  • 巴思格兰西南部的一座市镇,在布里斯托尔港的东南面。以其乔治王朝的建筑和温泉而著名。这些温泉是公元1世纪古罗马人开凿的。是一颇受青睐的疗养胜地。人口84,100
    A city of southwest England southeast of Bristol. Famous for its Georgian architecture and its hot mineral springs, tapped by the Romans in the first century a.d., it is a popular resort. Population,84, 100.
  • 国)日落后喝的酒。
    (Brit) a drink taken at sundown.
  • 国,指采取标准的建筑蔓延开来的单调的地区。
    (Brit) monotonous urban sprawl of standardized buildings.
  • )价值为十便士的十进制硬币。
    (Brit) UK decimal coin worth ten pennies.
  • )二十世纪五十年代重新流行的传统爵士乐。
    (Brit) traditional jazz as revived in the 1950s.
  • 国,指开阔的或被森林覆盖的地区。
    (Brit) an area of open or forested country.
  • 语)以分期付款方式销售商品的人。
    (Brit) one who sells goods on the installment plan.
  • 国)对所有物的金钱价值评价的人。
    (Brit) someone who asses the monetary worth of possessions.
  • )早期联邦一种价值为三便士的铜镍合金硬币。
    (Brit) former cupronickel coin of UK equal to three pennies.
  • )按季计算的自来水费。
    (Brit) rate per quarter for water from a public supply.
  • )提供特定领域或职业培训的学校。
    (Brit) a school providing training for a special field or profession.
  • 国人)十九世纪五六十年代穿着爱德华七世时代的流行衣服的恶棍青年。
    (Brit) a tough youth of 1950's and 1960's wearing Edwardian style clothes.
  • 国)尤其是用于柔软的衬衫、裙子和睡衣的朴素或斜纹的毛纺和棉布纤维。
    (Brit) a plain or twilled wool-and-cotton fabric used especially for warm shirts or skirts and pajamas.
  • 最早的发起人是在国残疾康复中心工作的l·吉特曼博士。
    The earliest originator was Dr. L. Giterman who worked at the Brit-ish Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled.
  • )汽车高速公路的一边,交通工具在两、三个狭道中只准朝一个方向行驶。
    (Brit) one of the two sides of a motorway where traffic travels in one direction only usually in two or three lanes.
  • (主要在国)代表某一工厂或商行的雇主和职工讨论工作条件等;代表被选工人和雇主关于不平和薪水等的谈判的委员会。
    (chiefly Brit) a council representing employer and employees of a plant or business to discuss working conditions etc; also: a committee representing the workers elected to negotiate with management about grievances and wages etc.
  • 希思先生是国前任首相。
    Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain.
  • 在政治上,国喜欢渐进而不喜欢革命。
    In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution.
  • 国一直有一支强大的海军,称为皇家海军。
    Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy.
  • 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(国的正式名称, 简称U.K.)
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • 英国文官制度
    civil service in Britain
  • 英国殖民扩张
    colonial expansion of Britain
  • 英国议会君主制
    Constitutional Monarchy of Britain
  • 英国司法制度
    judicial system of Britain
  • 英国政党
    political parties in Britain
  • 英国政治制度
    political system of Britain
  • 英国枢密院
    Privy Council of Britain
  • 你打英国来?
    Are you from Britain?
  • 英国是个岛国。
    Britain is an island.
  • 英国社会民主联盟
    Social Democratic Federation, Britain
  • 英国工业革命
    Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
  • 国是个典型的例子。
    Britain provides a classic example.