  • 他说,"我认为,如果能找到建立一个多元化犹太人休的途径,那么与异族通婚就是将来的方向。
    "I think if you can find ways to conceive of a diverse, heterogeneous Jewish community, then that's what we'll be looking at in the future," he said.
  • 把文件共享带给纯的san配置需要实现一个异种机集的文件系统,目前尚无这样的系统,因为从造价和性能观点看,高度的技术复杂性使之难以实现。
    Bringing file sharing to a pure SAN configuration requires the implementation of a heterogeneous clustered file system.Such a system is currently unavailable because its high degree of technical complexity makes it prohibitive from cost and performance standpoints.
  • 广泛种植于美国南部和西印度岛的旧大陆一年生低质高草,其黏质绿色长荚是汤菜和炖菜的底料;有时归入木槿属。
    tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus.
  • 山连绵,环抱幽谷。
    The hills sweep round the hidden valley.
  • 狼两种犬科食肉哺乳动物中的一种,尤指北方地区的灰狼,它们主要在区分等级的体中生存和猎食家禽和野生动物
    Either of two carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals.
  • 满是跑跳的羊的山坡。
    a hillside full of bounding goats.
  • 牧童把他的羊赶向山坡。
    The cowboy drove his sheep at the hillside.
  • 一个常绿或落叶性灌木或小乔木属,产于美国至安第列斯岛和东亚至喜马拉雅山脉。
    evergreen or deciduous shrubs or small trees of United States to Antilles and eastern Asia to the Himalaya.
  • 人群使他无法脱身。
    The crowd hindered him from leaving.
  • 包租,包船,包机雇佣或出租飞机、轮船或其他交通工具,尤指一旅游者使用的特权、临时住所
    The hiring or leasing of an aircraft, a vessel, or other vehicle, especially for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers.
  • 不知不觉中,他与这人已经有了认同。
    his identification with his father shaped his entire life.
  • "当演讲者谈到应该加税的时候,人对他发出了嘘声。"
    The crowd hissed at the speaker when he said taxes should be increased.
  • 史料编纂者尤指由一人或公众机构指定的历史学家
    A historian, especially one designated by a group or public institution.
  • 河水清澈见底,一小鱼悠然地游来游去。
    The water was clear to the bottom. A school of tiny fish flicked hither and thither.
  • 这时,随着焦躁接踵而来的是愤怒,带火药味的话儿在人中散播开来,当然声音还是低低的。“圣迹剧!圣迹剧!”
    indignant words flew hither and thither, though in suppressed tones as yet.“The Mystery, the Mystery!
  • 采蜜归来的蜜蜂在巢上跳8字形舞以向蜂的其他蜜蜂传送花粉源的信息。
    Returning honey bees dance a figure of eight on the honeycomb to communicate a source of pollen to other members of the hive.
  • “各位都看到了,”杜卡基斯声音嘶哑地说,“我演讲了很多次。这次要缓和些,”他跟众说。不管嘶哑与否,他仍要尽力攻击共和党人。
    "As you can tell," Dukakis said hoarsely, 'I've been making a lot of speeches. This is going to be a soft one," he told the crowd. Hoarse or not, he still took his best shot at the Republicans.
  • 尊敬的保罗教皇陛下受到人的欢迎。
    His Holiness Pope John Paul II was welcomed by the crowd.
  • 霍兰打破了1500米自由泳的世界记录,人中响起了一片欢腾声。
    Holland went on to break the world 1500 metre freestyle record. The crowd raised the roof.
  • 当市长到那访问时,人聚集向他致敬。
    Crowds of people gathered to do homage to the Mayor when he visited there.
  • 当国王访阿他们的城市时成的市民集合起来欢迎他。
    Crowds of people gathered to pay homage to the King when he visited their city.
  • 这导致今日本土意识高涨之际,母语成为族的图腾、土地认同的象征。
    Today, as identification with Taiwan as one's "homeland" surges, the use of dialects has come to identify groups and to symbolize identification with Taiwan (as opposed to China).
  • 当他们自己的队得了底线分时,人高声呼喊起来。
    The crowd yelled when the hometown team scored a touchdown.
  • 如果说这起一夫多妻的混乱现象造成什么假象,那就是:美国已成为同一类型人组成的墨守成规的国家。
    If the polygamy mess gives the lie to anything, its' that America has become a homogenous mass of conformists.
  • "这无赖写了许多庸俗下流的东西,玷污了这座教堂。"
    The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing.
  • 众还在嘘他,他使出浑身劲儿嚷道:“市民先生们,我们马上就要开演了。”
    “Messeigneurs the bourgeois,” he shouted with all the force of his lungs to the audience, which had not ceased to hoot him, “we are going to begin.
  • 杰夫:在参加20公里竞走的这姑娘中,有两个中国姑娘,走在前面的是夺标大热门人物刘宏宇,后面的是王丽萍。
    Jeff: Among the girls, who participated in the walking race, two girls were from China. Walking at the front was the hot figure Liu Hongyu, who was hopeful to be the champion. Following her was Wang Liping.
  • 有一麻雀到处跳跃着。
    A number of sparrows were hopping about.
  • 一大孩子在办公大楼里到处奔跑。
    A horde of children ran over the office building.
  • 一群蚊子
    A horde of mosquitoes.
  • 一大小孩从大楼里跑过去。
    A horde of children ran through the building.
  • 小公牛用角把老母牛从牛中顶了出去。
    The young bull horned the old cow out of the herd.