  • 利用现有500多所农林中专学校、2000多所县级农业广播电视学校和基层农业技术推广机构,广泛开展农民职业技术培训,提高农民接受和应用农业新技术的力。实施“绿色证书”工程,到2000年使1000万农民获得“绿色证书”,培养一大批粮食种植手。
    China will make full use of its existing 500-odd agricultural and forestry polytechnical schools, more than 2,000 county-level agricultural broadcasting and TV schools and grass-roots agrotechnology popularization organs to improve farmers' abilities to accept and apply new agrotechnologies through extensive vocational training, especially through the ``Green Certificate'' project. By 2000, ten million farmers will have obtained such certificates and large numbers of grain-growing experts will have emerged.
  • 例如,任何一个简单的查询工具都确定一家化工厂一年因关键过滤器被堵塞而少生产多少批聚氨脂原料。
    For example, any simple querying tool could determine how many fewer batches of polyurethane components were produced annually by a chemical plant because key filters were clogging.
  • 这6枚金牌是双杠、跳马、吊环、鞍马、个人全和作为联合队团体冠军成员的1枚金牌。
    His golds came in the parallel bars,vault,tings,pommel horse,individual and as a member of the winning Unified Team.
  • 这6枚金牌是双杠、跳马、吊环、鞍马、个人全和作为联合队团体冠军成员的1枚金牌。
    His golds came in the parallel bars, vault, rings, pommel horse, individual and as a member of the winning Unified Team.
  • 为什么一所中学在那样困苦的经济环境中那样成功,是值得我们深思的。
    Just how a secondary school could achieve such a success despite dire economic circumstances is a good question for us to ponder over.
  • 像往常一样,我总把对学生们反应的思考归结为一个问题:"怎样才使外国人想与你交谈并和你交朋友呢?
    As always,I ponder the students' response only to arrive at the same question.“ How to make foreigners want to speak to and be friends with you?
  • 除了以上的隐忧之外,还有一点叫人担忧:“晚晴园热”维持多久?
    Singaporeans have a habit of getting tired of the old as soon as they take a fancy to something new. We need to ponder the question of whether interest in the memorial hall can be sustained.
  • 但是,别忘了,读本书时,你所寻找的谜底可在你自己的心里:正当你搜索枯肠、百思不得其解时,说不定答案就跳脱出来,跃入你的脑海。它也可化身为一个概念,或以计划的形式出现,也有可以目标的姿态现身。
    But remember, as you read, the answer you may be seeking, to the questions which have caused you to ponder over the strangeness of life, may be found in your own mind, through some idea, plan, or purpose which may spring into your mind as you read.
  • 积沙还造成窟顶巨大压力和岩体积水。
    Accumulating sand can lead to great pressure on top of the grottoes and ponding in the rock mass.
  • 过圣诞节弗雷德可会得到一匹小马,因为他父亲正在赚大钱。
    Fred may get a pony for Christmas because his father is making money hand over fist.
  • 安·史密斯打电话说,她终于不参加坐小马车旅行了,因为她已怀孕。
    Ann Smith phoned to say she can't come pony trekking after all because she's in a delicate condition.
  • 有弹子桌打弹子的地方。
    a room with pool tables where pool is played.
  • 上星期我真是倒霉透了,要是多得两球,我就赢得这场足球普尔。
    I had hard lines last week – two more points and I would have won the football pools.
  • 现在的比赛的总奖金达到10万美金,而冠军把4万美金装回家。
    Tournaments today regularly feature $100,000-plus prize pools,with the first-place winner taking home approximately $40,000-plus.
  • 但是,从另一个角度来看,如果我们只关心生存和基本需要,那么即使我们在经济上已经取得辉煌的成就,比起世界上最穷的国家,我们事实上可好不了多少。
    But at the same time, should we only concern ourselves with survival and attending to our basic needs, then we are no better off than the poorest of poor countries despite our economic achievements to date.
  • 不能迎合选民的演讲
    A speech that played poorly with the voters.
  • 我马上就能睡着。
    I can pop right off.
  • 罗马教皇约翰保罗二世在他访问别的国家时,坚持用该国的语言进行部分的演讲。他具有多种语言才
    Pope John Paul II makes a point of giving at least some of his speeches in the language of the country he's visiting. He has the gift of tongues.
  • 儿童玩具枪一种发出砰砰响声的玩具枪
    A toy gun that makes a popping noise.
  • 一种发出爆裂音的玩具枪。
    a toy gun that makes a popping sound.
  • 其实最有效的方式,应该是民智的提升,只有开明的百姓,才避免内部的武力冲突和非理性行为,进而解决自己的问题,并监察政府的行为。
    Actually, the most effective way is to raise the intellect of the people. An enlightened populace would be able to prevent internal armed conflicts and irrational actions. Then, they would be able to solve their own problems and monitor the government's actions.
  • 设立资讯科技技评估中心及资讯科技资讯中心;组织新科技应用研究专责小组,以及利用这些技术为特定行业开发及推广软件系统。
    establishes an IT Skills Assessment Centre and IT Information Centre, and organises special groups for applied research on new technologies and the development and popularisation of software systems using such technologies in specific economic sectors.
  • 凭声难以正确地测出一个人的力。
    Popularity is seldom a true gauge of one's ability.
  • 所有自然的或精制的,被大众认为促进身体健康的食品。
    any natural or prepared food popularly believed to promote good health.
  • 查一下瓷器的保险费率吗?
    Could you find out the premium rate for porcelain?
  • 赖斯在上周的一次采访中说:"我们在打网球的间隙,乘船外出或者坐在走廊的时候,谈论的是下任总统在外交政策上可会遇到什么挑战。
    “ In between tennis games and going out on the boat and sitting out on the back porch we would have conversations about what foreign policy challenges would face the next president,” Rice said last week in an interview.
  • 可滤过的通过一给定微孔尺寸的
    That can pass through a given pore size.
  • 渗透的允许气体或液体从孔中或缝隙中通过的
    Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices.
  • 通过表面的孔被吸收或吸入。
    capable of being absorbed or taken in through the pores of a surface.
  • 有的人看到色情杂志激发起性欲.
    Some people are sexually excited by pornographic magazines.
  • 经过30多年的发展,大多数成年的国人已经有足够的力去判断艺术与色情之间的不同。
    After more than 30 years of development, I believe most adults are able to decide for themselves the difference between art and pornography.
  • 这陶罐能渗透水。
    This clay pot is porous.