  • 而,公开钥匙必须更长,因不对称算法中的数学是不同的。
    Public keys, however, must be larger, because the mathematics in an asymmetric algorithm are different.
  • 它突转向爱丽丝问道。
    it continued, turning to Alice as it spoke.
  • 他们的想法跟我们的截不同。
    Their ideas are quite alien to our own.
  • 我料想这时我已经接近目的地了,但我感到一切似乎仍是陌生的。
    I had expected to be near my objective by now, but everything still seemed alien to me.
  • 我把汽车停下,让气缸逐渐冷却,又查阅了一下地图,我以为总该接近目的地了,但四周的景象仍很陌生。
    I stopped to let the car cool off and to study the map. I had expected to be near objective by now, but every thing still seemed alien to me.
  • 在这个问题上,即在这种天的无法剥夺的遗传素质上,这位马背上的信使跟国王、首相或伦敦城最富有的商人毫无二致。
    As to this, his natural and not to be alienated inheritance the messenger on horseback had exactly the same possession as the King, the first Minister of State, or the richest merchant in London.
  • 这个新军阀主义倾向虽和表现在打人、骂人、破坏纪律等等现象上面的老的军阀主义倾向同其根源(把共产党降低到国民党),同其结果(脱离群众);
    The tendency towards this new type of warlordism has the same root (the reduction of the Communist Party to the level of the Kuomintang) and the same result (the alienation of the masses) as the tendency towards the old type of warlordism, which expressed itself in beating and abusing people, violating discipline, etc;
  • 他偶找到了一种稀有的草药。
    He alighted on a rare medical herb.
  • 发现一个皆大欢喜的解决方法
    Alight on a happy solution.
  • 我偶发现在书架后面有一本满是灰尘的旧书。
    My eye alight on a dusty old book at the back of the shelf.
  • 她充满着年轻人的热烈幻想,虽漂亮,她还只是一个正在发育阶段的美人胎子。不过从她的身段已经可以看出将来发育成熟时的美妙体态了。她的眼睛里透着天生的聪明。她是一个典型的美国中产阶级少女--她们家已是移民的第三代了。
    Warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period, possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class--two generations removed from the emigrant.
  • 耶稣受洗后,马上从水中出来;这时,天忽开了。他看到圣灵象鸽子一样从天而降,落在了他身上。天上传下一个声音来说:“这就是我所宠爱的爱子。”
    After baptism Jesus came up out of the water at once, and at that moment heaven opened; he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove to alight upon him; and a voice from heaven was heard saying,‘This is my Son, my Beloved, on whom my favor rests.'
  • 詹姆斯声称自己很懂电视,比我懂得多。他向我要了一把螺丝刀,修理了大约半个小时,后说:“好了,你现在可以开机了。”我一打开,蓝光一闪,机子就烧了。简直是瞎子领瞎子!这小子什么也不懂。
    James claimed to know a good deal about television sets, which was more than I did. He asked me for a screwdriver, tinkered about for half an hour, then said, "Right. Now you can switch on." I did. There was a blue flash and the set caught alight. Talk about the blind leading the blind! The fellow hadn't a clue.
  • 我偶发现在书架後面有一本满是灰尘的旧书.
    My eye alighted on a dusty old book at the back of the shelf.
  • 大多数情况下,他们的父母都还活着,而且仍保持着婚姻关系。
    In most cases, both parents were still alive and still married to each other.
  • 他仍然活着
    He is still alive.
  • 硬沥青用来制造酸、碱和防水涂层的天的黑色沥青
    A natural black bitumen used in the manufacture of acid, alkali, and waterproof coatings.
  • 硬沥青适用于制造酸、碱和防水服的一种天黑沥青的商标
    A trademark used for a natural black bitumen employed in the manufacture of acid, alkali, and waterproof coatings.
  • 轻而软的银白色碱金属元素,空气中能迅速氧化,能与水发生剧烈反应,以天化合物状态大量存在于海水、光卤石、钾盐镁矾和钾盐中。
    a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite.
  • 钨的含氧酸(多为天的聚合体),通过中和碱性钨酸盐溶液形成。
    an oxyacid of tungsten (often polymeric in nature) formed by neutralizing alkaline tungstate solutions.
  • 乙烷一种无色无味的气态链烷,分子式为c2h6,是天气的组成成分,可用作燃料或致冷剂
    A colorless, odorless gaseous alkane, C2H6, that occurs as a constituent of natural gas and is used as a fuel and a refrigerant.
  • 一种无色易燃的气态烯烃,从石油和天气中提取,用于制造其他许多化学品。
    a flammable colorless gaseous alkene; obtained from petroleum and natural gas and used in manufacturing many other chemicals.
  • 而,世上总有某些人视而不见中国的发展变化,不顾基本的事实,对中国知识产权保护现状妄加评论,说什么中国没有建立“充分、有效的知识产权制度”、缺乏承担国际义务的能力”。
    However, there remain some naysayers in the world seemingly willfully blind to China's development and transformation who incognizant of present realities pass improper judgements on the nation's current situation regarding intellectual property protection. They allege that China has not yet established a "full and effective intellectual property system," and that China "lacks the ability to undertake international obligations."
  • ,这是诱导汉森先生做出被指控的背叛行为的最高原则。
    There apparently was no higher principle motivating Mr.Hanssen's alleged treachery.
  • 他们不相信,但他宣称其故事是真实的。
    He alleged his story as a fact though they did not believe him.
  • 他们不相信,但他宣称其故事是真实的。
    He alleged his story as a fact though they do not believe him.
  • 到目前为止,对于星期五晚上发生惨案的原因,尼泊尔官方已经给出好几种不同的版本,其中最为流行的仍是:王储爱上了一位前部长的女儿,但他的家人都表示坚决反对,心灰意冷的王储便开枪射杀了自己的父母和其他几位皇室成员,随后又想了结自己的生命。
    There are differing official statements about the killings Friday but the most prevalent version of events is that Crown Prince Dipendra allegedly gunned down his parents and other relatives because they objected to his plans to marry Devyani Rana, the woman he had fallen in love with.
  • "请叫我弗吉尼亚。"弗吉尼亚已经说过10遍了。可是艾伦太太很不自地点点头,仍称她马丁小姐。
    "Please call me Virginia." Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed stiffly and continued to call her Miss Martin.
  • 排在第三位的仍是保罗·艾伦--微软公司的另一位开国元勋,但他的资产从282亿下降到210亿。
    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen also maintained his ranking -third - but saw his net worth fall to $21 billion from $28.2 billion.
  • “请叫我弗吉尼亚。”弗吉尼亚已经说过10遍了。可是艾伦太太很不自地点点头,仍称她马丁小姐。
    "Please call me Virginia." Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs Allen bowed stiffly and continued to call her Miss Martin.
  • 他们在花园里玩了半个小时,后比利跑进了厨房。“妈妈,”他说:“波比打碎了艾伦太太家的窗玻璃。”
    They played in the garden for half an hour, and then Billy ran into the kitchen,"Mummy," he said,"Bobby's broken a window in Mrs. Allen's house."
  • ”当,总会有些病人对猪制品药物过敏。
    Some patients, though, may be allergic to pig products.