  • 继续推进村税费改革,减轻民负担,保护民利益。
    We must continue with the reform in tax and fee in rural areas to lighten the burdens of farmers and protect their interests.3.
  • 村税费改革,既要明显减轻民负担,又要保证乡村正常工作和发展的必要经费,特别是保证村义务教育经费。
    The reform of rural taxes and administrative charges is designed both to lighten the burden on farmers significantly and to ensure the funds needed by townships and villages to work and develop normally, especially the funds for compulsory education in rural areas.
  • 现在我们的弱点基本在业。
    Our weak link lies mainly in agriculture.
  • 它把美索不达米亚高原东部依靠降雨的田同南部的灌溉业结合起来。
    The Akkadian Empire was estab lished around 2300 B.C., linking rain-fed agricultural fields in northern Mesopotamja with irrigation agriculture in the south.
  • 三是加快发展联结户与市场的中介组织,引导和鼓励民联合起来参与粮食流通。
    Third, China will quicken the fostering of intermediaries linking the farmers with the market, and guiding and encouraging them to join hands and participate in grain circulation.
  • 除了在接近历新年假期期间外,流动资金状况在二月和三月普遍有所改善。
    Liquidity conditions in general improved in February and March, except in the period ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday.
  • 在苏区时,我们开办过扫盲班和民学校。
    While in the Soviet Area we opened literacy classes and peasants' schools.
  • 村到城市都举办了各种识字班、民众夜校、职工业余学校,成千上万的妇女参加了扫盲学习。
    Various literacy classes, popular evening schools and workers' spare-time schools mushroomed in both rural and urban areas, and women attended these in their millions.
  • 会在乡村简直独裁一切,真是“说得出,做得到”。
    The association actually dictates all rural affairs, and, quite literally, "whatever it says, goes".
  • 业关系国计民生极大。
    Agriculture is of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.
  • (4)实行民生主义,废除苛捐杂税,减租减息,实行八小时工作制,发展工商业,改良人民生活。
    carry out the Principle of the People's Livelihood by abolishing exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies, reducing land rent and interest, enforcing the eight-hour working day, developing agriculture, industry and commerce, and improving the livelihood of the people;
  • 在1947年严峻的冬天,民们不得不挖开大雪堆把他们的家畜救出来。
    In the severe winter of1947, farmers had to dig their livestock out of huge snowdrifts.
  • 根据饲养禽畜发牌计划,禽畜场必须装设和操作废物处理系统,以防止污染水道。
    Under the Livestock Keeping Licensing Scheme, livestock farmers are required to install and operate waste treatment systems to prevent pollution of watercourses.
  • 根据禽畜饲养发牌计划,禽畜场必须装设和使用废物处理系统,以防止污染水道。
    Livestock farmers are also required to install and operate waste treatment systems under the Livestock Keeping Licensing Scheme to prevent pollution of watercourses.
  • 歌迷利兹·麦金在这次温哥华演出中和6岁的小女儿一起坐在前排。她说:“我简直不敢相信她到底长胖了多少,看上去至少有15磅。
    Fan Liz McKinnon, who had front row seats with her six-year-old daughter for the Vancouver show, said:"I was shocked at how much weight she has put on--it looks like at least 15lb.
  • 这种现象产生的原因有两种,即地方的业经济(不是统一的资本主义经济)和帝国主义划分势力范围的分裂剥削政策。
    Two things account for its occurrence, namely, a localized agricultural economy (not a unified capitalist economy) and the imperialist policy of marking off spheres of influence in order to divide and exploit.
  • 一是促进村劳动力在当地就业。
    The first is to encourage the rural labor force to find work locally.
  • 政府选定在肥沃的田上修建机场的计划遭到了强烈反对,尤其是遭到当地人的强烈反对。
    When the government opted for building the airport on rich farmland, there was much opposition, especially locally.
  • 其实历新年来到之前的“除夕”,厦门人看得最重。
    To Xiamen locals, the most important day of the Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year's Eve.
  • 耕地农舍周围的耕地
    A field located near a farmhouse.
  • 他在农村安下家。
    He located his home in the country.
  • 另一个是“至少有三个中国”的说法。上海、北京的中国—区域型的大都会;省级首府如成都、重庆、大连等的中国—大而充满活力的城市,但不及上海、北京般国际化;乡地区的中国—黄土高原、中部山区、湖区等。
    The other is the "at least three Chinas" talk: the China of Shanghai and Beijing - metropolitan areas on a regional scale; the China of provincial capitals, big and vibrant but not as cosmopolitan as the two mega-cities - such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing and Dalian; the rural China - the Loess Plateau, the Central Mountain Block, the Lakes Region and so forth.
  • 当地地主常常虐待民。
    The local lords often treated the peasants badly.
  • 奴为噶厦和庄园主支的差,占奴户劳动量的50%以上,高者可达70%至80%。
    The corvee assigned by Gaxag and manorial lords accounted for over 50 percent of the labor of serf households, and could go as high as 70-80 percent.
  • 民族植物学一个民族的植物知识和业习俗
    The plant lore and agricultural customs of a people.
  • 他找一些老搜集了他预测天气的经验。
    He sought out the old farmers and collected their weather lore.
  • 他把地再分为若干块的建筑用地。
    He subdivided the farm into building lots.
  • 、林、牧、渔总产值达24709亿元,剔除价格因素,比1978年增长2.4倍,年均递增6.6%,是改革前年均递增速度的2.8倍。
    The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery totaled 2,470.9 billion yuan in 1997, registering a rise of 3.4 fold on l 978 when al lowing for price rises. This also represented an average annual growth of 6.6 percent, 2.8 fold that prior to the reform.
  • 秋天里庄稼收割以后场有一段空闲时间。
    In autumn, when the crops have been laid by, there is a lull in the work on the farms.
  • 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部的一个城市,临近奥卡诺根湖的北端。它是伐木地区的加工业中心。人口19,987
    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, near the northern end of Okanagan Lake. It is a processing center in a lumbering region. Population,19, 987.
  • 基洛纳加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部城市,位于温哥华东北偏东的奥卡诺根湖上。是旅游胜地和林区的贸易中心。人口59,196
    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, on Okanagan Lake east-northeast of Vancouver. It is a tourist resort and trade center for a farming and lumbering area. Population,59, 196.
  • 这是香港特别行政区成立以来的第一个历新年。一九九七年七月一日,香港特别行政区成立后,转眼已半年。
    "This is the first Lunar New Year after the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in July 1997.