的炸药作推进剂的武器,尤指手枪或步枪
    A weapon, especially a pistol or rifle, capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive charge as a propellant.
  • 被电影放映机放映的一卷电影胶片。
    a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be projected by a movie projector.
  • 我们有了电影放映机,但还得挂起一块银幕才放电影。
    We had the projector, but before we could show the film we had to rig up a screen.
  • 这些小资产阶级也只有在无产阶级领导之下,才得到解放。
    Only under the leadership of the proletariat can they achieve their liberation.
  • 中国革命如果没有无产阶级的领导,就必然不胜利。
    Unless it is led by the proletariat, the Chinese revolution cannot possibly succeed.
  • 这种共和国的彻底完成,只有在无产阶级领导之下才有可
    Only under the leadership of the proletariat can such a republic be completely realized.
  • 而无产阶级自己的知识分子的造成,也决不离开利用社会原有知识分子的帮助。
    the proletariat cannot produce intellectuals of its own without the help of the existing intellectuals.
  • java也使争论中的一类新的称之为网络计算机(即nc)的便宜计算机成为可,sun、ibm、oracle、apple和其它公司希望这种计算机将在公司和家庭中普及开来。
    Java is also making possible a controversial new class of cheap machines called network computers, or NCs, which Sun, IBM, Oracle, Apple, and others hope will proliferate in corporations and our homes.
  • 长期坚持打网球,青年人保持青春活力和健美体态,老年人保持旺盛的精力并延年益寿。
    The long term practice tennis can make young people keep their youthful vigor and healthy and graceful body shapes. It can make the elderly keep their vigorous energy and prolong their lives.
  • 耐磨性衣物经受长时间穿着的性
    The ability of a garment to withstand prolonged wear.
  • 很有可我们相信科学家够找到延长生命的关键也是有根据的。
    It is also quite possible that our faith in the ability of scientists to find the key for prolonging life are well-founded.
  • 代表们经过长时间的讨论之后,终于想出一种大家都接受的措辞方式。
    After prolonged discussion, the representatives hammered out a form of words that was acceptable to everyone.
  • 延续的够被延续的,比如辅音z和l
    Capable of being prolonged, as the consonants z and l.
  • 要顾及“围剿”时间的可延长。
    We must take the possibility of a prolonged enemy campaign into account.
  • 我确信在智慧和力方面他是一个很有希望的学生。为此我特别愿意推荐他。
    I know him to have been a promising student of intelligence and ability. I strongly recommend him in his application.
  • 合法拥有且兑换支票、帐单或本票的人
    One that legally possesses and is entitled to the payment of a check, bill, or promissory note.
  • 从某种意义上说,我们来到国家的首都是为了兑现一张支票。我们共和国的缔造者在拟写宪法和独立宣言的辉煌篇章时,就签署了一张每一个美国人都继承的期票。
    In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. when the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.
  • 为什么这些人不提起来?
    Why aren't they promoted?
  • 节目赞助人因此降低题目难度,让更多参赛者通过前几个回合,参赛者因此有了比较好的表现。
    This led the show promoter to lower the standard of its initial questions so that more would survive the early rounds.
  • 比赛的承办者要尽可地选一个大运动场,所在城市还要温暖,以防富有的体育迷们被冻死。通常,比赛是在佛罗里达、加利福尼亚或德克萨斯举行。
    The game's promoters select a stadium that's as large as possible in a city that's warm enough so that wealthy fans won't freeze to death, usually some-where in Florida, California, or Texas.
  • 你晋升的可性如何?
    What are your chances of being promoted?
  • 其后的两年冬天天气温暖,滑雪场很少开放,因而无利可言。如果开发者们要想在那里赚大钱,那么阿维摩弗中心必须一年到头向度假者提供各种各样的体育活动。
    Two unprofitably mild winters followed with the ski-slopes seldom usable. If there was to be gold in them thar hills for the promoters,the Aviemnove Centre would have to offer holiday-makers a great variety of sports and activities all the year round.
  • 她凭她的才而获得提升。
    She was promoted in virtue of her abilities.