  • 多種寄生在脊椎動物體內的蠕蟲,其夠伸縮的長鼻子上覆有許多鈎狀的刺。
    any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines.
  • 收回的;拿回的。
    capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back.
  • 紐約市哥倫比亞長老會醫學中心的威廉·戴維斯博士指出:"嬰兒出生後第一年是免疫係統形成的時期,這時有一件事非常重要――我們鍛煉免疫係統避開過敏反應。
    "There's something very important in that first year of life when the immune system is developing that we can retrain it away from an allergic response," said Dr. William Davis of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York.
  • 我相信,定期舉辦一些再培訓計劃,夠提高新加坡人掌握華文與英文的力。
    I believe that regular retraining programmes can help "level up" Singaporeans' proficiency in Chinese and English.
  • 這意味着你可以過渡到dtr上來改進局域網的性而無須重寫程序或重新訓練用戶。
    This means you can migrate to DTR to improve your LANs performance without rewriting code or retraining users.
  • 對於那些可以幫助自己的人,我們必須嚮他們提供在職訓練或再培訓,使他們夠對香港的成就出一分力,並分享這些成果。
    For those who can help themselves, we must provide them with on-the-job training or retraining so they can participate in, and benefit from, the fruits of our success.
  • 106.為協助就業人士學習新技或提高本身的技術水平,我們會與職業訓練局和雇員再培訓局合作,協助這兩個機構提供更好的職業訓練服務。
    106. With the aim of helping our workforce acquire new skills or upgrade their existing skills, we will work with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) to assist these organisations in improving their services.
  • 為確保本地工人可優先獲聘,雇主提出的輸入勞工申請必須先符合三項條件,纔會提交教育統籌局局長批核。這三項條件是:已在報章刊登招聘廣告;已由勞工處安排為期六星期的就業選配(在可的情況下,包括為本地工人提供特別設計的再培訓課程);以及已由勞工顧問委員會審議。
    To ensure priority of employment for local workers, each application for imported workers has to pass three tests before it is submitted to the Secretary for Education and Manpower for a decision - advertising in newspapers, job-matching by the Labour Department for six weeks (plus tailor-made retraining course for workers, if possible), and consideration by the Labour Advisory Board.
  • 七號信令環境在信令點或鏈路失效的情況下為提供連續的服務,提供了重建路由、糾錯和重新發射的功
    The SS7 environment provides rerouting, error correction and retransmission capabilities for continuous service in the event of signaling point or link failures.
  • 瞄準器的後部有一個帶有小孔的可調整目鏡,通過它前方的景物和目標夠排成一條綫。
    rear gunsight having an adjustable eyepiece with a small aperture through which the front sight and the target are aligned.
  • 說敵人的大規模戰略進攻和我們的戰略退卻在一定條件下基本上已經停止,並不是說一切進攻的可和一切退卻的可都沒有了。
    When we say that the enemy's large-scale strategic offensive and our strategic retreat have in a sense largely come to an end, we do not altogether exclude the possibility of further offensives and retreats.
  • 破釜沉舟消除返回或撤退的可
    To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.
  • 一條在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之間調整的支索;控製着桅桿的彎麯度。
    a adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; controls the bending of the mast.
  • 在這件事上,你不逃避你應負的責任。
    You cannot retreat from your responsibility in this affair.
  • 現在我們不再退了,因為後路已被截斷了。
    Now we can’t retreat any more, for our retreat has been cut off.
  • 一般上,婦女被裁,可是雙收入的家庭少了一個收入來源;
    Generally, when women workers are retrenched, families get to lose one of their income earners.
  • 還不清楚在肯尼身上將發生什麽,但是貝蒂·安妮和捨剋認為再審的可性不大。
    It is unclear what will happen to Kenny next. But Betty Anne and Scheck considet a retrial unlikely.
  • 夾,鉗一種有一個可調整部分的把東西夾在一起的架子;鉗子
    A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together; a clamp.
  • 我並不認為瑞剋斯真的殺了麥肯齊,但也可讓他等死,對老天來說這兩種情況是一樣的,但對法律來說卻不一樣。如果他幹了,報應就應驗在他身上。天網恢恢,疏而不漏。
    I don't think Rex would have actually murdered Mackenzie, but he might have left him to die. The same thing before the Lord, but not the same thing before the law. If he did, retribution's caught up with him. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.
  • 當今的正規教育主要包括記憶資料,而這些資料現在通過計算機或資料庫就輕而易舉地重新得到。
    Today, formal education primarily consists in memorizing data---data that is now easily retrievable by computer or accessible through data banks.
  • 當今的正規教育主要包括記憶資料,而這些資料現在通過計算機或資料庫就輕而易舉地重新得到。
    Today, formal education primarily consists in memorizing data --- data that is now easily retrievable by computer or accessible through data banks.
  • 風車靠風力旋轉帶有可調節的葉片或梯級橫木的輪子所産生的量來運轉的一種機器
    A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind.
  • 具有自動化和計算機化的打印、拷貝、文件編排、口授和資料檢索等功的信息處理係統。
    Information processing system that relies on automated and computerized typing, copying, filing, dictation, and document retrieval.
  • 辦公自動化係統的主要功包括文本處理、電子函件、信息存儲和檢索、任務管理等。
    The major functions of the OA system include text processing, electronic mail, information storage and retrieval, task management, and etc.
  • 超文本一種計算機的文本查尋係統,此係統夠給使用者提供與某一特定文本相關的信息
    A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text.
  • 例如,在水底環境裏我們的血液自我調節嗎?
    For example, can our blood adjust itself to underwater surroundings?
  • 衹有巨大的努力纔輓救這個瀕於破産的公司。
    Only great efforts can retrieve the firm from ruin.
  • 善於遊泳並通常訓練為獵取水禽。
    a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl.
  • 皮毛厚而防水並訓練用於尋回獵物的狗。
    a dog with heavy water-resistant coat that can be trained to retrieve game.
  • 有些乘客還從撞毀的飛機中找到行李。
    Some of the passengers were able to retrieve their luggage from the wrecked aircraft.
  • 工作流軟件的第一次高潮是圖像處理産品,它們使各公司用電子方法存儲、編索引和重新得到被掃描的文檔。
    The first wave of workflow software consisted of image-processing products that enabled companies to electronically store, index and retrieve scanned documents.
  • 數據媒體的初始化,使某一特定計算機係統將數據存在媒體中,隨後又可從該媒體中檢索出來。
    The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.