  •  一名水管维修工称在伦敦一年可赚到20万英镑,那里的紧急维修服务每小时高达100英镑。
    One plumber claimed it was possible to earn £200,000a year in London where emergency callouts are £100an hour.
  • 由于森喜朗的民意大幅下滑,最近几次的民调均显示森喜朗的支持度不到两成,再加上自民党内发生严重分歧,因此民众对森喜朗领导国家的力仍有怀疑。
    But with his popularity plummeting- under 20 percent in recent opinion polls- and deep divisions in his Liberal Democratic Party, doubts remained over Mori's ability to lead the nation.
  • 这家总部设在芝加哥的杂志说,他们公开招募女模特是为那些有可在安然破产案中失业的员工提供第二次就业机会,因为安然公司,这个昔日金融界的骄子如今已经沦落成为美国历史上惨遭破产的最大一家公司。
    The Chicago-based magazine said the open call for models is a second chance for Enron Corp. employees who may have lost their jobs as the one-time Wall Street darling plummeted into the largest U.S. bankruptcy in history.
  • 日本在中国的掠夺虽然不说它绝对不有所成就,但是日本资本缺乏,又困于游击战争,急遽的大量的成就是不可的。
    Though it would be wrong to say that Japan will achieve no results at all in her plunder of China, yet, being short of capital and harassed by guerrilla warfare, she cannot possibly achieve rapid or substantial results.
  • 他们从那个村庄抢去了他们拿走的一手东西。
    They plundered the village of everything they could lay hands on.
  • 不到决战的时机,没有决战的力量,不冒冒失失地去进行决战。
    We must not plunge into decisive battles until the time is ripe and unless we have the necessary strength.
  • 他跳入河中潜游,因而够甩掉追踪者。
    By plunging into the stream and swimming under water, he was able to throw off his pursuers.
  • 这些名词的复数形式可会造成困难。
    The plural forms of these nouns can cause difficulty.
  • 我是衷心希望我们的青年人透过学习祖国的文化,建立起国家观念和民族感情,在香港这个国际大都会和多元化的社会里面,够在融汇和汲收西方优秀文化精华的同时,将中华民族的文化发扬光大下去,将香港和我们的国家建设得更加美好。
    I earnestly hope that our youths will develop a sense of patriotism and nationalism through familiarising with the culture of our motherland. In the assimilation of the essence of the fine Western culture in a cosmopolitan and pluralistic place like Hong Kong, they will hand down and further enhance the Chinese culture and build a better Hong Kong and China.
  • 这首诗很可是家父逝世前所作的最后一首遗诗,家父是于1960年6月去世的。
    This poem was probably one of the very last poems father composed before he passed away in June 1960.
  • 他在作诗方面变得那么熟练,以至够立即写出几乎任何长短的一首十四行诗来。
    He grow so proficient in poesy that he can write a sonnet of almost any length on a moment's notice.
  • 他在作诗方面变得那么熟练,以至够立即写出几乎任何长短的一首十四行诗来。
    He grows so proficient in poesy that he can write a sonnet of almost any length on a moment 's notice.
  • 我相这么说可更确切:妒忌是人类最富诗意的弱点。
    I suppose it may be more correct to say jealousy as the most poetic weak point of human being.
  • 我想这么说可更确切:妒忌是人类最富诗意的弱点。
    I suppose it might be more correct to say jealousy is the most poetic weak point of human beings.
  • 不懂美的人怎麽教诗?
    How can an inaesthetic person teach poetry?
  • 事实上,它们可是你最深切最重要的人生阅历。
    In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.
  • `可是她有可不同意呀.'`你说得对[有道理].'
    `But she might not agree. ' `You've got a point there/That's a point'.
  • 我不知道等她有什么意义,她可不来了。
    I don't see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming.
  • 如果你给我作一些指点,我将十分感激。
    I'd is grateful if you can give me a few pointer.
  • 测面仪一种仪器,当机械连结的探针扫过平面图形的周线时测出图形的面积
    An instrument that measures the area of a plane figure as a mechanically coupled pointer traverses the perimeter of the figure.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,使打印位置或显示指针移到下一打印行的相应字符位置的一种特性。
    In word processing, a feature which causes the typing position or display pointer to be moved to the corresponding character position of the following typing line.
  • 托尼,你给我出个点子吗?
    Can you give me any pointers Tony?
  • 如果你给我作一些指点,我将十分感激。
    I'd be grateful if you can give me a few pointers.
  • 如果你给我作一些指点,我将十分感激
    I 'd be grateful if you can give me a few pointers
  • 给我讲讲怎么找工作吗?
    Can you give me some pointers on how to go about get a job?
  • 指向一个可解答的证据。
    evidence pointing to a possible solution.
  • (指着食谱)你告诉我"多尔麦得其啊"是什么吗?
    Could you tell us what "dolmadakia" is, please? (pointing at the menu)
  • 比尔工作不熟练,把她最近3个月干的大部分工作都搞坏了——她只气得直咬牙。
    Bill's incompetence had made most of her work over the last three months quite pointless—she could have gnashed her teeth with sheer frustration.
  • 我们要在二十一世纪,建设一个更繁荣和更民主的香港,一个充满新动力的城市,并且随全球迈向自由贸易,建设一个取得更大成就、日趋开放、灵活和创新的经济体系。
    We are building a Hong Kong that will be even more prosperous and democratic in the 21st Century. A city filled with new vitality. An open, flexible and innovative economy which is poised for even greater achievements as the world moves towards free trade.
  • 这种药能解蛇毒。
    This drug should counteract the snake's poison.
  • 把炉火拨旺点吗?
    Can you poke up the fire?
  • 在袋子上戳两个洞就透过它看了。
    Poke two holes in the sack so you can see through it.