| - 他虽然年岁渐增,但还是身强力壮,精力充沛。
Although he is getting on( in years), he is still strong and lusty. - "刘芳精湛的技艺和充满活力的演奏表现了琵琶的灵魂,感人挚深..."
"Liu Fang captures the soul of the pipa, a Chinese lute,... for her delicate and spirited virtuosity." - 除了使用止痛剂和减充血剂,淋巴排毒按摩、冷敷和热敷都有镇痛功能。
Along with painkillers and medical decongestants, Lymphatic drainage massage, cold compresses and hot packs are all soothing and will ease the pain. - 舞蹈演员感情丰富的演出;他自传中一段充满感情的文字
A dancer's lyrical performance; a lyrical passage in his autobiography. - 她充满感情地跳了一段布莱克的《天鹅湖》。
she danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically. - 建议在饮食中补充适量的铁质,赖氨酸和维生素c。
Iron, lysine and vitamin C supplements are recommended. - 这是来之不易的。这充分说明,国家采取的以扩大内需为主的一系列政策措施是完全正确的,宏观调控的运作是成功的。
These were no easy achievements, which demonstrated that the policies adopted by the government aiming at expanding domestic demand were correct, and that the operation of macroeconomic regulation was successful. - 要充分发挥中国社会政治稳定、宏观经济形势良好的优势,尽可能多地吸引外资,特别是吸引著名跨国公司的投资,提高利用外资的质量。
We should take full advantage of China's social and political stability and sound macroeconomic conditions to try to absorb as much foreign investment as possible, particularly investment from famous transnational corporations, and improve the way foreign funds are used. - 他当初真该让我们知道,在我们能积聚大笔的财富之前,必须先让我们的心灵化为导电的磁场,让心里充满对财富的热切渴望,我们得先具有“金钱自觉”,自觉对金钱的渴望,便台驱使我们草拟出取之有道的切实计划。
He should have told us that before we can accumulate riches in great abundance, we must magnetize our minds with intense desire for riches, that we must become"money conscious" until the desire for money drives us to create definite plans for acquiring it. - 美国人民很伟大,他们的反应充满了勇气、激情、力量和坚定。
The American people have responded magnificently, with courage and compassion, strength and resolve. - 憎恨的充满怨恨的;憎恨的
Full of malice; spiteful. - 我们也能够充分面对这历史巨变。
We have been managing that change well. - 是甚麽令我们对自我主宰未来充满信心?
What makes us so confident in managing our future? - 但是,在合适的情况下,如果规定的任务现实,拥有充足的资源和国际社会的支持,并有各方的合作,维持和平行动的确可以有效地帮助解决冲突,维护和平。
But in appropriate situations, with a realistic mandate, sufficient resources, international support and the cooperation of the parties, peacekeeping operations are indeed effective in helping resolve conflicts and maintain peace. - 他刚成年,精力充沛时就死于意外事故。
He was killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood. - 这是因为从事变革现实的人们,常常受着许多的限制,不但常常受着科学条件和技术条件的限制,而且也受着客观过程的发展及其表现程度的限制(客观过程的方面及本质尚未充分暴露)。
This is because people engaged in changing reality are usually subject to numerous limitations; they are limited not only by existing scientific and technological conditions but also by the development of the objective process itself and the degree to which this process has be come manifest (the aspects and the essence of the objective process have not yet been fully revealed). - 具有男子气概特征(精力充沛、勇敢而有能力)的成年男性。
an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent). - 男性化的显示或具有男子汉精力充沛的
Suggestive or characteristic of a man; mannish. - 随着板块的分开,炽热的熔融地幔物质向上流动,以填充空隙。
As the plates separate, hot molten mantle material flows up to fill the void. - 112.青年事务委员会已完成一项青年发展研究,制定了青年工作的未来方向,目的是要帮助青年人充分发展所长。
112. The Commission on Youth has completed its study on youth development and mapped out the direction for our young people to follow in order to realise their full potential. - 逼真的画像;充满了光明的早晨——沃尔特·德·拉·梅尔瑞。
an unflattering portrait; the full unflattering light of morning- Walter de la Mare. - 他很早动身,有充裕的时间赶上火车。
He left early and caught the train by a good margin. - 手术后当晚,这对连体姐妹玛利亚·特蕾莎·阿尔瓦雷斯和玛利亚·赫苏斯留在加利福尼亚洛杉矶医学中心接受观察,她们还没有脱离危险但情况还算稳定。不过医生对她们的康复是充满信心的。
Maria Teresa Quiej Alvarez and her sister, Maria de Jesus, were in critical but stable condition Tuesday night at the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center, but doctors were optimistic about their recovery. - 马歇尔又补充说,千万不要怕说不。
And don't be afraid to just say no,Marshall adds. - 不过,马歇尔补充说,在时下快节奏的社会里,在孩子身上多花钱和带他们去棒球比赛或其他活动相比要来得更便利些。
But, adds Marshall, spending money is also often more convenient in our fast-paced society than going to baseball games or other activities. - 把自己冒充为马克思主义者
Palm oneself off as a Marxist - 精力充沛的,雄浑的有或显示男子气概、力量或活力的
Having or showing masculine spirit, strength, vigor, or power. - 枯燥的书;充满琐碎细节的枯燥演讲;书本知识如果脱离生活则是干瘪的和无趣的-约翰.梅森.布朗。
a dry book; a dry lecture filled with trivial details; dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life- John Mason Brown. - 薄灰浆用来填充砖石建筑中缝隙的薄灰浆
A thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices in masonry. - 以灰泥填抹用水泥或灰泥来填充和覆盖(石匠活的)结合部
To fill and finish the joints of(masonry) with cement or mortar. - 他冒充演员的朋友而得到一张免费戏票。
He got a free ticket to the play by masquerading as a friend of the actors. - 我们应当充分估计群众的热情。
We shall take the enthusiasm of the masse into full account.