  • 她本来是做试验练习的。
    She can have practised there.
  • 如果你长期坚持练习,那么你的钢琴会弹得很好。
    If you can stick at practising for long enough, you could play the piano quite well.
  • 他们受到阻挠,不照常进行他们的宗教活动。
    They were prevented from practising their religion.
  • 假如你继续练习,你的力一定会渐渐提高。
    If yo keep practising, you will improve little by little.
  • 你只要一直练下去,一定练好。
    You can certainly do it well if you keep on practising.
  • 社会主义为什么不可以搞市场经济,这个不说是资本主义。
    Why can't we develop a market economy under socialism?Developing a market economy does not mean practising capitalism.
  • 经济工作要按经济规律办事,不弄虚作假,不空喊口号,要有一套科学的办法。
    Economic work should be done in accordance with economic law.We must follow scientific methods without practising fraud or chanting empty slogans.
  • 依照这种趋势发展下去,再过十年八年,中医师开药方也可用汉语拼音了!
    Maybe in another decade Chinese medicine practitioners will make prescriptions in pinyin instead of Chinese characters.
  • 我们只为自己辩护说,务实的新加坡人不屑赢什么诺贝尔奖。
    The only defence we can give is that we pragmatic Singaporeans do not really care about winning a Nobel Prize.
  • 新加坡够推行务实的政策,除了政府的强势,高效和廉洁之外,还有一个重要的基础,这就是新加坡有着稳定和谐的劳资政三角关系。
    Besides having a strong, clean and efficient administration, Singapore has been able to pursue such pragmatic policies because it enjoys a stable and harmonious tripartite relationship among employers, workers, and the government.
  • 但是,这不掩盖事实。我们务实的社会非常重视英文,受华文教育的人,在社会上处于不利的地位,尤其是在受英文教育者的眼里。
    But this does not hide the fact that in a pragmatic society that prides the importance of English, the chinese-educated are at a disadvantage socially ,especially when seen through the eyes of the English-educated.
  • 士兵可要花很多年培训,他们会成为自己领域的专家,突然他们捐躯了就会导致力没那么强,技术没那么高超的人来替代他,因为替代他的人不见得受过多年的培训。所以不仅从道义上,从实际角度出发也要避免士兵的伤亡。
    Soldiers may spend years being trained. They may b experts in their field and suddenly when they are dead they are going to be replaced by someone who is less capable, less than an expert because they won't have the years of training, so it's not only moral but it's pragmatic to avoid the losses of one's soldiers.
  • 我相信你们都同意,今天的国家领导人,教育水准已经大为提高,作风务实,对未来有明确的构想,他们会带领中国进入二十一世纪,他们的力和才智会确保「一国两制」的实施,也令我们对现有制度不变和高度自治的承诺,充满信心。
    I think everyone agrees. Indeed, it is this generation of leadership in China, well educated, pragmatic and with a clear vision of the future, who are moving China forward into the 21st century. The ability and intellectual power is clearly there. It is this ability and intellectual power that will ensure the implementation of "one country, two systems" concept and make us feel assured about the promises of continuity of the existing systems and a high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong.
  • 虽然我们可以对别的地方的饥饿漠不关心,但我们对英国自身不稳定的食物供应则不视而不见。“我好就行了”对我们来说也许今天行,明天恐怕就不行了。
    Indifferent though we may be to starvation elsewhere, we cannot turn a blind eye to the precarious nature of Britain's food supply. "I'm all right, Jack" may be all right for us today. Tomorrow it may not be all right.
  • 底线:要证明使用手机的安全性,需要20或30年的研究才作出定论,因而有必要采取一些预防措施。
    The bottom line: Until 20-or 30-year studies are available to demonstrate cell-phone safety, take some precautions.
  •  发明或者实用新型专利申请人应当按照前款规定的方式和顺序撰写说明书,并在说明书每一部分前面写明标题,除非其发明或者实用新型的性质用其他方式或者顺序撰写节约说明书的篇幅并使他人够准确理解其发明或者实用新型。
    The manner and order referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be followed by the applicant for a patent for invention or for utility model, and each of the parts shall be preceded by a heading, unless, because of the nature of the invention or utility model, a different manner or order would result in a better understanding and a more economical presentation.
  •  第五十三条香港特别行政区行政长官短期不履行职务时,由政务司长、财政司长、律政司长依次临时代理其职务。
    Article 53 If the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is not able to discharge his or her duties for a short period, such duties shall temporarily be assumed by the Administrative Secretary, Financial Secretary or Secretary of Justice in this order of precedence.
  • 当然,这样的搭配不引为先例。
    This of course should not be taken as a precedent.
  • 结果很可成为一个先例的一次代表性的诉讼。
    a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent.
  • 中国的抗日游击战争,就其特殊的广大性和长期性说来,不但在东方是空前的,在整个人类历史上也可是空前的。
    In its extraordinary breadth and protractedness, China's anti-Japanese guerrilla war is without precedent, not only in the East but perhaps in the whole history of mankind.
  •  从属权利要求只引用在前的权利要求。
    Any dependent claim shall only refer to the preceding claim or claims.
  • 我的时间很宝贵,我只见你几分钟。
    My time is precious; I can only give you a few minutes.
  • 人工流产的提倡者认为它是控制人口的一种必要手段。他们也许是对的,但他们可忽略了人的生命在最初阶段的宝贵。
    Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control , but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages.
  • 骚动的原因引起或引起这种状态的原动力
    An agent that precipitates or is capable of precipitating such a state.
  • 但是,要是采取鲁莽行动,美国就可大大失利;要采取容忍态度,美国就可大大获益。
    But the US may have much top lose by precipitate action and much to gain form patience.
  • 然而,科学家发现,一部分这种有害物质够停留在空气中,被传送到远处,有时会随降雨进人到水体中。
    Scientists have found, however, that some of the compound remained in the air and was carried far away and sometimes fell with precipitation into bodies of water.
  • 我不告诉你一个确切的日期。
    I can't give you a precise date.
  • 在数量或性上具有的准确性。
    the quality of being precise in amount or performance.
  • 这不是准确或轻易回答的问题。
    This question can not be answered precisely or easily.
  • 这是可的,我们也正是这样努力的。
    This is possible, and it is precisely what we are working for.
  • 然而,它却够很精确地“飞翔”。
    Yet the animal"flies"with great precision.
  • 很难或不精确估计。
    difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision.