  • 總督,地長官一個省或一個民族的長官
    The ruler of a province or a people.
  • 音響效果不太好,有些地我聽不太清。
    The acoustics is not very good, I have trouble understanding some bit.
  • 音響效果不太好,有些地我聽不太清。
    The acoustics are not very good, I have trouble understanding some bit.
  • 音響效果不太好,有些地我聽不太清。
    The acoustics are not very good, I had trouble understanding some bits.
  • 如果某一成員有理由相信知識産權領域的某一特殊司法判决或行政裁决或雙邊協議影響了其依照本協議所享有的權利,也可以書面請求獲得或者請求對通知該特殊司法判决、行政裁决或雙邊協議的足夠詳細的內容。
    A Member, having reason to believe that a specific judicial decision or administrative ruling or bilateral agreement in the area of intellectual property rights affects its rights under this Agreement, may also request in writing to be given access to or be informed in sufficient detail of such specific judicial decisions or administrative rulings or bilateral agreements.
  • 治療感冒最好的法是在清咖啡中多加些朗姆酒。
    The best treatment for a cold is black coffee liberally laced with rum.
  • 再一面,則拿波蘭,甚至還準備拿匈牙利,拿羅馬尼亞,作為禮物,以引誘德國。
    and third, to bribe Germany with the offer of Poland, and even of Hungary and Rumania.
  • 匈牙利的官語言(羅馬尼亞也說);屬於烏戈爾語係。
    the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages.
  • 在不遠的地,一趟載貨列車正隆隆地駛嚮鎮裏。
    Not far away,a freight train rumbled into town.
  • 東半球體形優美的反芻動物,腿直,角嚮後上彎麯;比如瞪羚;跳羚;黑斑羚;旋角羚;長頸羚;印度羚。
    graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward: e.g. gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks.
  • 第四條 國務院和地各級人民政府應當將環境噪聲污染防治工作納入環境保護規劃,並采取有利於聲環境保護的經濟、技術政策和措施。
    Article 4 The State Council and local people's governments at various levels shall incorporate prevention and control of environmental noise pollution into their environmental protection plans and adopt economic and technological policies and measures to protect the acoustic environment.
  • 分貝通常表示兩個聲音信號或電力信號在功率或強度面的相對差別的單位,相當於兩個水平的比率的常用對數的十倍
    A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity, usually between two acoustic or electric signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.
  •  縣級以上地人民政府根據國傢聲環境質量標準,劃定本行政區域內各類聲環境質量標準的適用區域,並進行管理。
    Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the national standards for acoustic environmental quality, divide their respective administrative regions into different zones for application of different standards for acoustic environmental quality and exercise control accordingly.
  • 試圖找到謠言開始的地
    Sought to localize the origin of the rumor.
  • 並根據殘疾人的特殊要求,配備光電、聲響等設備,便他們參加各類比賽。
    For example, these venues will be equipped with photoelectrical and acoustic appliances to assist the athletes in the competitions.
  • 貶低通過官聲明或謠言貶低(例如貨幣)
    To depreciate(currency, for example) by official proclamation or by rumor.
  • 南北戰爭之時,許多南人保護過逃跑的奴隸。
    Many Southerners sheltered runaway slaves during the Civil War.
  • 傢這個詞的意思是指我們住的地
    Home is the word for the place we live.
  • 鐘樂鐘敲響的式或順序
    A pattern or order in which bells are rung.
  • 霍伯森說,就資格而言,"新新人類"處於工作金字塔的下,也就是說,如果遇到公司裁員,這個群體是首當其衝的。
    Generation Xers are at the lower rung of the job ladder in terms of seniority, which means they are often the first to lose their jobs during layoffs, said Hobson.
  • 由於各級婦聯在團结婦女參與社會發展和維護婦女權益面的努力與政府的目標一致,婦聯的工作也得到了各級政府的積極支持和鼓勵。
    As the federation has the same goal as the government, which is to unite women to take part in social development and to defend women's rights and interests, its work is supported and encouraged by the authorities on every rung.
  • 得分前跑壘者必須觸到的地
    place that runner must touch before scoring.
  • 同時,中國政府考慮到長期支持臺灣當局的美國政府承認了世界上衹有一個中國、臺灣是中國的一部分、中華人民共和國政府是中國的唯一合法政府,這也有利於用和平的式解决臺灣問題。中國政府在實行和平統一針的同時始終表明,以何種式解决臺灣問題是中國的內政,並無義務承諾放棄使用武力。
    Meanwhile, the Chinese government took into account the fact that the U.S. government, which for many years had supported the Taiwan authorities, had accepted that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is a part of China and the government of the PRC is the only legitimate government of China, and saw this acknowledgment as being beneficial to the peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.
  • 然而,對於美國,這是不夠的,因為eldred一案的判决以及對美國和歐盟之間在著作權保護期面相協調的認識證實,著作權法是全球性的。
    It will not be enough, however, to cap the term in the United States, because as the Eldred decision and its acknowledgment of the harmonization between the EU and the U.S. on duration proved, copyright law is global.
  • 在許多文化中,分享食物是一種交流的式,友誼的信號,或和平的宣告。
    In most cultures, the sharing of food is a kind of communion, an acknowledgment of friendship, or declaration of peace.
  • 這種喜悅或肯定的表示
    An expression of such joy or acknowledgment.
  • 道路徑直通嚮北方
    The road runs directly north.
  • oracle9iaswirelessapi可以用於定製服務器的運行時行為,例如,提供不同的認證案模式或提供定製的設備標識機製。
    The Oracle9iAS Wireless APIs can be used to customize the runtime behavior of the server, for example, providing a different authentication scheme or providing a customized device identification mechanism.
  • (三)全區幹部從五月起進入整風,總結前一段經驗(包括鎮反),準備第二期土改和佈置今後鎮反,法仍是肯定成績,發揚優點,糾正缺點,並註意糾正無政府無紀律傾嚮。
    Since May all cadres have been engaged in the rectification movement to review experience gained in work during the previous period, including the suppression of counter-revolutionaries, prepare for the second phase of agrarian reform and make plans for future suppression of counter-revolutionaries. As usual, we have conducted the movement by acknowledging achievements, carrying forward strong points and remedying shortcomings, while trying to overcome the tendency towards anarchy and indiscipline.
  • 有關面已如期於一九九七年二月開始在第一條(南面)跑道進行飛行測試。
    Flight trials at the first (or southern) runway began on schedule in February 1997.
  • 農村生活方式
    style of rural life
  • 培養完整性我們衹有承認自己的一切掩蓋面,找到一個新的意識中心,即真正的自己,纔具有完整性。
    Developing wholeness We become whole by acknowledging all the hidden aspects of ourselves and by finding a new centre of consciousness, the true self.