  • 替我弄到一些标本吗?
    Can you procure some specimens for me/procure me some specimens?
  • 获得那本珍本古书吗?
    Can you procure that rare old book?
  • 为我弄到那本外国杂志吗?
    Can you procure that foreign magazine for me?
  • 我想我知道在哪儿为你们买到那珍本书。
    I think I know where I can procure that rare book for you.
  • 也只有在运输设备方面有了彻底改进的情况下,各市各省才把它特有产品的余额尽量运销到其他各地区,甚至最辽远地区,向后者换回它所缺乏的产品。
    and only by means of thoroughly good means of transport can every district or province convey the surplus of its peculiar products to all other provinces, even to the most distant ones, and procure in return supplies of the peculiar products of the latter.
  • 象这样一个有缺点的国家同一个充分发展的国家对照时,在生产力上相差的决不仅仅是一半;同那个健全国家相形之下,它拥有的土地和人口也许相等,或者还远远超过,但就所获致的物质财富来说,恐怕还不及到那个国家的五分之一,或者甚至十分之一。
    A nation thus imperfect will not only be merely half as productive as a perfect nation, but with an equal or even with a much larger territory,with an equal or a much larger population, it will perhaps scarcely obtain a fifth, probably scarcely a tenth, part of that material wealth which a perfect nation is able to procure;
  • 你要是不很快得到答覆,不妨催他们一下。
    If you don't receive an answer quickly, give them a prod.
  • 你要是不很快得到答复,不妨催他们一下。
    If you do not receive an answer quickly , give them a prod.
  • 如果说一切事物中时间是最宝贵的,那么浪费时光可是最大的浪费。
    If time were of all things the most precious, wasting of time must be the greatest prodigality.
  • 在目前的制度安排下,产品是按一定比例向这种保护支付费用的,尽管存在着挥霍浪费政府开支的现象,还是够以较低的费用得到较好的保护。
    Under the present arrangements, the product pays its quota towards the same protection, and notwithstanding the waste and prodigality incident to government expenditure, obtains it of better quality at a much smaller cost.
  • 出示有关你国藉的任何证件吗?
    Can you produce any proof of your nationality?
  • 有效的产生或足以产生预定效果的;完全充足的
    Producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect; fully adequate.
  • 作业量一台机器在一特定时间内生产或生产的工作量
    The amount of work that a machine produces or can produce in a specified time period.
  • 边际效用的与某种企业的生产有关,这种企业以正好收回生产成本的比率进行生产或够以此比率生产
    Having to do with enterprises that produce goods or are capable of producing goods at a rate that barely covers production costs.
  • 然而这绝不依靠小生产者的近视。
    We must not go by the short-sightedness of the small producer.
  • 非生产性的或不生产的。
    not producing or capable of producing.
  • 传色的产生或散发颜色的
    Producing or imparting color.
  • 不结果的不产果实的;不生产的
    Producing no fruit; sterile.
  • 我们的产品与最好的比吗?
    Does our product stack up against the best product?
  • 这套装置必须经过试验之后才投产。
    The system will have to be tested before it goes into production.
  • 她被选为劳动能手。
    She was elected a productive worker.
  • 变得产的或多产的。
    become productive or fruitful.
  • 使产的或富有成效的。
    make productive or fruitful.
  • 单单资本本身还不构成生产力。
    Capital in itself cannot be productive.
  • 基本建设新增生产力或效益
    newly added productive capacity or benefit by capital construction
  • 这些改变并未使劳资关系获得改善.
    The changes were not productive of better labour relations.
  • (指农田)产生耕种成果。
    (of farmland) capable of being farmed productively.
  • 一九九九年,香港生产力促进局继续以促进卓越生产力为目标,并以提升资讯与媒体生产力、促进产品及工序创新和提高商业及服务业领导才为工作重点。
    In 1999, the HKPC continued to promote productivity excellence with a focus on information and media productivity, product and process innovation, and business and service leadership.
  • (一)继续控制总量,坚决淘汰落后的生产力。
    Controlling the Total Quantity Continuously and Washing out the Backward Productivity with a Firm Hand.
  • 因此,香港最终够造就出一个崔教授,并不稀奇。
    Thus, it is not surprising that Hong Kong finally lays claim to Prof Cui's achievement.
  • 至少香港够说,它对崔教授的影响比中国大陆或台湾来得大。
    At least, Hong Kong can claim to have influenced Prof Cui more than Mainland China or Taiwan.
  • 我怎能再加以亵渎。
    For me to profane it.