  • 心脏停止跳动不得超过四分钟——只有很少时间来补心脏的毛病。
    The heart could mot be taken out of action for mare than four minutes-very little time to repair a heart defect.
  • 他在美国大学选《中国导论》一科后,兴奋地告诉我,原来中国明朝郑和下西洋时期的航海事业是如此发达,最远还到过非洲东岸。
    He came to know about it from a course on “Introduction to China”, which touched on mariner Cheng Ho’s expeditions to South-east Asia.
  • 重修护国寺感应塔碑
    Tablet Marking the Rebuilding of the Ganying Pagoda, Huguo Temple
  • 你知道车的可有办法了。
    They can do marvelous repair, you know.
  • 大多数其它的可扩展结构,如大规模并行处理和集群系统,在转移应用程序之前,需要用户改程序代码——这是一个复杂且费钱的过程。
    Most other scalable architectures, such as massively parallel processing and clustering, require users to tinker with code -- a process that's complex and expansive -- before moving their applications.
  • 我们党的马克思列宁主义的养,现在已较过去有了一些进步,但是还很不普遍,很不深入。
    Our Party's mastery of Marxism-Leninism is now rather better than it used to be, but is still far from being extensive or deep.
  • 我们必须对计划作重大改。
    We must make a material change in our plans.
  • 主要读有关科学和数学的科目。
    There I took mostly science and math subjects.
  • 语文和数学是必课。
    Chinese and mathematics are required subjects.
  • 她在大学期间主数学和物理。
    She majored in maths and physics at university.
  • 她(在大学)主数学和物理.
    She majored in maths and physics (at university).
  • 像马那样一辈子跟船打交道的人,用不着你出主意。
    A man like Matthew that's had to do with boats all his life doesn't need advice from you.
  • 我和马交谈了一个多小时。
    I spent over an hour talking to Matthew.
  • 到他家有9英里的路程。在路上,我了解了一些关于马的情况。
    During the nine-mile drive to his home,I found out something about Matthew.
  • 她新近的成功是同马·麦考菲联袂主演爱情喜剧片《爱上新郎》。
    Her latest success was her co- starring turn opposite Matthew McConaughey in the love comedy The Wedding Planner.
  • 去年夏天,我收到了马父母的一封信。信中说马已经去世了。
    Last summer I received a letter from Matth-ew's parents telling me that Matthew had passed away.
  • 她不断改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。
    She matured her novel by constant revision.
  • 如果君主感到江山很牢固,确信宝座能传给自己的子孙,有时他会沉溺于大兴土木,金字塔、泰姬陵以及卡里亚王陵就是这样建起来的。
    He, indeed, if he feels safe on his throne, and reasonably secure of transmitting it to his descendants, sometimes indulges a taste for durable edifices,and produces the Pyramids, or the Taj Mehal and the Mausoleum at Sekundra.
  • schilemann电话ri9-3232是我们的理工。
    Max Schilemann, phone RI9-3232, does repairing for us.
  • 我们用最快的速度建了这座工厂。
    We built the plant at maximum speed.
  • 到2001年,新疆生产建设兵团在两大沙漠边缘兴水利、植树造林、防风固沙,建起了数千公里的绿色屏障,形成了1064千公顷新绿洲,建起了石河子、五家渠等一批新兴城镇;国内生产总值占自治区的13.2%。
    By 2001, the XPCC had built a maze of irrigation works, sandbreaks and forest belts, rigged up a green barrier totaling several thousand km in length, created new oases with a total area of 1.064 million ha, brought into existence a number of new towns such as Shihezi and Wujiaqu, and reaped a GDP that accounted for 13.2% of the autonomous region’s total.
  • 那个年轻人是一个汽车理工。
    That young man is a motor mechanic.
  • 这台机器坏了, 找技工来理一下吧.
    This machine isn't working; get a mechanic to see to it.
  • 我有个随和的汽车理工, 他把我的车保养得很好.
    I've got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order.
  • 工正忙于机器。
    The mechanic was busy repairing the machine.
  • 与此不同的是,华族的调解人不仅从旁协助,而且介入磋谈,使紧张或破裂的人际关系得以复。
    On the other hand, Chinese mediators go beyond performing the function of a facilitator by intervening to restore the relationship that had been strained or severed.
  • 但在禅堂里,就只说禅,而在禅功夫非常精进。
    But in the Zen meditation hall, they would meditate on the Zen, and they have even achieved advanced levels of meditation.
  • 早晨,他静一个钟头,再念他的弥撒经,有时在天主堂里,有时在自己的经堂里。
    In the morning he meditated for an hour, then he said his mass, either at the cathedral or in his own house.
  • 该庙由香港印度教协会负责管理,教友可到该处冥想、参加灵讲座、练习瑜伽和参加其他社群活动。该庙也用作举行印度教的重要节日庆典,例如亮光节、镇邪节和泼水节等。
    The Hindu Association of Hong Kong is responsible for the upkeep of the temple,which is also used for meditation periods, spiritual lectures, yoga classes and other community activities as well as the observance of major Hindu festivals such as Diwali, Dussehra, Holi and so on.
  • 装饰音饰旋律的音节
    A note that embellishes a melody.
  • 一个或一组用于饰旋律的音符
    A note or group of notes that embellishes a melody.
  • 解放以来,所有值得纪念的地方都已复了。
    Since liberation all its memorable sites have been restored.