Chinese English Sentence:
  • 瑞典人是一个非常讲求效率和极为能干的民族,对他们来说,准时不只是一种美德--而是一种生活的原则,它来自于这个北民族最迷人的性格特点:即对朋友、熟人,尤其是对来访他们国家的客人的尊重。
    The Swedes are an efficient and most capable people. This is their respect for their friends and acquaintances and especially for the visitor to their country.
  • 瑞士在洲以旅游景点和山川而闻名。
    Switzerland is famous in Europe for its scenic spots and its mountains.
  • 黑顶林莺洲一种体形小的鸣禽(黑顶林莺),其雄性为灰色并有黑色肉冠
    A small European warbler(Sylvia atricapilla), the male of which is gray with a black crown.
  • 洲新闻界常把里根先生描绘成钉住卡扎菲上校不放,譬如说对叙利亚则睁一眼闭一眼。据说叙国也有化学武器,并与恐怖活动有关。
    And in the European press, Mr. Reagan was frequently portrayed as fixated on Colonel Qaddafi, turning a blind eye, for example, to Syria, which is also said to have chemical weapons and has also been tied to terrorism.
  • 欧洲乒乓球联合会。
    European Table Tennis Union.
  • 鼠兔鼠兔属中的一种毛茸茸的无尾小哺乳动物,产于北美和亚大陆的山中,貌似豚鼠但属于包括家兔和野兔的兔形目
    Any of several small, tailless, furry mammals of the genus Ochotona of the mountains of North America and Eurasia, resembling guinea pigs but belonging to the order of lagomorphs that includes the hares and rabbits.
  • 假如说西共产党带有若干社会民主党的不良传统,则中国党或多或少带有一些国民党的不良传统。
    If we say that the Communist Parties in West European countries are tainted with some undesirable traditions of the social-democratic parties, the Chinese Communist Party is more or less tainted with the undesirable traditions of the Kuomintang.
  • 洲的一种多年生植物,已被移入美国,花茎中空,叶子狭长且尖,有淡黄色单生的花。
    European perennial naturalized throughout United States having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves and each bearing a solitary pale yellow flower.
  • 洲川续断,花白色粉色;已经引入美国。
    European teasel with white to pink flowers; naturalized in United States.
  • 与普通川续断相似,用法也相似;广布于北美洲和西亚;已经引入美国。
    similar to the common teasel and similarly used; widespread in Europe and North Africa and western Asia; naturalized in United States.
  • 洲世界第六大洲,位于达达尼尔海峡、黑海和乌拉尔山脉以西,严格意义上说它是亚大陆板块延伸出的一巨大的半岛
    The sixth-largest continent, extending west from the Dardanelles, Black Sea, and Ural Mountains. It is technically a vast peninsula of the Eurasian land mass.
  • 洲旅行的一切东西都安排好吗?
    Now is everything properly teed up for your trip Europe?
  • 温带洲和亚洲普通的鹿。
    common deer of temperate Europe and Asia.
  • 一个温凉地区产的多年生禾本属;芽草之类;翦股颖。
    perennial grasses of temperate and cool regions: wheatgrass; dog grass.
  • 洲人往往很喜欢汽车。
    Europeans tend to love their cars.
  • 泻根生长在亚大陆,生有卷须的泻根属的藤类植物,结红色或黑色果实,其块根原用作药物
    Any of various Eurasian tendril-bearing vines of the genus Bryonia, having red or black berries and tuberous roots formerly used as medicine.
  • 然而现在一个洲就有两亿人在生活,马纷薯与其他粮食作物种植的推进与近来农业上一般的改进,使人类供应食料的生产力提高了十倍。
    The culture of the potato and of food-yielding plants, and the more recent improvements made in agriculture generally, have increased tenfold the productive powers of the human race for the creation of the means of subsistence.
  • 港府已向盟提交申述书,要求终止所有调查。
    The Government had made representations to the EU on all cases seeking termination of all proceedings.
  • 洋芫荽一种由培育而成的亚草本植物(皱叶芹属),长有扁平或卷曲的三层复叶,用作调料或装饰菜
    A cultivated Eurasian herb(Petroselinum crispum) having flat or curled, ternately compound leaves that are used for seasoning or as a garnish.
  • 洲和澳洲的陆生猎鸟;大鸨。
    terrestrial game birds of the Old World and Australia: bustards.
  • 行政区领土部分或行政区域,尤指一些洲国家的省
    A territorial or administrative division, especially of a province, in some European countries.
  • 它的洲部分约有200万平方英里的面积。
    Its European territory covered about 2000000 square miles.
  • 提高警惕的结果,使我们成功的瓦解了新加坡、洲和美国的一些恐怖组织细胞。
    This enhanced vigilance has yielded results, breaking up terrorist cells from Singapore to Europe to the United States.
  • 洲多年生茂盛高草,有大量羽状叶子和兰色细花穗;有时入药。
    tall bushy European perennial grown for its masses of light-textured pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers; sometimes used medicinally.
  • 1620年洲殖民者到达普利茅斯洛克,第二年即1621年他们获得大丰收.感恩节就是为纪念这一丰收而举行的庆祝活动。
    Thanksgiving is a celebration that commemorates the harvest reaped by the Plymouth colony in 1621, following their arrival at Plymouth Rock in 1620.
  • 我们讨论的题目是`八十年代的洲'.
    The theme of our discussionwas Europe in the 1980's'.
  • 同样,西藏40多年来文化的发展是在消灭比洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建农奴制这样一个巨大的社会变革的条件下出现的。
    The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages.
  • 同样,西藏40多年来文化的发展是在消灭比洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建农奴制这样一个巨大的社会变革的条件下出现的。
    The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages.
  • 但是,尽管很少有人认为,在象什么是财富这样简单的问题上,概念会发生严重的混乱,可历史上确曾出现过这样的概念混乱。理论家和政治家在某一时期都曾普遍地受到这方面的影响。许多世代以来,概念的混乱引导洲的政策走上一条彻头彻尾错误的道路。
    But, little as it might be expected that any mischievous confusion of ideas could take place on a subject so simple as the question, what is to be considered as wealth, it is matter of history, that such confusion of ideas has existed-that theorists and practical politicians have been equally and at one period universally, infected by it, and that for many generations it gave a thoroughly false direction to the policy of Europe.
  • 洲蕨一种分布广泛,常为蔓生的(洲蕨蕨属)蕨类植物,具有大型、三角形羽状复叶,通常形成茂密的灌木丛
    A widespread, often weedy fern(Pteridium aquilinum) having large, triangular, pinnately compound fronds and often forming dense thickets.
  • 以偷窃著名的亚大陆普通的灰黑色鸟。
    common black-and-gray Eurasian bird noted for thievery.
  • 美国和加拿大已引入的洲蓟,它是一种有害的杂草。
    European thistle naturalized in United States and Canada where it is a pernicious weed.