  • duō zhǒng shēng zài chuí dòng nèi de chóng néng gòu shēn suō de cháng shàng yòu duō gōu zhuàng de
    any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines.
  • néng shōu huí de néng huí de
    capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back.
  • niǔ yuē shì lún zhǎnglǎo huì xué zhōng xīn de wēi lián · dài wéi shì zhǐ chū: " yīng 'ér chū shēng hòu nián shì miǎn tǒng xíng chéng de shí zhè shí yòu jiàn shì fēi cháng zhòng yào men néng duàn liàn miǎn tǒng kāi guò mǐn fǎn yìng
    "There's something very important in that first year of life when the immune system is developing that we can retrain it away from an allergic response," said Dr. William Davis of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York.
  • xiāng xìndìng bàn xiē zài péi xùn jìhuà néng gòu gāo xīn jiā rén zhǎng huá wén yīng wén de néng
    I believe that regular retraining programmes can help "level up" Singaporeans' proficiency in Chinese and English.
  • zhè wèi zhe guò dào dtr shàng lái gǎi jìn wǎng de xìng néng ér zhòng xiě chéng huò chóngxīn xùn liàn yòng
    This means you can migrate to DTR to improve your LANs performance without rewriting code or retraining users.
  • duì xiē bāng zhù de rén men xiàng men gōng zài zhí xùn liàn huò zài péi xùnshǐ men néng gòu duì xiāng gǎng de chéng jiù chū fēn bìng fēn xiǎng zhè xiē chéng guǒ
    For those who can help themselves, we must provide them with on-the-job training or retraining so they can participate in, and benefit from, the fruits of our success.
  • wéi xié zhù jiù rén shì xué xīn néng huò gāo běn shēn de shù shuǐ píng men huì zhí xùn liàn yuán zài péi xùn zuòxié zhù zhè liǎng gòu gōng gèng hǎo de zhí xùn liàn
    106. With the aim of helping our workforce acquire new skills or upgrade their existing skills, we will work with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) to assist these organisations in improving their services.
  • wéi què bǎo běn gōng rén yōu xiān huò pìn zhù chū de shū láo gōng shēn qǐng xiān sān xiàng tiáo jiàncái huì jiāo jiào tǒng chóu cháng zhè sān xiàng tiáo jiàn shì zài bào zhāng kān dēng zhāo pìn guǎng gào yóu láo gōng chù 'ān pái wéi liù xīng de jiù xuǎn pèi ( zài néng de qíng kuàng xiàbāo kuò wéi běn gōng rén gōng bié shè de zài péi xùn chéng ); yóu láo gōng wèn wěi yuán huì shěn
    To ensure priority of employment for local workers, each application for imported workers has to pass three tests before it is submitted to the Secretary for Education and Manpower for a decision - advertising in newspapers, job-matching by the Labour Department for six weeks (plus tailor-made retraining course for workers, if possible), and consideration by the Labour Advisory Board.
  • hào xìn lìng huán jìng zài xìn lìng diǎn huò liàn shī xiào de qíng kuàng xià wéi gōng lián de gōng liǎo chóngjiàn yóujiū cuò chóngxīn shè de gōng néng
    The SS7 environment provides rerouting, error correction and retransmission capabilities for continuous service in the event of signaling point or link failures.
  • miáo zhǔn de hòu yòu dài yòu xiǎo kǒng de diào zhěng jìngtōng guò qián fāng de jǐng biāo néng gòu pái chéng tiáo xiàn
    rear gunsight having an adjustable eyepiece with a small aperture through which the front sight and the target are aligned.
  • shuō rén de guī zhàn lüè jìn gōng men de zhàn lüè tuì què zài dìng tiáo jiàn xià běn shàng jīng tíng zhǐbìng shì shuō qiē jìn gōng de néng qiē tuì què de néng dōuméi yòu liǎo
    When we say that the enemy's large-scale strategic offensive and our strategic retreat have in a sense largely come to an end, we do not altogether exclude the possibility of further offensives and retreats.
  • chén zhōu xiāo chú fǎn huí huò chè tuì de néng xìng
    To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.
  • tiáo néng zài qián wéi dào jiá bǎn huò chuán shǒu xié wéi zhī jiān tiáozhěng de zhī suǒkòng zhì zhe wéi gān de wān
    a adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; controls the bending of the mast.
