  • 大傢知道,在抗日戰爭時期,我們黨進行了一次時間很長的整風運動,那次整風主要是剋服主觀主義、宗主義、黨八股,目的是把全黨團结在毛澤東思想之下,團结在以毛澤東為首的黨中央周圍,領導群衆,打敗日本侵略者。
    As you all know, during the War of Resistance Against Japan our Party conducted a very long rectification movement, chiefly to overcome subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing, with the aim of rallying the entire Party membership under Mao Zedong Thought and around the Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong, so we could lead the masses in defeating the Japanese aggressors.
  • 反動鎮壓了學生運動。
    The reactionaries crushed the movement of the students into submission.
  • 反共頑固對外奴顔婢膝,投降妥協,對內搞封建主義。
    They are subservient to foreign countries, compromising with them and surrendering to them, and practise feudalism at home.
  • 我指懷特先生做我的接班人。
    I appointed Mr. White as my successor.
  • 李鴻章被委嚮帝國主義求和。
    Li Hongzhang was appointed to approach the imperialists and sue for peace.
  • 當某些傳染病暴發時,原西藏地方政府不但不采取措施救治病人,反而把病人趕進深山峽𠔌,兵把守山口,將病人睏死。
    When some infectious diseases spun out of control, the former Tibetan local government did not take measures to save the afflicted but, on the contrary, drove them into high mountains or deep valleys, whose exits were guarded by troops. This resulted in the death of the expelled sufferers.
  • 並且宣佈:民主共和國在全中國建立、依據普選的國會實行召集之時,紅色區域即將成為它的一個組成部分,紅色區域人民將選代表參加國會,並將在紅色區域內完成同樣的民主制度。”
    It also declares that when the democratic republic is established through the length and breadth of China and a parliament elected by universal suffrage is convened, the Red areas will at once become an organic part of the republic, the people of the Red areas will elect their representatives to the parliament, and the same democratic system will be put into practice in the Red areas."
  • 公元三世紀和七世紀,三國孫吳政權和隋朝政府都曾先後萬餘人去臺。
    The State of Wu (third century A.D.) and the Sui Dynasty (seventh century A.D.) had sent more than ten thousand men to Taiwan respectively.
  • 公元三世紀和七世紀,三國孫吳政權和隋朝政府都曾先後萬餘人去臺。
    Several expeditions, each numbering over ten thousand men, had been sent to Taiwan by the State of Wu (third century A.D.) and the Sui Dynasty (seventh century A.D.) respectively.
  • 公元六世紀末,隋朝統一中原,隋煬帝(公元604年—公元618年在位)即位之初,就遣吏部侍郎裴矩到張掖、武威主管與西域的互市,瞭解西域民情。
    In the last years of the sixth century, the Sui Dynasty (581-618) unified the Central Plains. When Emperor Yangdi (r.604-618) ascended the throne, one of his first acts was to send Pei Ju, Vice-Minister of Personnel, to Zhangye and Wuwei to supervise trade with the Western Regions and investigate local conditions.
  • 我看對反右鬥爭,還是兩句話:一句是必要的,一句是擴大化了。
    In my opinion the anti-Rightist struggle can still be summed up as follows: It was necessary, but it was broadened too much.
  • 深圳港務監督局、珠海港務監督局、澳門港務局也獲邀員參與。
    Delegates from the Shenzhen Harbour Superintendency Administration, the Zhuhai Harbour Superintendency Administration and the Macau Marine Department were invited to participate.
  • 正統基督教的支持者。
    a supporter of fundamentalism.
  • 一部分所謂歐美的文化人(我說的是一部分),他們曾經實際贊助過國民黨政府的文化“剿共”,現在似乎又在贊助什麽“限共”、“溶共”政策。
    It seems that a section (and I refer only to a section) of educated people from the so-called European-American school who in fact supported the Kuomintang government's "Communist suppression" campaign on the cultural front in the past are now supporting its policy of "restricting" and "corroding" the Communist Party.
  • 秘密成員秘密地支持某一信條、團體或黨的人
    One who covertly supports a certain doctrine, group, or party.
  • 當敵人感到遊擊隊對他有了大的危害時,就會兵鎮壓或舉行進攻。
    When the enemy feels seriously threatened by guerrillas, he will send troops to attack or suppress them.
