  • 那册书还能买到吗?
    Is that volume still in print?
  • 这台自动印刷机每分钟印一百二十页。
    This automatic printer can print 120 pages a minute.
  • 王平:东道国可谓绞尽脑汁:大到奥运村的环保设计,如利用太阳循环水;
    Wang Ping: The host country has racked its brain indeed from the design of environment protection to the tickets printed with poison-ous less printing ink.
  • 这台自动印刷机每分钟印一百二十页。
    This automatic printer can print120 pages a minute.
  • 听到隔壁办公室打印机的声音。
    You can hear the printer in the next office.
  • 在计算机和打印机之间的端口,够使计算机同时向打印机提供多种信息。
    n interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously.
  • 对于特定的问题,你可也需要参考printers。txt或mouse。txt
    You may also need to refer to printers.txt or mouse.txt for specific problem
  • 够传送少量数据通常连在调制解调器和鼠标之间的端口。
    an interface (commonly used for modems and mice and some printers) that transmits data a bit at a time.
  • 够提供用户作为计算机网络共享资源的文档和打印机的计算机。
    (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network.
  • 列印作为一项功而打印;打印出
    To print as a function; produce printout.
  • 对不起,这卷冲了只印黑白片。
    Sorry, this roll can only is developed for black and white prints.
  • 我因有约在先,所以未参加这个会。
    I was unable to attend the meeting because of a prior engagement.
  • 我体谅你可事先已另有承诺。
    I appreciate that you may have prior commitments.
  • "我因有约在先,不来了。"
    A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.
  • 我预先有约会,所以不跟你去。
    I have a prior engagement and so can't go with you.
  • 利用cbq的特性,网络管理人员够对高速internet访问的流量分配优先等级,并在性价格比上更好地管理宽带链路。
    By considering CBQ features, network managers can prioritize traffic for high-speed Internet access and cost-effectively manage broad band links.
  • 访问、可用性、性和拥有成本等优势都是实现内部网时要优先考虑的,但首要考虑的是安全问题。
    While the benefits of access, availability, performance and cost of ownership are all high priorities for Intranet implementation, security issues usually top the priority list.
  • 在这种地方保密是不可的。
    In this place privacy is impossible.
  • 在这类事情中,保密是不可的。
    In such matters, privacy is impossible.
  • 一个让人独处或者是脱离危险的建筑物。
    a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger.
  • 这是私人土地,你不通过。
    This is private land, you can't walk across it.
  • 平心静气地想一想你否私下里去拜访她。
    Take a deep breath and ask if you can see her privately.
  • 出于好意,谁也没有公开说出人人都知道的秘密。
    Out of kindness, perhaps, nobody said publicly what everybody knew privately.
  • 他们中间许多人私下站在他的一边,但却不公开支持他。
    Many of them are privately on his side but cannot support him in public.
  • 很荣幸认识您,麦克尼尔先生。
    It's a privilege to meet you, Mr. McNeil.
  • 我们很高兴得到这样好的机会来访问贵国。
    We were glad to be accorded this privilege your country.
  • 我认为向各位贵宾演讲十分荣幸。
    I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.
  • 在这样重要的场合, 我们有幸欢迎...
    On an occasion such as this (ie as important as this) we are privileged to welcome...
  • 就估价单找我们只供给那样的帐单。
    We only supply that account on pro forma.
  • 因为这样下去,我们永远不超前知道我们下一阶段又该手忙脚乱地追什么。
    We should be pro-active and not play catching up all the time.
  • 可是地球也有不利于氨基酸生存的恶劣条件:虽然地球在其形成初期也可有条件合成复杂的有机物,但那些促使进行这种化学反应的量也足以破坏氨基酸有机分子本身。
    But the terrestrial environment poses some of the same prob lems for building such molecules: although complex organic compounds could readily have been synthesized under primordial conditions, the energy that drives those chemical reactions is also enough to break the organic molecules apart.
  • 他不大可能成功。
    There is a little probability of his success.