  • 够符合波兰的实际情况吗?
    Would it be suited to realities in Poland?
  • 北极熊至少在10英里之处就嗅到受困的白鲸。它们可以靠体内储存的脂肪生活下去。
    Polar bears can smell trapped whales from at least 10 miles away, and they can store and live off reserves of fat.
  • 多极化的概念被越来越多的国家认可和接受,普遍认为多极比单极好,多极对世界和平有利,不想象拥有约200个国家、50多亿口的世界由一个国家来“领导”。
    The concept of multi-polarity has been accepted by more and more countries, and most people think multi-polarity is better than single polarity and is beneficial to the whole world. It is unimaginable that the whole world of some 200 countries and a population of more than 5 billion could be ruled by one country.
  • 只有社会主义,才有凝聚力,才解决大家的困难,才避免两极分化,逐步实现共同富裕。
    Only socialism can bind the people together, help them overcome their difficulties, prevent polarization of wealth and bring about common prosperity.
  • 如果搞两极分化,情况就不同了,民族矛盾、区域间矛盾、阶级矛盾都会发展,相应地中央和地方的矛盾也会发展,就可出乱子。
    If polarization occurred, things would be different. The contradictions between various ethnic groups, regions and classes would become sharper and, accordingly, the contradictions between the central and local authorities would also be intensified. That would lead to disturbances.
  • 换句话说,磁极通常与地理极十分接近,这就是罗盘为什么够工作的原因。
    in other words, the magnetic poles are usually fairly close to the geo graphic poles, which is why a compass works.
  • 根据大数定律,保险公司只收取相对而言数额很小的保费便承担风险,因为大数定律认为,尽管每个投保人都可遭受损失,但在所有投保人中,只有少数人会真正受到损失。
    Insuring companies assumes risks for relatively small premium because of the law of large numbers , which assumes that while any one policyholder may suffer a loss, out of a total population of policyholders only a few will actually suffer a loss.
  • 重要的事实只压过那些以公共利益为幌子而实际上纯粹寻租的活动,而当法院进行宪法讨论时,这是对国会政策制定权行使的一个至关重要的限制。
    Salient facts have the capacity to drown out purely rent-seeking activity that cloaks itself [657] in the public good, while constitutional discourse, when enforced by the Court, is a crucial restraint on the exercise of Congress's policymaking power.
  • 完成小儿麻痹矫治手术16万人次,有效率达98.7%,使大批青少年患者改善了肢体功,升了学,就了业。
    160,000 polio sequelae have been rectified with an effectiveness rate of 98.7 percent, enabling many young disabled to improve their limb functions, enter schools or take up jobs;
  • 我们可得在地板上涂上光剂了。
    We may have to rub polish on the floor.
  • 当人们在寻找制作武器的材料时,发现了金属,在以后的几个世纪中,又发现了把金属磨光便使它发亮。
    When, in their search for material with which to make weapons, men discovered metal and in later centuries, learned that by polishing the metal it could be made to shine.
  • 他可认为回访比较合乎礼仪。
    He might think it polite to return the visit.
  • 这种想法在政治上可看来可取,但在军事上那是废话一堆。
    Politically maybe the idea seems good,but militarily it's poppycock.
  • 有些政治上根本反动的东西,也可有某种艺术性。
    Some works which politically are downright reactionary may have a certain artistic quality.
  • 一种为了保持国家政治独立或拒绝可发生的战争的行为。
    action intended to keep a country politically neutral or exclude it from a possible war.
  • 雄蕊长在花的中央,产生花粉。
    Stamen is in the middle of a flower and may produce pollen.
  • 具有生殖结构的如种子、果实或类似孢子或胚种等有结果或再生功结构的
    Bearing functional reproductive structures such as seeds or fruit or material such as spores or pollen.
  • 细小的粉末状材料,如干燥的土壤或花粉,在空气中被吹起。
    fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air.
  • ”所以,林业公司只靠培植种子的果园来培养种子。果园里种满了种树用以相互受粉。
    As a result, timber companies had to grow seed by planting seed orchards, full of elite trees that were supposed to pollinate each other.
  • 垃圾掩埋除了对土壤造成污染外,垃圾中的包装材料和一些残骸中含有的有害金属和有毒化合物,也对地下水源造成污染。
    Apart from the land that landfills pollute, they can also poison underground reservoirs of water with met- als and dangerous chemicals from packaging materials and other debris.
  • 污水引起许多疾病。
    Polluted water might bring forth a host of diseases.
  • 由于对可发生的核爆炸所产生的恐惧以及污染性废料的难以处理,新核电站的建设已经放慢了。
    The fear of possible atomic explosion and the problem of disposing of polluting byproduct waste have slowed down the construction of further nuclear plants.
  • 提高现有"长征"系列运载火箭的性和可靠性;开发新一代无毒、无污染、高性和低成本的运载火箭,建成新一代运载火箭型谱化系列,增强参与国际商业发射服务的力。
    This will be achieved by improving the performance and reliability of the "Long-March" group, developing the next generation of launch vehicles with non-toxic, non-polluting, high-performance and low-cost qualities, forming a new group of launch vehicles and strengthening the capability of providing international commercial launching services;
  • 很多年轻人不抵制精神污染。
    Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution.
  • 赏光同我跳波罗耐斯舞吗?
    May I have the honor of the polonaise?
  • 他不愿承认一夫多妻,但他同意出资在他的地产上建立一所容纳100多学生的私立学校。
    He wouldn't admit to polygamy, but he allowed that he'd set up a private school on his property that had more than 100 students.
  • 被一条直线分成四个或更多部分的多边形。
    a polygon such that there is a straight line that cuts it in four or more points.
  • 没有一条边会伸长并与其他任何一个边或顶点相交的多边形;它被一条线最多分成两部分。
    a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a line in at most two points.
  • 研究小组希望提高制做效率并让第二层聚合药物层也直接向皮肤渗透药物,从而进一步改进疗效。
    The team also hopes to streamline manufacturing and to design a second-layer polymer that will allow delivery of medications to the injured skin.
  • 稍微了解有机化学的术语和符号知识的读者就较好地利用《聚合物》这本书。
    A reader who merely has an acquaintance with the language and symbolism of organic chemistry will be able to make good use of the book--"Polymeric Materials".
  • 塑胶通过聚合作用制成的一种有机化合物,被造型,挤压和塑铸成各种形状或薄膜,也可被拉成细丝用作纺织纤维
    Any of various organic compounds produced by polymerization, capable of being molded, extruded, cast into various shapes and films, or drawn into filaments used as textile fibers.
  • 利用现有500多所农林中专学校、2000多所县级农业广播电视学校和基层农业技术推广机构,广泛开展农民职业技术培训,提高农民接受和应用农业新技术的力。
    China will make full use of its existing 500-odd agricultural and forestry polytechnical schools, more than 2,000 county-level agricultural broadcasting and TV schools and grass-roots agrotechnology popularization organs to improve farmers' abilities to accept and apply new agrotechnologies through extensive vocational training, especially through the ``Green Certificate'' project.