  •  堅持走改革和發展的道路,以全面實施全民健身計劃和奧運爭光計劃為工作基點,推動北京體育發展模式由局部趕超型嚮整體推進型轉變,管理方式由直接、微觀管理嚮間接、宏觀管理轉變,參與方式由政府動員嚮大衆自主消費轉變,北京體育要展現北京高度、北京特色、北京風格、北京氣,成為2008年北京奧運會為中國及世界體育留下獨特遺産的重要組成部分,為全面促進首都經濟發展、城市繁榮和社會進步做出突出的貢獻。
    Adhere to the road of reform and development, implement the National Physical Fitness Programme and the Programme for Olympic Honours in an all-round way as the base point for the work, promote the change of Beijing’s sports development pattern from surpassing the advanced level in part of the sports to an overall improvement of all sports, the change of the management mode from direct and micro management to indirect and macro management, the change of the mode of participation from government mobilization to people’s voluntary consumption. Beijing sports should display Beijing’s elevation, Beijing’s characteristics, Beijing’s style and Beijing’s manner as an important component part of the unique legacy left by the 2008 Olympics in Beijing to the Chinese and world sports and make an outstanding contribution to promoting the economic development, urban prosperity and social progress in the capital city in an all-round way.
  • 在抗日戰爭中,親日大資産階級(投降)已經投降,或準備投降了。
    In the present war the pro-Japanese big bourgeoisie (the capitulationists) have either surrendered or are preparing to surrender.
  • 潛入偷偷將(如軍隊)遣進入敵人占領的地區
    To pass(troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy-held territory.
  • 於是他遺了一支部隊去圍住貴陽東南的竜裏。
    Then he sent a unit to surround Longli southeast of Guiyang.
  • 麻煩您查一下約翰·史密斯的電話,他住在薩塞斯、蒙貝、剋大街6號。
    May I trouble you to tell me John Smith's telephone number, at 6 Park Avenue, Mountbay, Sussex?
  • 麻煩您查一下約翰·史密斯的電話,他住在薩塞斯、蒙貝、剋大街6號。
    May I trouble you to tell me John Smith 's telephone number, at 6 Park Avenue, Mountbay, Sussex?
  • 虛張聲勢嚇人的惡棍;經常代表行政上別。
    a swaggering tough; usually one acting as an agent of a political faction.
  • 兩個學生被指打掃教室。
    Two pupils were assigned to sweep the classroom.
  • 選民轉而支持左派.
    Voters have/Voting has swung to the left.
  • 同時,國民黨內部的情況(中央和地方之間,cc係和政學係之間,cc係和復興係之間,頑固和中間之間,皆有矛盾,cc係內部和復興係內部又各有矛盾),國內的情況(廣大人民反對國民黨的專橫,同情共産黨)和我黨的政策(繼續抗議運動),均不容許國民黨在國共間繼續過去五個月那樣的緊張關係。
    Besides, the Kuomintang cannot keep these relations strained to the pitch of the past five months, because of the situation within the Kuomintang (there are contradictions between its central and local authorities, between the C.C. Clique and the Political Science Group, between the C.C. Clique and the Fu Hsing Society and between the die-hards and the intermediate sections, and also contradictions within the C.C. Clique and the Fu Hsing Society themselves), because of the domestic situation (the broad masses of the people are opposed to the Kuomintang's tyranny and sympathize with the Communist Party) and because of our Party's own policy (of continuing the protest campaign).
  • 在對中間的關係上,衹有堅持對頑固的鬥爭,才能爭取動搖的中間,支持同情的中間,否則都是不可能的。
    In our relations with the intermediate sections, persistence in the struggle against the die-hards is the only way to win over the waverers and give support to our sympathizers -- there is no other way.
  • 近處來,中國各宗教已與世界70多個國傢和地區建立、發展了友好關係,多次代表團出席國際宗教會議和宗教學術會議。
    In recent years, Chinese religious organizations have established and developed friendly relations with more than 70 countries and regions and sent delegations to many international religious conferences and symposiums.
  • 州長咱們到各大專院校物色人才,咱們希望能找到一些有才能的年輕人。
    The governor sent us to the colleges and universities to do some head hunting; we hope we find some young talents.
  • 他用對講機請總部飛機進行空襲。
    He used his walkie talkie to radio headquarters and call in an air strike.
  • 信仰立基於基督教的舊約全書和猶太法典的猶太教
    Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud.
  • 伴隨各反動統治者之間的矛盾——軍閥混戰而來的,是賦稅的加重,這樣就會促令廣大的負擔賦稅者和反動統治者之間的矛盾日益發展。
    In the wake of the contradictions among the reactionary ruling cliques -- the tangled warfare among the warlords -- comes heavier taxation, which steadily sharpens the contradiction between the broad masses of taxpayers and the reactionary rulers.