  • 60余万字的《中国戏曲志·西藏卷》已经编竣,填补了西藏历史上戏剧理论著述和专题志书的空
    The 600,000-word "History of Chinese Dramas: Tibetan Volume "has been compiled, filling in a blank in theoretical writings and monographic studies on drama in Tibetan history.
  • 的确,她们这家人里面只有她们的兄弟能使她称心满意,你一眼便可以看出他是真的在为吉英担忧,再说他对于伊丽莎也殷勤和悦到极点。伊丽莎本以为人家会把她看作一个不速之客,可是有了这份殷勤,她就不这么想了。
    Their brother, indeed, was the only one of the party whom she could regard with any complacency. His anxiety for Jane was evident, and his attentions to herself most pleasing, and they prevented her feeling herself so much an intruder as she believed she was considered by the others.
  • 我们的执法工作虽见成效,但我们绝不感到自满,并且非常明,继续保持警觉是至为重要的。
    While we can point to some success in our enforcement efforts, we are not complacent at all and realise only too well that continued vigilance is essential.
  • 我完全明白。
    I understand completely.
  • 她面色苍白.
    She has a pale complexion.
  • 他脸色苍白。
    His complexion is pale.
  • 不健康而苍白的肤色
    An unhealthy, pasty complexion.
  • 的面色苍的;灰
    Whitish in complexion; pallid.
  • 那女孩的脸色多苍
    How pale that girl's complexion!
  • 无暇的纪录;没有瑕疵的皮肤。
    an unblemished record; an unblemished complexion.
  • 色人种的具有浅肤色和浅色毛发的
    Having a light complexion and light hair.
  • 黑皮肤的具有非晰的脸色的;黑黝黝的
    Having a complexion that is not fair; swarthy.
  • 种人具有浅色的肤色和毛发的人
    A person having a light complexion and light hair.
  • 丽迪雅是个胖胖的、发育得很好的姑娘,今年才十五岁,细皮肉,笑颜常开,她是母亲的掌上明珠,由于娇纵过度,她很小就进入了社交界。
    Lydia was a stout, well-grown girl of fifteen, with a fine complexion and good-humoured countenance; a favourite with her mother, whose affection had brought her into public at an early age.
  • 后来她老是这样的问我,我老是这样的答,并不为难,不过,那苍的颜色,突露的颧骨,两目炯炯的总使人怕。
    After that she always put the question to me in the same way and I always gave the same answer. That was not difficult, but her pallid complexion, her bony forehead and her two glaring eyes were really frightening.
  • 我不明这里复杂的数学运算.
    I don't understand the mathematics (eg the complicated calculations) here.
  • 核组蛋成分是组蛋的核蛋
    A nucleoprotein whose protein component is a histone.
  • 血红素一种深红色的,不含蛋的含铁物质,是血红蛋的组成成份,c34h32fen4o4
    The deep red, nonprotein, ferrous component of hemoglobin, C34H32FeN4O4.
  • 混合的一种颜色以上的混合物的或夹杂黑色或色的
    Being a composite of more than one color or mixed with black or white.
  • 鼠曲草任一种菊科鼠曲草属的有绒毛植物,开有色或黄色的小型头状花序
    Any of various woolly plants of the genus Gnaphalium in the composite family, having small whitish or yellowish flower heads.
  • 自1936年皮肤、蓝眼睛的贝蒂合成画像首次亮相以来,她的画像到现在已是第8版了。
    Betty's portrait is now in its eighth incarnation since the first composite painting debuted in 1936 with pale skin and blue eyes.
  • 富爸爸依旧微笑着,我还没弄明那天他说的全部。
    Rich dad was smiling. I did not comprehend everything he said that day.
  • 伊丽莎说:“那么,在你的想象中,一个多才多艺的妇女应该包括很多条件啦。”
    "Then," observed Elizabeth, "you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished women."
  • 本想多了解国际动态,但我还是要消化一大堆名词,报道也看不大明,结果发现读英文报比较通畅。
    They slow down reading and make news reports harder to comprehend. It is comparatively easier to obtain information from English-language newpapers.
  • 我不明鲍勃为什么提出这么愚蠢的问题。
    Why Bob asked such a silly question passes my comprehension.
  • 愤怒之际,她紧闭双唇,以致于嘴唇都变了。
    In her anger she compressed her lips so tightly that they went white.
  • 由于血红蛋不集中而导致的氧缺少。
    hypoxia resulting from a decreased concentration of hemoglobin.
  • 白是一个政治概念。
    "White" is a political concept.
  • 被认可或被许可的事实或陈述;坦
    A fact or statement granted or admitted; a concession.
  • 不过他还可以用一个1880年开始在美国流行的新词来形容:“小脸。“这种人从穿着打扮到一举一动都旨在博取年轻心软的姑娘好感。
    He came within the meaning of a still newer term, which had sprung into general use among Americans in 1880, and which concisely expressed the thought of one whose dress or manners are calculated to elicit the admiration of susceptible young women--a "masher."
  • 药呢,那些广嗣丹、毓麟散、凤丸,早已移置在小姨房里,再也没有她吃的份了。
    As to medicine, those "Prolific Posterity" pellets, "Birth of Unicorn" powder, "White Phoenix" pills, these had all since been moved into the concubine's room. She no longer had any share of it any more.
  • 染色质,核染质细胞核中由核酸与蛋质组成的核酸复合物,容易被基本染料染色,在细胞分裂期会浓缩而形成染色体
    A complex of nucleic acids and proteins in the cell nucleus that stains readily with basic dyes and condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.