  • 根据症状预测否治愈。
    a prediction of the course of a disease.
  • 提出可有较大影响或情况不明的环境因子进行影响预测。
    5 Proposing the parameters with likely impacts or the unknown parameters for further impact prediction.
  • 例如,具有统计背景的项目负责人可不理解客户的年龄不会像年龄与收入之比那样是一个好的预测因素。
    For example, a project leader with a statistical background may not understand that a customer's age wouldn't be as good a predictor as an age-to-income ratio.
  • 英国人所爱好的是他自己的语言、自己的法律、风俗和习惯,只要有可,他将尽量用自己的力量和资本从事于发展他本国的工业,使他的工业产品推广到世界各国市场,在这个情况下,自由贸易制度是最适应他的目的的,他决不会喜欢或想到在法国或德国来建立工业。
    The Englishman, from predilection for his language, for his laws, regulations, and habits, would whenever it was possible devote his powers and his capital to develop his own native industry, for which the system of free trade, by extending the market for English manufactures over all countries, would offer him sufficient opportunity; he would not readily take a fancy to establish manufactures in France or Germany.
  • 我没有听到任何使我讨厌她的说法。
    I have heard nothing that predisposes me to dislike her.
  • 中小型企业是香港经济的一大特色,够为市民提供很多就业机会。
    The economy of Hong Kong is characterized by a predominance of small and medium enterprises, which offer a lot of job opportunities to our people.
  • 由於香港主要是一个服务中心,我们的竞争力端视乎基础设施的质素,和相对於邻近对手而言,我们提供这些服务的成本。
    As predominantly a service centre, our competitiveness is a function of both the quality of our infrastructure and the cost at which these services can be provided vis-a-vis our neighbouring competitors.
  • 我父亲在财务方面的杰出才是不容置疑的。
    No one doubt the preeminence of my father in financial matter.
  • 高优先级程序(够抢占处理机资源)的执行过程。
    the execution of a program that preempts the use of the processing system.
  • 这两个公司组成了先发制人的同盟以防备可被另一个公司接管
    The two companies organized a preemptive alliance against a possible takeover by another firm.
  • 有些软件公司售出大量的ole对象库够用来编制程序的预制组件。
    Some software companies sell vast libraries of OLE objects -- prefabricated parts you can use to build programs.
  • 为减少施工对环境的污染,建设单位尽量选用高性、低噪音、污染小的设备,采用机械化程度高的施工方式,尽量减少现场的管理和施工人员,对混凝土结构尽量采用预制构件,运至现场拼装。
    To achieve this goal, the construction units have tried to use high-efficiency, low-noise and low-pollution equipment. They have tried to adopt more mechanized ways of construction and use as few administrators and workers as possible on the work sites. Whenever possible, prefabricated concrete components are carried to the construction sites and assembled there.
  • 我们的失败可是我们后继者获胜的开端。
    Our defeat may be the preface to our successor's victory.
  • 对怎样写这个前言给我提点建议吗?
    Can you sort me out on how to write this preface?
  • 我们需要一位将法语译成日语或英语的人,最好是译成日语。
    We need someone who can translate French into either Japanese or English, preferably Japanese.
  • 虽然你不可了解你所到访的每个国家的风俗习惯,但是你对基本的文化偏爱和禁忌要敏感。
    While you cannot know the customs of every country you visit,you can be sensitive to basic cultural preferences and taboos.
  • 根据一名反对种族优先的人士、哈佛大学的斯蒂芬·塞恩斯托姆的说法,由于最好的大学不再录取那些学习力较差的学生,新政策确保了少数民族学生较高的毕业率。
    According to Harvard's Stephan Thernstrom, an opponent of racial preferences, the new system ensures a higher minority graduation rate by not accepting students incapable of doing well at the best colleges.
  • 意识到自己一方不久可会在法律上处于不利地位,麻省大学上个月声明,它将不再试图通过实行种族优先的做法来促进校园的种族多样性。
    Sensing that it would soon be on the wrong side of the law, the University of Massachusetts announced last month that it would no longer attempt to increase diversity through racial preferences.
  • 我们正按原定目标把长者轮候租住公屋的时间缩短至两年。此外,房屋局局长现正制定一个评估模式,以了解长者的住屋需求和意愿,让政府的措施更切合他们的需要。
    We are making good progress towards meeting our target of reducing the waiting time for elderly people applying for public rental flats to two years, and the Secretary for Housing is developing a model which will help us to assess the housing demand and preferences of our elderly population so that we may better cater to their needs in the future.
  • 它更愿得到它吃的东西。
    He preferred something he could eat.
  • 我对中国传统的山水墨画不大感兴趣,较引起我的兴趣的是一些中国现代画家,例如吴冠中和聂鸥的作品。
    I am less excited by the classical shan-shui paintings, preferring the modern works of Wu Guanzhong and Nie Ou.
  • 词缀词素,如前辍或后辍,其只通过附加于词基、词干或词根而出现
    A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem, or root.
  • 猴子能盘卷的尾巴
    the prehensile tail of a monkey
  • 袋貂任一种产于新几内亚、澳大利亚及其邻近岛屿的袋貂属在夜间活动的有袋动物,生有大眼睛、小耳朵、尖鼻子并长有攀捉力的长尾
    Any of several nocturnal marsupials of the genus Phalanger of New Guinea, Australia, and adjacent islands, having large eyes, small ears, a pointed snout, and a long, prehensile tail.
  • 甚至在史前时期人口的增长也一定常常威胁或者超过了人类粮食生产的力。
    Even in prehistoric times population growth often must have threatened or exceeded man's ability to produce enough food.
  • 这些考虑全都不克服他的偏见。
    None of these considerations prevailed over his prejudice.
  • 警察歧视外人这件事情不可记录在官方的卷宗中,只有国会司法专员派代表核对事实,才有可弄清真相。
    The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in the official files.
  • 初步试验,其结果可引发更广泛的其他试验。
    a preliminary experiment whose outcome can lead to a more extensive experiment.
  • 街头殴斗可是一个更严重事端的前奏。
    The fighting in the street may is a prelude to more serious trouble.
  • 研究表明,这会妨碍胎儿获得发育所需要的氧气和营养物质,这可对胎儿造成伤害,引起早产或胎儿体重不足。
    Research indicates this can prevent the baby from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow--potentially leading to fetal injury, premature birth, or low birth weight.
  • 艺术团体只要付出象征性的租金,便利用改建的旧建筑物为活动场所。
    It also houses arts companies in converted old premises at nominal rentals.
  • 将来,megaco允许的电话网够在企业中支持客户办公室设备。
    A future Megaco-enabled phone network could support customer premises equipment in an enterprise.