| - 现在我们转回来谈谈你的第一部小说——玩具娃娃。
Now let 's go back to your first novel, Rag Doll. - 那个捡破烂的从街上东捡西捡,居然积攒了一笔可观的家产。
That rag-picker scraped together quiet a property out of the street. - 一群学生谈论着要进行抗议,并组成了一个抗议委员会。
A group of students chewed the rag and formed a protest committee. - 这些规律的正确性,不但在第一次大革命时期和土地革命时期证明了,而且在目前的抗日战争中也在证明着。
The validity of these laws was confirmed during the First Great Revolution and the Agrarian Revolution, and it is being confirmed again in the present War of Resistance. - 他们在壁炉旁边一边玩纸牌,一边聊天,打发那寒冷的夜晚。
They spent the cold night beside the fireplace, playing cards and chewing the rag. - 地板上铺的是草席,只有起居间铺了一块薄薄的破地毯。
The floors were covered with matting and the hall laid with a thin rag carpet. - 他面无血色,手里拿着一块怪味浓重的布头。
His face was drained of color,and he carried a strange,strong smelling rag in his hand. - 故事讲的是一个乡下姑娘白手起家由穷致富的经历。
The story is about a young girl from the country who goes from rag to riches. - 故事讲的是一个乡下姑娘白手起家由穷致富的经历。
The story is about a young girl from the country who went from rag to riches. - 你的女仆迟到一会儿,你用不着每次都发脾气。
There is no need to get your rag out every time your maid comes a bit late. - 上星期一,我们在餐具室拿到了那张报纸,还争论了半天。
We had that paper in the pantry last Monday and chewed the rag over it for hours. - 她痛恨书籍,只要一看到客厅中有一本书就会暴跳如雷。
She hated books and the sight of one in a drawingroom was a red rag to a bull. - 一年后,在决定洗窗户时,我在一个清洁柜的破袋子里找到这件黄衬衫。
A year later during a window-washing spurt, I found the crumpled yellow shirt hidden in a rag bag in my cleaning closet. - 日常天气仍然支配着我们生活中的许多细节,而且仍然是服装业、旅游业-天知道还有些别的什么行业-的一种神赐的助力。
Our daily weather continues to dictate the trivial scenarios of our lives-and remains manna to the rag trade, the tourist industry, and heaven knows what else. - 如果他是一个社会联系广泛的名律师,他就会很有钱,但是你知道他社会地位低下,并没有很多钱。
If he's a prominent barrister with a big connection he'll have plenty of money; but the rag-tag and bobtail of the profession don't make all that much, you know. - 现在你应该知道,一把话题转到政治上杰弗里就会发火,你这不是在激怒他嘛。
You should know by now that Geoffery always loses his temper if you let the conversation get on to politics. You might as well wave a red rag at a bull. - 一个人是什么时候开始收集关于自己的剪报的?是作为诗人从自己的第一本诗集受到周末报刊评论家的挑剔开始呢?还是作为政客从地方报上第一次得到一小条关于自己的报道开始呢?
When does a man start collecting cuttings on himself? The poet when his first slim volume gets pecked at by the week-end critics? The politician when he gets his first one-inch notice in the local rag? - 她的“手推车”也是如此。那五英镑怎么也不够花在买一辆新车上。她找到了一个旧货商人,他愿意以五先令的价格卖给她一辆破旧的手推车。
It was the same with her "hand cart". The five pounds would never have run to a good one, and she had found a rag-and-bone man willing to sell her the ruins of an old pram for five shillings. - "孩子们朝那只小公狗瞧了一眼,它像是一只五颜六色又脏又乱的线团。
"The kids took one look at the male pup,a ragamuffin ball of string,and exclaimed," Andy! - 他的论据是一堆杂乱无章互不相关的事实。
His argument is a ragbag of disconnected facts. - 今天的因特网在客户端是html、javascript和java的巨大集合,在服务器端是一堆杂七杂八的脚本语言和编译语言。
Today's Internet is a vast collection of HTML, JavaScript and Java on the client side and a ragbag of scripted and compiled languages on the server side. - 富农一般地在农民群众反对帝国主义的斗争中可能参加一分力量,在反对地主的土地革命斗争中也可能保持中立。
Generally speaking, they might make some contribution to the anti-imperialist struggle of the peasant masses and stay neutral in the agrarian revolutionary struggle against the landlords. - 他因发火脸都青一块紫一块的。
He go purple with rage. - 他因发火脸都青一块紫一块的。
He goes purple with rage. - 我气愤地对他用鼻子哼了一声。
I snorted at him with rage. - 必须向党员和农民说明,目前不是实行彻底的土地革命的时期,过去土地革命时期的一套办法不能适用于现在。
It must be explained to Party members and to the peasants that this is not the time for a thorough agrarian revolution and that the series of measures taken during the Agrarian Revolution cannot be applied today. - 衣服象麦田里的稻草人穿的衣服一样破烂不堪
Clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's. - 像稻草人一样瘦弱而且衣衫褴褛。
resembling a scarecrow in being thin and ragged. - 这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。
A ragged shout went up from the small crowd. - 一段右边缘参差不齐的课文
A column of text set with a ragged right margin. - 欧洲和亚洲西部一种常见的多年生粉红色花。
common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals. - 我一直是热爱教学的,可这些孩子如此活跃,竟把我弄得精疲力竭。
I always loved teaching, but the children were so active that they ran me ragged.