  • 我不喜欢你用那种无礼的式做事,因此你最好放弃。
    I won't have you behaving in that rudely manner, so you'd better drop it.
  • 希腊境内的一个个小城邦,特别是那些比较原始和落后的城邦,是士兵的来源;他们受雇于东的王公贵族来从事无用和破坏性的战争,然后携带积蓄回到自己的国家安度晚年;他们是非生产性劳动者,他们得到的报酬连同掠夺所得,对于提供这些报酬的国家来说是没有回报的支出;
    The petty states of Greece, especially the ruder and more backward of those states, were nurseries of soldiers, who hired themselves to the princes and satraps of the East to carryon useless and destructive wars, and returned with their savings to pass their declining years in their own country.. these were unproductive labourers, and the pay they received, together with the plunder they took, was an outlay without return to the countries which furnished it;
  • 一座主教堂的外貌不论如何雕琢、如何点缀,在外貌的下面总是罗曼式长形中堂,起码处于萌芽和雏型状态这种形式的中堂始终遵循同一规则在地面上蔓延扩展。
    Whatever may be the carved and embroidered envelope of a cathedral, one always finds beneath it--in the state of a germ, and of a rudiment at the least--the Roman basilica.It is eternally developed upon the soil according to the same law.
  • 地区珍珠灰色的小海鸥;在悬崖上筑巢,后趾未完全发育(已退化)。
    small pearl-gray gull of northern regions; nests on cliffs and has a rudimentary hind toe.
  • 今天能得到的多数vpn案都是提供基本功能,停留在简单的隧道功能,即只提供基本的点对点连接。
    Most VPN solutions available today are basic offerings that stop at simple tunneling capabilities, providing only rudimentary point-to-point connections.
  • 按照某种式行动以获得某种状态。
    act in a certain way so as to acquire.
  • 实际上,用户建一个初步的、不太安全的vpn所需的全部内容是支持pptp的windows95、与因特网的连接以及同样具有支持pptp系统的接收
    Indeed, all a user would need to set up a rudimentary, nonsecure VPN would be Windows 95, which supports PPTP;an Internet connection;and a recipient whose system also supports PPTP.
  • 这种法使技术得到简化,尽管它仍然十分初级,无法用来制造出可以象常规计算机那样解决复杂问题的大型的dna计算机。
    That simplified the technology, though it remains too rudimentary to be turned into large DNA computers capable of tackling problems as complex as those solved by conventional computers.
  • 至到最近,这样的应用还是需要用户具备有关电话互连过程和连网与数据库编程面的大量知识,才能完成那怕是最基本的一些任务。
    Until recently, such applications required users to possess a good deal of knowledge about telephone interconnect processes as well as networking and database programming to perform even the most rudimentary tasks.
  • 混杂语;混杂行话由两种或多种语言混合而成的一种简化的说话式,语法和词汇较初等,被用于不同语言者进行交流,不作为第一语言或母语
    A simplified form of speech that is usually a mixture of two or more languages, has a rudimentary grammar and vocabulary, is used for communication between groups speaking different languages, and is not spoken as a first or native language.
  • 受训人员将受到综合技术培训。
    Your trainee will acquire polytechnic training.
  • 砖瓦坊和通往公用烘炉的窑炉街,都在更远的地,磨坊在街尽头的土丘上,还有麻风病院那座孤零零的偏僻小房子。
    the brickyard was further on, and the Rue du Four, which led to the common bakehouse, and the mill on its hillock, and the lazar house, a tiny house, isolated and half seen.
  • 他用光明正大的法得不到的东西,就采取卑鄙的欺诈手段
    Person eager to acquire culture
  • 另一面台海若有风波,首先波及的是东南亚诸国,他们对北京的对台政策是否理解、支持至关重要,若不能安定他们,可能迫使他们要求美国保护。
    On the other hand, these countries' support for - or at least acquiescence in - China's policy towards Taiwan is of great importance to Beijing. They would be the first to suffer from any turmoil arising in the Taiwan Strait and, and unless China sets up a stable relationship with them, they would definitely have to seek protection from the United States.
  • 另一面台海若有风波,首先波及的是东南亚诸国,他们对北京的对台政策是否理解、支持至关重要,若不能安定他们,分分钟可能迫使他们要求美国保护。
    On the other hand, these countries' support for - or at least acquiescence in - China's policy towards Taiwan is of great importance to Beijing. They would be the first to suffer from any turmoil arising in the Taiwan Strait and, unless China sets up a stable relationship with them, they would definitely have to seek protection from the United States.
  • 伯内特,弗朗西丝·伊丽莎·霍奇森1849-1924英裔美国作家,以她的流行儿童作品而出名,特别是特勒罗伊小爵爷(1886年),其中描写的自命不凡的主角穿着带皱边领子的黑天鹅绒服装,留着炫耀的金黄色的长卷发
    British-born American writer famous for her popular children's books, especially Little Lord Fauntleroy(1886), whose priggish title character dressed in black velvet with ruffled lace collars and sported long golden curls.
  • 近月以来,平津之间的汉奸和亲日派分子积极活动,企图包围平津当局,适应日本的要求,动摇坚决抗战的针,主张妥协退让。
    In recent months the traitors and the pro-Japanese elements in Peiping and Tientsin have been very active, they have been trying to get the local authorities to acquiesce in Japan's demands, they have been undermining the policy of resolute armed resistance and advocating compromise and concessions.
  • 地毯被阳光照到的地褪了色。
    The rug is faded where the sun strikes it.
  • 猛踢对队员的外胫;足球比赛用语。
    kick on the shins; in rugby.
  • 不久我便搬离了北,自那以后,我的橄榄球竞赛联合会的多数成员都已在电视上亮相了。
    I moved away from the North not long after, so most of my Rugby League since then has been viewed on the small screen.
  • (橄榄球)开始的式是双都肩并肩朝前半蹲胳膊互相固定。
    (rugby) the method of beginning play in which the forwards of each team crouch side by side with locked arms; play starts when the ball is put between them and the two sides compete for possession.
  • 以顽强的、坚强的式。
    in a ruggedly tough manner.
  • 为了让中国观众欣赏到世界同时期的戏剧作品,了解戏剧发展的现状,吴朱红正在积极地翻译最新的西戏剧。
    In order to acquaint the Chinese audience with what is going on in the field of drama, and offer them a chance to enjoy contemporary dramatic works from the rest of the world, Wu Zhuhong is working hard on her latest translations from the west.
  • 为便于贵熟悉我交易条件,随附我空白订货确认书一份,供贵参考。
    To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we enclose a blank form of our confirmation of order for your reference.
  • 他在偏远的地买了一幢破房子。
    He's bought a ruined cottage at the back of beyond.
  • 以毁灭的式或者到了毁灭的程度。
    in a ruinous manner or to a ruinous degree.
  • 自相残杀的共同破坏的;对双都有害或致命的
    Mutually destructive; ruinous or fatal to both sides.
  • 为使你们熟悉我交易条款,兹随函寄上合同格式一份以供参考。
    To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we are enclosing a specimen of our contract for your reference.
  • 灾难性的经济萧条;灾难性的疾病;毁灭性的行动针。
    a catastrophic depression; catastrophic illness; a ruinous course of action.
  • 联邦证据规则虽然没有明确批判frye规则,但是它们采纳了一种更加宽容的法。
    While not explicitly repudiating the Frye rule, the Federal Rules adopt a more permissive approach.
  • 穆斯林的统治者,地长官,或法官
    A Moslem ruler, provincial governor, or judge.
  • 用尺在这页纸上打上格。
    Square the page off with your ruler.