  • 高的枝杈不多的圆锥形的树,有大的芬芳的带着白色内心的黄色的
    tall sparingly branched conical tree having large fragrant yellow flowers with white centers.
  • 北美西部老鹳草,白色或粉红色串。
    geranium of western North America having branched clusters of white or pale pink flowers.
  • 每年落叶的有许多枝条的灌木,有浓密绒毛的小铃铛形白的圆锥序。
    deciduous much-branched shrub with dense downy panicles of small bell-shaped white flowers.
  • 任何一种属于c种的多枝的黄的灌木;分布在北美西部。
    any of various much-branched yellow-flowered shrubs of the genus Chrysothamnus; western North America.
  • 一种开纯黄色蛋形的球形百合,其呈张开的枝条形簇状;生长于加利福尼亚北部。
    globe lily having open branched clusters of clear yellow egg-shaped flowers; northern California.
  • 美洲的一个一年生或多年生草本属,高大而直立或多分枝,艳丽;向日葵。
    genus of tall erect or branched American annual or perennial herbs with showy flowers: sunflowers.
  • 孢子囊单一的或分叉的不育丝,尖角状或棒状。
    a sterile simple or branched filament or hair borne among sporangia; may be pointed or clubbed.
  • 在美国热带开旺盛并发枝较低的小的属。
    small genus of low-branching profusely flowering trees of tropical America.
  • 一种分枝的高草本植物,黄色,艳丽,多重瓣,头状序。
    very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower heads.
  • 单茎轴的在每一分枝形成单轴,如某些
    Forming a single axis at each branching, as certain flower clusters.
  • 伸枝的芳香的地中海灌木,有羊毛似的茎干和叶子以及黄色的
    branching aromatic Mediterranean shrub with woolly stems and leaves and yellow flowers.
  • 一大桌子由分别装饰的水果或者甜食或者组成的中心装饰品。
    a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers.
  • 亚洲的一种小灌木,具有披针状的叶和芳香、淡紫色的圆锥序。
    small densely branching Asiatic shrub having lanceolate leaves and panicles of fragrant lilac flowers.
  • 美国东部多枝的多年生植物,有白色至深红色或紫色的
    densely branching perennial of the eastern United States with white to crimson or purple flowers.
  • 美国中部一种类似于一般向日葵的太阳,其茎细长并且多枝。
    similar to the common sunflower with slender usually branching stems common in central United States.
  • 低处分杈的年生叶茂草本植物,有百日菊般的头状序;美国东南部和墨西哥至危地马拉。
    low-branching leafy annual with zinnialike flower heads; southwestern United States and Mexico to Guatemala.
  • 装饰线条由交错和分枝的线条组成的装饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带边的透雕细工
    Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.
  • 任何昙属的植物,有扁平的有节的不规则的干和美丽的管状
    any cactus of the genus Epiphyllum having flattened jointed irregularly branching stems and showy tubular flowers.
  • 旧大陆的一年生植物,具有坚硬的枝条和淡黄色的;广泛移植于北美;通常作药用植物。
    stiffly branching Old World annual with pale yellow flowers; widely naturalized in North America; formerly used medicinally.
  • 玄参任一种玄参属植物,具有松散、枝状的绿色或紫色小
    Any of various plants of the genus Scrophularia having loose, branching clusters of small greenish or purple flowers.
  • 搞一套愚蠢的招纯属虚张声势
    perform idiotic tricks out of sheer bravado
  • 这项工作既要体力, 也要脑力。
    The work requires brain as well as brawn.
  • 这项工作既要体力,也要脑力。
    The work requires brain as well as brawn.
  • 连续不断开的巴西藤蔓植物。
    Brazilian vine that tends to flower continuously.
  • 巴西的灌木,有两倍羽状的叶子和小的有穗的,有平的不规则的豆荚;有时被归为南美豆属。
    Brazilian shrub having twice-pinnate leaves and small spicate flowers followed by flat or irregularly torulose pods; sometimes placed in genus Piptadenia.
  • 源于巴西的附生仙人掌,作为室内盆栽植物而广泛栽培,有有节的茎干和冬天开的紫红色的
    epiphytic cactus of Brazilian ancestry widely cultivated as a houseplant having jointed flat segments and usually rose-purple flowers that bloom in winter.
  • 巴西仙人掌类的一个小属,茎肉质,扁平,通常具分枝的节,美丽,红色或粉色,果实红色,肉质。
    small genus of Brazilian cacti having flat fleshy usually branched joints and showy red or pink flowers followed by red fleshy fruits.
  • 假如你打碎那瓶, 你得赔偿。
    If you break that vase you'll have to pay for it.
  • 早餐要花4英镑。
    Breakfast cost four pound.
  • 有了这一喜人的进展,科学家们倍感鼓舞。现在他们正在尝试将传统的匹萨、硬面包圈、面卷饼、甚至生黄油三明治也改良成这种新型的食品。
    Inspired by their apparent breakthrough, the scientists are now experimenting with pizzas, bagels, burritos and even the staple peanut butter sandwich.
  • 龙骨状突起,龙骨瓣龙骨状脊或结构,如鸟的突出胸骨或豆科中很多植物的两片下层融合在一起的瓣的龙骨状结构
    A keel-shaped ridge or structure, such as that on the breastbone of a bird or of the fused lower two petals of flowers of many members of the pea family.
  • 麦基诺厚大衣一种短而沉,胸部有双排扣的大衣,通常有方格纹,毛料制成
    A short, double-breasted coat of heavy, usually plaid, woolen material.