  • 有口信给他吗?
    Any message for him?
  • 别再打电话给我。
    Don't call me anymore.
  • 有东西给我吗?
    Is there anything for me?
  • 你能给推荐一些吗?
    Can you recommed anything?
  • 你随时都可以打电话我。
    You can call me anytime.
  • 除了今天什么时候都行,来前请他打个电话。
    Anytime except today. Please give him a call before you come.
  • 婴儿出生后五到八个月左右会开始长乳牙,在这一时期应当他干净结实的东西咀嚼。
    Milk teeth may begin to appear at anytime from five to eight months from birth, and at this stage the baby should be given something clean and hard go bite on.
  • 这套房间本来是准备5口人住的。
    The apartment was originally meant for five.
  • 一种提供客人小厨房和浴室的公寓。
    a furnished apartment with a kitchenette and bathroom.
  • 如果我们的选择是错误的,祖辈会谴责我们的。上帝正眷顾着这个国家,我们必须显示出我们的勇气,敢于面对问题,而不是将它们遗留我们的后代。
    We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives.
  • 孩子们每人一美元。
    She gave the boys a dollar apiece.
  • 孩子每人一美元。
    He gave his children a dollor apiece.
  • 分给每个人两个苹果
    Deal out two apples apiece
  • 维克托供他们每人一品脱啤酒,并说将把酒钱记在帐上。
    Victor supplied them with a pint of beer apiece and said he would chalk it up.
  • 一座奉献阿波罗的庙宇
    A temple devoted to Apollo.
  • 宙斯罚波塞冬和阿波罗去拉俄墨冬国王当奴隶,他们为国王建造了特洛伊城。但宙斯宽恕了其余的神祗,因为他们只不过是胁从。
    Zeus punished Poseidon and Apollo by sending them as bond-servants to King Laomedon, for whom they built the city of Troy; but he pardoned the others as having acted under duress.
  • 维纳斯送她美貌,墨丘利送她利嘴灵舌,阿波罗送她音乐的天赋,还有其他种种。接受了这些禀赋后她被送到地上交了厄庇墨透斯。厄庇墨透斯的哥哥虽然早就嘱咐过弟弟要提防朱庇特和他的馈赠,但他弟弟还是欣然接纳了潘多拉。
    Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gift.
  • 给你姐姐赔个不是!
    Apologize to your sister!
  • 实在抱歉, 这么晚您打电话。
    I must apologize for calling you so late.
  • 实在抱歉您带来这么多麻烦。
    I do apologize for the trouble.
  • 先生,很抱歉您造了不便。
    We apologize for any incovenience caused,sir.
  • 他们因为没能我们沏茶表示歉意。
    They apologized for not being able to offer us tea.
  • 他说他会议耽误了,准备1点钟同你见面,他抱歉让您等候。
    He said he was delayed by the meeting, and he was going to meet you at 1 o'clock. And he apologized for keeping you waiting.
  • 听说我不会开叉车,新老板有些不悦。他扔我一把扳手让我打开一个水龙头,却看见我使足了吃奶的力气越拧越紧,他简直要气疯了,"你搞错方向了。"
    While the new boss was mildly disgusted when I couldn’t drive the forklift, he was apoplectic when he tossed me a wrench to open a hydrant and saw me tightening it with all my strength. “Wrong direction!”
  • 为了30条金子而把耶稣出卖了他的敌人的使徒。
    the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver.
  • 异教徒传教的基督徒;《新约圣经》中一些使徒书的作者;虽然保罗没有出席最后的晚餐但他被认为是一个使徒。
    a Christian missionary to the Gentiles; author of several Epistles in the New Testament; even though Paul was not present at the Last Supper he is considered an apostle.
  • 医生来检查了病人的症状,说她是重伤风(其实这也是可想而知的),他嘱咐她们要尽力当心,又劝吉英上床去睡觉,并且她开了几样药。
    The apothecary came, and having examined his patient, said, as might be supposed, that she had caught a violent cold, and that they must endeavour to get the better of it; advised her to return to bed, and promised her some draughts.
  • 我不明白她为什麽要嫁那个糟糕透顶的人,我连理都不愿意理他。
    I don't know why she's marrying that appalling man; I wouldn't touch him with a barge-pole.
  • 小汽车引诱着人们出远门,却又人们造成可怕的返回问题。
    The car tempts people further out and then gives them the appalling problem of getting back.
  • 请给我遥控器。
    Give me the remote control apparatus please.
  • 除了他自己大量(而且还在增长)的个人财富外,假如把乔丹影响下的实业加在一起,那就包括运动鞋和服装的销售;较高的电视收视率;比赛观众的增多;他支持宣传的商品公司带来的效益;录像带;古龙香水还有其他的东西。人们要问,乔丹对经济总的影响是什么?
    Beyond his own vast (and growing) personal fortune, if you add up all the Jordan -- influenced business -- the sneaker and apparel sales, the higher television ratings, the increased game attendance, the endorsement value, the videos, the cologne, and the rest of it -- what is his overall economic impact?
  • 他似把它给忘了。
    He has apparently forgotten it.