  • 最初的镜子是一池静水,不知过了多少世纪,没有其他的镜子能将其取代。
    The first mirror was a pool of still water, and for untold centuries there was no other mirror to take its place.
  • 剩下未用的或现存未损的任何物体。
    any object that is left unused or still extant.
  • 况且即使是着装轻松的日子有其不成文的规定。
    Plus,even dress down days have their unwritten rules.
  • 这意味着用户的升级将是在netware3.x和早期的netware4.0版本加入一种解决2000年问题的方法。
    That means an upgrade for users still plugging a way with NetWare 3.X and early NetWare 4 versions.
  • 要实现《世界人权宣言》所制定的目标,然任重而道远。
    However, the task of achieving the objectives identified in the Declaration is still an uphill journey.
  • 在农村,农业就业虽以家庭为主,但随着城镇化战略的实施和非农产业的发展,非农就业和农村劳动力转移迅速发展。
    In the countryside, the household is still the dominant unit of agricultural employment. However, with the implementation of the urbanization strategy and the development of non-agricultural industries, non-agricultural employment and the transfer of rural labor have increased rapidly.
  • 关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判制定了《原产地规则协议》,确定了协调各国非特惠制原产地规则的原则,并委托世界海关组织承担协调规则技术标准的制订工作,但至今未完成。
    The Uruguay Round negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) reached the ``Agreement on Rules of Origin,'' aiming at co-ordinating member countries' rules of origin on non-preferential imports. The job to formulate the technical standards on the co-ordination principle was entrusted to the World Customs Organization but has not been accomplished till today.
  • 可持续发展策略:"数字奥运"建设的各项设施不仅要在奥运会期间发挥重要作用,而且在奥运会后然要继续长期使用,实现可持续发展。
    Strategy for sustainable development: Various facilities built by "Digital Olympics" will not only play an important role during the Olympic Games, b ut also continue to be used for a long time after the Olympic Games so that sustainable development can be achieved.
  • 反观新加坡华语文的处境,除了实用性之外,政治上的历史包袱未完全摆脱。
    As for Singapore, besides utilitarian concerns, the historical baggage due to political reasons remains a burden.
  • 反正,就像你刚才提到的,空房率然很高。
    Anyway,as you just mentioned,the vacancy rate is still too high.
  • 经过这次自卫还击战,说明我们的军队然不愧是英勇善战的人民解放军,不愧是保卫我们社会主义现代化建设的伟大长城。
    This counter-attack has demonstrated that our army still deserves to be called the valiant and battle-tested People's Liberation Army, and that it remains the Great Wall of defence of our socialist modernization.
  • 你的护照然有效吗?
    Is your passport in order (ie still valid)?
  • 二零零一年,港产品出口以成衣为主,总值达722亿元,占港产品出口总额的47.1%。
    Clothing continued to be the largest component of domestic exports, valued at $72.2 billion or 47.1 per cent of the total value of domestic exports in 2001.
  • 我找球找了10分钟,但它然无影无踪。
    I searched for the ball for ten minutes, but it had vanished into thin air.
  • 谢天谢地,外卖的三明治旧不需付增值税。
    Thank goodness that sandwiches to take away are still free of VAT.
  • 尽管梵蒂冈一再采取敌视新中国的政治行动,中国天主教在1957年、1958年先后将选出的一名代理主教和两名主教报梵蒂冈。
    Though the Vatican took repeated political actions of hostility against New China, the Chinese church reported the appointment of one acting bishop and two full bishops, selected in 1957 and 1958, to the Vatican.
  • 如此看来,尽管遭到来自教会和韩国医学会的激烈反对,政府最近核准了诺尔勒沃的合法性,它是韩国的一种女用避孕丸。
    That helps explain why despite vehement opposition from both the church and the Korean Medical Association, the government recently approved Norlevo, the " morning-after" pill, in Korea.
  • 在我们这个外表看来非常现代化的世界级都会里,一些华人经理却然保留着根深蒂固的传统观念。遵循华人的风俗习惯,给他们一种安全感,也让他们觉得可以确保生意兴隆。
    Beneath the veneer of modernity in this world-class metropolis lurks the hua ren manager who remains traditional in heart and soul, still needing the security blanket of Chinese folk practices to ensure his success and prosperity.
  • 回到房地产的例子,如我们的结论在市场上属新颖,这行业又在本益比历史波动的下限交易,而与新加坡其他行业相比这本益比也非常具有吸引力……那我们中奖了!
    Going back to our property example. If our conclusion is new to the market, the industry is trading at the lower end of its histo-rical PE band, and it is also very attractive on PE terms versus the other industries in Singapore...bingo!
  • 温柔的声音已经消逝,音乐在记忆中飘荡。
    Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory.
  • 然而在美国,对他的恶毒攻击在继续。查理无法返回,于是合家迁居瑞士。
    In the US, the vicious attacks continued, Charlie couldn't go back, and the family left for Switzerland.
  • 然坚持自己的意见。
    I still hold to my views.
  • 我们感到战争危险然存在,要提高警惕,但防止新的世界战争爆发的因素在增长。
    We feel that although the danger of war still exists and we still have to remain vigilant, the factors that can prevent a new world war are growing.
  • 这些法律仍然有效。
    The laws are still in vigor.
  • 虽然他年纪很大了, 他然精力充沛。
    Old as he is, he is none the less vigorous and active.
  • 这些法律仍然有效。
    The laws are still in vigour.
  • 如今,大多数的飞机飞得很高,远在云层之上,不受天气影响,但是飞机的工作人员然非常关心目的地的着陆条件,也就是,云层底下的清晰度。
    Nowadays most aircraft fly high, well above the clouds and weather, but their crews are still vitally interested in landing conditions at their destination, i.e. the cloud base and visibility there.
  • 那情景清晰地留在我的记忆中。
    The scene is still vivid in my memory.
  • 他们一起渡过的周末旧清晰地留在她的脑海里。
    Their weekend together remained vividly in her thoughts.
  • 这麽多年过去了这张照片然没失去它的鲜明
    The picture has not lost its vividness after all these years
  • 这麽多年过去了这张照片然没失去它的鲜明。
    The picture have not lose its vividness after all these years.
  • 我虽已退休, 但做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势.
    Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things).