  • 开展职业康复工作,帮助伤残职工恢复动能力。
    set up working rehabilitation system to help the injured workers regain the ability to work;
  • 被下调到地方政府;下放到农场作;参加婚礼;飞往佛罗里达州。
    was sent down to work at the regional office; worked down on the farm; came down for the wedding; flew down to Flordia.
  • 妇女劳动卫生
    occupational health of female worker
  • 工作者;(尤指)体力动者,工人
    Worker, esp a manual one
  • 从事体力动的,从事脑力动的,都是社会主义社会的动者。
    Everyone who works, whether with his hands or with his brain, is part of the working people in a socialist society.
  • 在英国19世纪破坏他们认为会导致失业的节省动力的机器的工人。
    one of the 19th century English workman who destroyed labor-saving machinery that they thought would cause unemployment.
  • 工处职业健康部旨在通过职业病监察、治疗、工作地点调查、健康宣传教育等途径,保障工人的健康,以免他们在工作环境中受到危害。
    The Occupational Health Service of the Labour Department aims at protecting the health of workers from hazards in the work environment through disease surveillance, treatment, workplace investigation, health promotion and education.
  • 驾, 请问到车站的路怎么走?
    Would you kindly show me the way to the station?
  • 当母亲感到过分累紧张时,哪怕是听到一点点令人生气的话或不妥之词,都会使她伤心得落下泪来。
    While Mother was feeling so wrought, the slightest cross word or ill-judged remark could reduce her to tears.
  • 德代尔堡美国佛罗里达州东南部的一座城市,位于大西洋沿岸,在迈阿密海岸以北。是一游艇和捕鱼胜地,一直是大学生们喜爱的春假度假胜地。人口149,377
    A city of southeast Florida on the Atlantic coast north of Miami Beach. It is a yachting and fishing resort and has long been a favorite vacation spot for college students during spring break. Population,149, 377.
  • 贝拉,伦斯·彼得生于1925美国棒球运动员和经纪人。被认为是棒球史上最好的棒球接手之一,1946年至1963效力于纽约扬基队
    American baseball player and manager. Considered among the best catchers in baseball history, he played for the New York Yankees from1946 to1963.
  • 农村改革进一步调动了广大农村妇女的动热情,引导她们冲破小农经济束缚,在广阔的农业生产领域中发挥聪明才智。
    The reform in the countryside has further aroused the broad mass of women's labor enthusiasm, led them shake off the yoke of the small-scale peasant economy and give their wisdom to full play in broad agricultural production.
  • 小心不要过分操劳。
    Take care not to overexert yourselves.
  • 他们的动热情不能不给我们留下深刻印象。
    We couldn't help being impressed by their zeal for labour.
  • 只要能够一定效劳。
    I will if I can.
  • 由于动他获得了盛誉。
    He gained a high reputation by labour.
  • 老周被授予。"模"的称号。
    Lao Zhou was named a model peasant.
  • 调解机构协助解决资纠纷.
    A conciliation service helps to settle disputes between employers and workers.
  • 小吉米累了一天已经筋疲力尽了.
    after that long tiring day.
  • 驾, 请这边走. honest to God/goodness => honest. to God/goodness/Heaven => god.
    Have the goodness to step this way, please.
  • 我们应该努力摆脱资关系中`那群人和我们'这种对立的态度. Cf 参看 they.
    We should try to get away from a `them and us' attitude in industrial relations.
  • 最丰富的就业增长信息渠道是美国工部对45类、300多种职业的需求、薪酬与竞争情况的10年预测。美国工部上个月发布的最新半年编《职业前景手册》对大多数职业领域的长期前景进行了权威预测。这项预测通常是很有预见性的──举例来说,它准确地预测出了这十年中特殊教育教学职位的快速增长和热门医疗职业范围的扩大。
    The richest vein of job-growth information is the Labor Department's 10-year forecast for demand, pay and competition for more than 300 jobs in 45 categories. The department's latest biannual compilation, published last month as the 'Occupational Outlook Handbook,' is great for sizing up the long-term outlook for most fields. The forecasts have often been prescient--accurately predicting this decade's fast growth in special-education teaching jobs and the widening range of hot health-care careers, for example.
