  • 流动资金裕,减轻了市场对电脑公元二千年数位问题可能引致银根紧绌的忧虑。直至年底,市场一直保持平稳。
    The high liquidity alleviated market concerns over possible tightness arising from the Year 2000 problems and market conditions remained calm in the run up to the end-year period.
  • 一个总是准备着争论的、精力沛的、过分自信的男孩;直接指向某个听众是一个武断的行为。
    an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue; pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act.
  • oracle9ilite支持当今流行的开发工具(如microsoftvisualstudio和oraclejdeveloper),从而使开发人员能够分利用已掌握的工具和知识快速开发移动应用程序。
    Oracle9i Lite supports popular development tools like Microsoft Visual Studio and Oracle JDeveloper, letting developers rapidly develop mobile applications using the tools and knowledge they already possess.
  • 这些书满了神奇的故事。
    These book is litter with miraculous story.
  • 他在这儿充军。
    He lived there in exile.
  • 活跃,敏捷满精力的行为或行动;活泼
    Energetic action or movement; liveliness.
  • (二)政治上,分发扬人民民主,保证全体人民真正享有通过各种有效形式管理国家、特别是管理基层地方政权和各项企业事业的权力,享有各项公民权利,健全革命法制,正确处理人民内部矛盾,打击一切敌对力量和犯罪活动,调动人民群众的积极性,巩固和发展安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面;
    In the political sphere, to practise people's democracy to the full, ensuring that through various effective forms, all the people truly enjoy the right to manage state affairs and particularly state organs at the grass-roots level and to run enterprises and institutions, and that they truly enjoy all the other rights of citizens; To perfect the revolutionary legal system; To handle contradictions among the people correctly; To crack down on all hostile forces and criminal activities; And to arouse the enthusiasm of the people and consolidate and develop a political situation marked by stability, unity and liveliness.
  • 一个生气勃勃的人,总是满活力并且总在做事。
    A lively person is full of life and is always doing things.
  • 活跃的讨论;精力沛的、富有魅力的父母;气氛活跃的晚会。
    a lively discussion; lively and attractive parents; a lively party.
  • 这是城中最满生气的夜间活动场所。
    It's the lively nightspot in town.
  • 精力沛的以有活力的行为或活动为特征的;满活力的
    Characterized by energetic action or activity; lively.
  • 这是城中最满生气的夜间活动场所。
    It 's the lively nightspot in town.
  • 充分享受生活
    Living life to the full.
  • 满,覆盖或包有粘砂土
    To fill, cover, or coat with loam.
  • 我讨厌那些散布满恶意的流言蜚语的人。
    I loathe people who spread malicious gossip.
  • 大堂里满了烟雾。她还听到了东西燃烧的噼啪声。
    The lobby was filled with smoke,and she could hear the crackle of flames.
  • 单纯军事主义和地方主义相反,乃是主力部队里头的人们只图扩自己不顾扶助地方武装的一种错误观点。
    As against localism, the purely military approach represents the wrong viewpoint held in the main forces by those who are bent on expanding their own strength and who neglect to assist the local armed units.
  • 但是,她补说,伞一年多前被人从学校的柜子里偷走了(她是个教师)。
    But, she added, it had been stolen from her locker at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before.
  • 但我依旧满希望:当暴风雨过去,helice,我生命中的北极星,最终定会重放光芒,将我的航程照亮,用她可爱的光辉驱散我悲伤的阴云。
    Yet hope I well,that when this storme is past My Helice the lodestar of my lyfe will shine again,and looke on me at last,With lovely light to cleare my cloudy grief.
  • 另一个是“至少有三个中国”的说法。上海、北京的中国—区域型的大都会;省级首府如成都、重庆、大连等的中国—大而满活力的城市,但不及上海、北京般国际化;农乡地区的中国—黄土高原、中部山区、湖区等。
    The other is the "at least three Chinas" talk: the China of Shanghai and Beijing - metropolitan areas on a regional scale; the China of provincial capitals, big and vibrant but not as cosmopolitan as the two mega-cities - such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing and Dalian; the rural China - the Loess Plateau, the Central Mountain Block, the Lakes Region and so forth.
  • 她心中充满寂寞。
    Loneliness has occupied her heart.
  • 生活在饥荒中的孩子,压迫者践踏下的受难者,被儿子视作讨厌的包袱、孤苦无助的老人们,以及整个满孤凄,贫穷和痛苦的世界,都是对人类正常生活的嘲讽。
    Children living in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people, a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.
  • 满渴望或无法实现的愿望的。
    full of longing or unfulfilled desire.
  • 他费劲地从胸口把艾瑞克拉开——既不情愿又满渴望,似乎处在痛苦之中。
    He pried Erik from his chest--unwillingly, longingly-- as though he were in pain.
  • 你有裕的时间来完成这项工作。
    You have lots of time to finish the work.
  • 爱坚忍不拔,爱满柔情。
    Love is patient, love is kind.
  • 可爱的满了爱的,有爱意的
    Full of love; loving.
  • 爱的满或表示喜欢的感情的,表示深情的;喜爱的和温柔的
    Having or showing fond feelings or affection; loving and tender.
  • 如果我们付出能量去表现爱意,爱就会使我们满活力。
    We are energized by love if we put our energy into loving.
  • 每个房间都满朦胧的艺术美
    Lush atmospheric touches in every room.
  • 放荡的,淫荡的性方面放荡的和满色情欲望的;贪欲的
    Preoccupied with sex and sexual desire; lustful.
  • 他有一个体格健壮精力沛的儿子。
    He has a strong and lusty son.