  • 改革涵盖四个政策范围:入职与职,薪酬及附带福利,纪律处分程序,以及表现评核制度、专业培训和个人发展。
    Reforms will cover the four policy areas of entry and exit; pay and fringe benefits; disciplinary procedures; and performance management, professional training and personal development.
  • 将机车摘离列车
    disconnect a locomotive from a train
  • 使分,分开或解开。
    make disconnected, disjoin or unfasten.
  • 齿轮没有啮合或者分开。
    having gears not engaged or disconnected.
  • 他们脱了该项运动。
    They disconnected themselves from the movement.
  • 设计好可以没有损伤的被解开或者分
    designed to be unfastened or disconnected without damage.
  • 他只能支破碎地叙述那件意外事故。
    He could only give a disconnected account of the accident.
  • 远古时期的人们认为毛发、剪下的指甲和脱落的牙齿即使开了人的身体,仍与其主人保持着神秘的联系。
    Primitive peoples believe that hair, nail clippings, and lost teeth remain magically linked to the owner even after they have been disconnected from his body.
  • 分开,拆开分开或拆开的动作或过程;分
    The act or process of disconnecting or detaching; separation.
  • 竞争者就能轻易地挑拨间,以及把有才干的人才挖走。
    This allows competitors to sow more seeds of discord, and to poach the more capable ones to join them.
  • 讨厌的是他们就是不停地抱怨啊,发牢骚啊,还在团里挑拨间,拉帮结派。
    But the trouble was they did not stop at complaining and grumbling,but sowed discord and formed factions in the group.
  • 但是现在,这种“挑拔间的谣言已经全部破产了,西藏人民已经切身体会到了我们在宗教信仰上是有自由的。”
    However, he added, "the rumors that aim to sow discord have all been exploded and the Tibetan people know from our own experience that we have freedom of religious belief."
  • 而一切不利于抗日和团结的,鼓动群众德的,反对进步、拉着人们倒退的东西,便都是坏的。
    on the other hand, everything is bad that is detrimental to unity and resistance to Japan, foments dissension and discord among the masses and opposes progress and drags people back.
  • 更何况大家都不团结时,不愉快事件频频,竞争者就能轻易地挑拨间,以及把有才干的人才挖走。
    Moreover, when the employees are disunited, unhappiness is bound to set in. This allows competitors to sow more seeds of discord, and to poach the more capable ones to join them.
  • 她丈夫总是小心地保持着一定的距跟随着她,就像一只滚圆的小狗小跑着跟在女主人的后面。
    Her husband always follows at a discreet distance, like a small round dog trotting after its mistress.
  • 在猎人们与他会合之前,他一直与狗熊保持稳妥的距;会合后他们便冲上前去从网中弄出了狗熊。
    He kept a discreet distance until the hunters joined him; then they went forward and removed the bear from the net.
  • 离散系统仿真语言
    discrete system simulation language
  • 散事件系统仿真方法
    discrete event system simulation method
  • 离散最优控制系统
    discrete-time optimal control systems
  • 生命物质的散个体。
    a discrete unit of living matter.
  • 散时间系统的傅里叶分析
    Fourier analysis in discrete time system
  • 散时间非周期序列的傅里叶变换
    Fourier transform of nonperiodic discrete-time sequences
  • 散时间系统的时域分析
    time-domain analysis of the discrete time system
  • 把若干散的信息项组合到一个信息单位中的动作。
    An act designed to include several discrete items of information in one unit of information.
  • 在给定调制电路中能被传送的散信号码元数。
    The number of discrete signal elements that can be transmitted in a given modulation scheme.
  • 一组无二义性的规则,用来说明用散形式表示数据的方法。同codingscheme。
    A set of unambiguous rules specifying the manner in which data may be represented in a discrete form.
  • 借助所选择的散的载波相位变化来传输数字信息的调制技术。
    Modulation techniques for transmitting digital information in which that information conveyed by selecting discrete phase changes of the carrier.
  • 由于每个散通道是单向的,并且定时令牌方案避免各设备间同时交谈,因此不会出现以太网中的碰撞情况。
    Because every discrete path is unidirectional and the Timed Token scheme keeps devices from talking at the same time, collisions don't occur as they do in Ethernet.
  • 断开或接通直流电路或者在具有某些特点的散值之间对载波进行调制而形成信号的过程和方法。如电报传输中使用的就是键控法。
    The forming of signals, such as those employed in telegraph transmission, by the interruption of a direct current or modulation of a carrier between discrete values of some characteristics.
  • 一种产生数据记录硬拷贝的输出设备,它是以属于一个或多个预定字符集里的散的图形字符序列的形式去表示数据记录的。
    An output unit that produces a hard copy record of data mainly in the form of a sequence of discrete graphic characters belonging to one or more predetermined character sets.
  • 我不告诉你什么时候开,你已经长大了,该自己作出决定。
    I won't tell you what time to leave, you're old enough to use your own discretion.
  • 讨论题越来越远。变成了无益的空谈。
    The discussion trailed off into futilities.