  • 然后哥伦布指向天,人们抬头仰望,看见月食开始了。
    Columbus then pointed to the sky,and the men looked up.
  • 在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上袭都可能丧生。
    In modern war both combatant and noncombatant are killed in air attack.
  • 在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上袭都可能丧生。
    In modern war both combatant and noncombatant is kill in air attack.
  • 气在与燃烧生成物混合之前要进行预热。
    Before mixing with the products of combustion, the air is preheated.
  • 进气氧化过程中需要气。用于内燃机
    To require air in the combustion process. Used of an internal-combustion engine.
  • 进气燃烧过程中吸入气。用于内燃机
    To draw in(air) for the combustion process. Used of an internal-combustion engine.
  • 香港太馆于一九九七年四月举行多次"海尔──博普彗星"公众观测活动,吸引了1270人观赏。
    In April, the Hong Kong Space Museum arranged public viewing sessions of the Comet Hale-Bopp which attracted 1270 spectators.
  • 容纳,提供间宽绰而不拥挤
    To hold comfortably without crowding.
  • 享受着或者给予舒适的温暖、藏身的地方,特别是在小的间里。
    enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space.
  • 防空预警指挥系统
    air defense warning and command system
  • 军区空军
    air force under military area command
  • 请给我两张航邮简和三张纪念邮票。
    Two aerogrammes and three commemorative stamps, please.
  • 南北走向的那条大街叫做"自由之路",街上有方尖纪念塔和多得难以想像的降部队展览馆。
    The road southward,marked with commemorative obelisks and more musees des troupes aeroportees than you'd care to imagine,is called the Way of Liberation.
  • 中国文化统一的时间漫长,但每当与政治统一结合的时候,所产生的体制往往局限于时间和间。
    China's cultural ecumenism is long and durable, but attempts to make it commensurate with political oneness have only produced entities of limited scales of time and of space.
  • 中国文化统一的时间漫长,但每当与政治统一结合的时候,所产生的体制往往局限于时间和间。
    The corollary of that is China's cultural ecumenism is long and durable; attempts to make it commensurate with political oneness have only produced entities of limited scales of time and of space.
  • 陆海三军的代理军官。
    a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corp.
  • 陆海三军陆战队中,军衔最低的委任官员。
    a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corps holding the lowest rank.
  • 空间研究委员会
    Committee on Space Research,缩写COSPAR
  • 调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。
    Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
  • 旅行现已为寻常。
    Air travel have now become commonplace.
  • 中旅行现在已经变得很平常了;平凡的日常活动。
    air travel has now become commonplace; commonplace everyday activities.
  • 这时,我想起了对于每天的阳光我也是经常无动于衷,只关注于琐碎甚至是无意义的小事,而忽略了对于司见惯的经历做出反应:生活的礼物是珍贵的--但是我们却忽视了它们。
    Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond from that experience is really as commonplace as was the experience itself: life's gifts are precious -- but we are too heedless of them.
  • 傅立叶想社会主义由查尔斯·傅立叶于19世纪早期提出的社会改革形式,设想建立由自给自主的基层组织构成的理想社会
    A system for social reform advocated by Charles Fourier in the early19th century, proposing that society be organized into small self-sustaining communal groups.
  • 通信兵担负军事通信任务,由通信、通信工程、通信技术保障、航兵导航和军邮勤务等专业部(分)队组成。
    The communications corps, responsible for military communications, is composed of specialized units engaged in communications, communications engineering, communications technical support, aviation navigation and military postal service.
  • 不占间的摄像机;小型汽车
    A compact camera; a compact car.
  • 法令将规定,如果主人没有满足宠物的需求--如给予足够的食物和水、足够的间、足够的陪伴,主人就将受到起诉。
    Under the rules owners could be prosecuted if they failed to give pets what they needed -- ranging from adequate food and water to enough space and companionship.
  • 香港的气质素指标,与其他发展国家订定的标准相若。
    Hong Kong's objectives for air quality are comparable with the air quality standards adopted in developed countries.
  • (“near(近)”的比较级)指在间上的两个当中距离较近的一个。
    (comparative of `near') being the one of two that is less distant in space.
  • 中有很多很多星星,有些很大,有些则较小。
    There are many many stars in the sky, some stars are very large and some are comparatively small.
  • 车厢,拖车此种交通工具的后部室或相连的拖车
    The rear compartment or attached trailer of such a vehicle.
  • 这些任务既包括安全理事会为应对某一争端决定派遣维持和平行动,也包括制定航安全和通信兼容性的标准;
    These range from the decision of the Security Council to dispatch a peacekeeping operation in response to a dispute, to setting standards for air safety and communications compatibility;
  • 这项研工作迫使他去钻研其他的学问。
    The research compels him to spread out into other fields.