  • 这些预测也有局限性。美国工部的宏观经济模型建立在两个重要假设的基础之上──一是经济将反弹并实现长期增长,二是不会再出现像2007-2008年经济衰退那样的大型冲击。因此,它无法预测出经济不稳定时容易发生的就业市场大幅波动或动力供给的突然变化。
    The forecasts have limitations. The Labor Department's macroeconomic model works on two noteworthy assumptions--that the economy will rebound to long-term growth and that there won't be any more big shocks like the 2007-2008 recession. Thus its forecasts don't predict the big job-market swings or sudden changes in the supply of workers that can easily happen in a volatile economy.
  • 这意味着可能会发生这种情况:当你进入大学时,从工部的“需求增长最快的职业”名单中选好了一种职业,但当你毕业时,却发现这一行业的需求锐减。例如,一名2006届高中毕业生浏览美国政府发布的2004-2014年护理行业预测时,会看到当时对该职业前景的预测很乐观,理由是资深护士即将退休,因而预计会产生“成千上万的工作机会”。
    That means you could pick a job from the Labor Department's "fastest-growing" list when you enter college, only to find the field in a slump by the time you graduate. For example, a 2006 high-school graduate eyeing the government's 2004-2014 forecast for nursing at that time would have read about excellent job prospects, with "thousands of job openings" predicted because experienced nurses were expected to retire.
  • 尽管该预测在长期很可能是正确的,但对于今年毕业的大学生而言,就业市场的走势却恰好相反:由于经济衰退,成千上万本已不再工作或退休的资深护士重新进入了动力市场。
    While that forecast is likely to hold for the long term, the job market for students graduating from college this year is headed in the opposite direction: Thousands of experienced nurses who had been inactive or retired have been re-entering the work force because of the recession.
  • 在不能使用的字体中,这是爷字辈的人物。最初,人们设计ComicSans字体,是为了让其快速在连环画册中抢占一席之地,成为其专用字体。但很快,人们便发觉,这个字体被随处滥用,已经引起人的视觉疲了。如今,除了在办公室里,人们还用它写写没人关注的通知外,在其他领域,这种字体已经销声匿迹了。
    4: Comic Sans The granddaddy of all unusable fonts. Initially intended to be a quick comic book substitute, Comic Sans quickly found itself overused to the point of eye-bleeding saturation, and is now rarely seen outside the realm of ignorant office notes.
  • 要知道有些事不值得神,有些事你无法改变。无论是这两者中的哪种,都不要浪费时间去紧张它。
    Realize that there are some things that just aren't worth worrying about and there are some things you just can't change. Don't waste time stressing over the things in either category.
  • 2009年,在取得北京科技大学计算机科学硕士学位后,张骞与一家在纳斯达克上市的北京私企签订了动合同。
    After getting his master's degree in computer science from Beijing University of Technology in 2009, Zhang signed a job contract with a Nasdaq-listed private company in Beijing.
  • 最佳策略就是坚决要求用人单位将所有承诺都写入动合同中。
    The best practice is to insist that the company includes everything it promises in the job contract.
  • 首先,他明确指出,根据《动合同法》规定,一旦不能按时发放工资,雇主须向员工额外支付薪金的25%。他建议李文迪向动仲裁委员会寻求帮助。
    First, he made it clear that according to Labor Contract Law, an employer has to pay the employee an extra 25 percent of their salary if they don't pay the salary on time. He suggested that Li turn to a labor dispute arbitration committee for help.
  • 一般来说,出语伤人者被看作一位背后捅刀子的人,通常会把别人的功占为己有。面试时,这种人忍不住要说前雇主的“坏话”。如果你把上一份工作形容成地球上的地狱,那么面试官也许会打电话给他们,看看谁才是真正的恶魔。
    Normally the switchblade is thought of a backstabber, often taking credit for someone else's work. In an interview setting, the switchblade can't help but "trash talk" his former employer. If you make it seem like your former workplace was hell on Earth, the person interviewing you might be tempted to call them to find out who was the real devil.
  • 意大利国家工银行S.p.A.
    Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A.