  • zài zhè jiàn shì shàng néng táo yìng de rèn
    You cannot retreat from your responsibility in this affair.
  • xiàn zài men néng zài tuì liǎoyīn wéi hòu bèi jié duàn liǎo
    Now we can t retreat any more, for our retreat has been cut off.
  • bān shàng bèi cái néng shì shuāng shōu de jiā tíng shǎo liǎo shōu lái yuán
    Generally, when women workers are retrenched, families get to lose one of their income earners.
  • hái qīng chǔ zài kěn shēn shàngjiàng shēng shénmedàn shì bèi · ān shè rèn wéi zài shěn de néng xìng
    It is unclear what will happen to Kenny next. But Betty Anne and Scheck considet a retrial unlikely.
  • jiāqián zhǒng yòu diào zhěng fēn de néng dōng jiā zài de jià qián
    A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together; a clamp.
  • bìng rèn wéi ruì zhēn de shā liǎo mài kěn dàn néng ràng děng duì lǎo tiān lái shuō zhè liǎng zhǒng qíng kuàng shì yàng dedàn duì lái shuō què yàng guǒ gān liǎobào yìng jiù yìng yàn zài shēn shàngtiān wǎng huī huīshū 'ér lòu
    I don't think Rex would have actually murdered Mackenzie, but he might have left him to die. The same thing before the Lord, but not the same thing before the law. If he did, retribution's caught up with him. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.
  • dāng jīn de zhèng guī jiào zhù yào bāo kuò liàoér zhè xiē liào xiàn zài tōng guò suàn huò liào jiù néng qīng 'ér chóngxīn dào
    Today, formal education primarily consists in memorizing data---data that is now easily retrievable by computer or accessible through data banks.
  • dāng jīn de zhèng guī jiào zhù yào bāo kuò liàoér zhè xiē liào xiàn zài tōng guò suàn huò liào jiù néng qīng 'ér chóngxīn dào
    Today, formal education primarily consists in memorizing data --- data that is now easily retrievable by computer or accessible through data banks.
  • fēng chē kào fēng xuánzhuàn dài yòu diào jié de piàn huò héng de lún suǒ chǎn shēng de néng liàng lái yùn zhuǎn de zhǒng
    A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind.
  • yòu dòng huà suàn huà de yìnkǎo bèiwén jiàn biān páikǒu shòu liào jiǎn suǒ děng gōng néng de xìn chǔlǐ tǒng
    Information processing system that relies on automated and computerized typing, copying, filing, dictation, and document retrieval.
  • bàn gōng dòng huà tǒng de zhù yào gōng néng bāo kuò wén běn chǔlǐdiàn hán jiànxìn cún chǔ jiǎn suǒrèn guǎn děng
    The major functions of the OA system include text processing, electronic mail, information storage and retrieval, task management, and etc.
  • chāo wén běn zhǒng suàn de wén běn chá xún tǒng tǒng néng gòu jǐshǐ yòng zhě gōng mǒu dìng wén běn xiāng guān de xìn
    A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text.
  • zài shuǐ huán jìng men de xuè néng tiáojié
    For example, can our blood adjust itself to underwater surroundings?
  • zhǐ yòu de cái néng wǎn jiù zhè bīn chǎn de gōng
    Only great efforts can retrieve the firm from ruin.
  • shàn yóu yǒng bìng tōng cháng xùn liàn wéi néng liè shuǐ qín
    a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl.
  • máo hòu 'ér fáng shuǐ bìng néng xùn liàn yòng xún huí liè de gǒu
    a dog with heavy water-resistant coat that can be trained to retrieve game.
  • yòu xiē chéng hái néng cóng zhuàng huǐ de fēi zhōng zhǎo dào xíng
    Some of the passengers were able to retrieve their luggage from the wrecked aircraft.
  • gōng zuò liú ruǎn jiàn de gāo cháo shì xiàng chǔlǐ chǎn pǐn men néng shǐ gōng yòng diàn fāng cún chǔbiān suǒ yǐn chóngxīn dào bèi sǎo miáo de wén dàng
    The first wave of workflow software consisted of image-processing products that enabled companies to electronically store, index and retrieve scanned documents.
  • shù méi de chū shǐ huàshǐ mǒu dìng suàn tǒng néng jiāng shù cún zài méi zhōngsuí hòu yòu cóng gāi méi zhōng jiǎn suǒ chū lái
    The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.