  • 我们应尽全力保证他得到赠品,所以我们不可轻易予人。
    We should do everything possible to make sure that he gets the gifts, so we should not give them on a silver platter.
  • 无论需要多么紧迫,问题多么紧急,一个人不没有看似有理的计划就开始行动。
    However pressing the need and urgency of the problem one should not proceed without a plausible plan.
  • 对别人来说很可如此,可是阿尔芒不会。他当时那种悲痛欲绝的声调是非常真诚的。因此我从这一个极端又想到了另外一个极端,我想阿尔芒一定是哀伤成疾,我得不到他的消息,是因为他病了,兴许已经死了。
    Such a hypotheses would have been plausible enough with anybody else, but in Armand's despair there had been a note of real sincerity and, moving from one extreme to the other, I imagined that his grief could well have turned into sickness and that, if I had not heard from him, then it was because he was ill, dead even.
  • 如果我哪怕是只看一部剧,我都会知道怎样在我脑海中描绘我曾经读过的或通过手势字母的媒介向我转述的100部剧的动作。
    If I could see only one play, I should know how to picture in my mind the action of a hundred plays which I have read or had transferred to me through the medium of the manual alphabet.
  • at&t公司称,a2b使用了类似于mp3的技术,但把曲调锁定在只回放的方式。
    AT&T says a2b uses MP3-like technology but locks its tunes in playback-only mode.
  • 够通过录音机的读写磁头传送磁带录音效果的机械装置。
    a mechanism that transport magnetic tape across the read/write heads of a tape playback/recorder.
  • 设法寻求参与新的、令人振奋的活动。这些活动使你快乐、平静,也使你重温你的爱好。
    Try to find new,uplifting activities which are playful and peaceful or return to a hobby which you once enjoyed.
  • 他的演奏具有莫大的魁力,当他在一个公园里为露天舞蹈伴奏时,他把远隔一个街区的另一个公园里的舞客统统吸引过来。
    When Bolden played for outdoor dancing in a park, his playing was powerful enough to attract all the dancers from another park a block away.
  • 我不这样认为,看看在nba,你如果有一个优秀的内线球员,你就打进季后赛。如果你碰巧有两名优秀中锋,你就夺得总冠军。
    I don't think so. Look at the NBA. In the NBA, if you have a great post player you can get into the playoffs for sure, and if you happen to have two great post players, you'll be able to get the NBA championship.
  • 剧作家往往不使笔下的人物栩栩如生。
    The playwright often fails to flesh out his characters.
  • 他没有参加那次宴会,借口是他太忙不来。
    He did not attend the dinner; his plea was that he was too busy to come.
  • 他藉口无为力拒不捐献。
    He refused to contribute, on the plea that he couldn't afford it.
  • 供应下列品种的上等全棉毛巾,请寄样品。
    Will you plea send us sample of the best cotton towel you can offer of the following kinds:.
  • 你不以不谙法律来替你的行为辩解。
    You cannot plead ignorance in excuse of your conduct.
  • 初级律师陈述道,他的委托人身体不好不答辩。
    The solicitor stated that his client was not fit to plead.
  • 律师出席高级法庭的律师
    A lawyer admitted to plead at the bar in the superior courts.
  • 他们聘请了请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情。
    They employed the best lawyer they can get to plead their case.
  • 他们聘请了请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情。
    They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.
  • 我们不审问这个人,他的精神状况不适于辩解。
    We can not try this man ; he is mentally unfit to plead.
  • 尤指英格兰的在一个高等法院为诉讼案进行辩护的律师。
    Lawyer(especially in England) who can plead or argue a case in one of the higher court.
  • “我们不就这么把它拒之门外,”杰弗里哀求道。
    "We can't just turn her away," Jeffrey pleaded.
  • 他为不到会而道歉,推说是工作太忙。
    He apologize for not come to the party, pleading pressure of work.
  • 和你做生意,太高兴了。
    I am only too pleased to do business with you.
  • 如果在本公司力范围内,我们愿意满足您的需要,请再与我们联系。
    Please let us have other inquiries as we shall be only too pleased to meet your requirements if it is within our power.
  • 喜欢我非常高兴。
    I'm pleased you like it.
  • 或者用途可只存在于愉快的感觉之中,随着感觉的消失而消失,不留任何痕迹;
    or its use may consist only in pleasurable sensation, which when gone leaves no trace;
  • 虽然如此,我们有一种不可避免的倾向,就是喜欢直线和四方形;这些直线和四方形只有在树木的陪衬下,才够显出它们的美点。
    Nevertheless, there is an inevitable tendency to go in for straight lines and square shapes, and such straight lines and square shapes can be brought into pleasurable relief only by the company of trees.
  • 帮助你我感到高兴。
    It's been a pleasure.
  • 工作意味着生活继续。
    Working was a pledge that life could go on.
  • 警察局的条例多得像雪片一样,但它们只把工人的穷困状况包藏起来,而不把这种状况消除。
    Police regulations have been as plentiful as blackberries; but they can only hedge in the distress of the workers, they can not remove it.
  • 在水本身丰富的地方,水力资源,即可用其机械力服务于产业的有落差的水流,同水利资源如果较为丰富,人们可对其加以利用的程度相比,也许是极其有限的。
    Where water itself is plentiful, yet waterpower, i.e. a fall of water applicable by its mechanical force to the service of industry, may be exceedingly limited, compared with the use which would be made of it if it were more abundant.
  • 当年宣布den时最具冲击力的应用之一是通过目录把qos政策与用户联系起来的力,但在过去两年局域网中带宽变得更为便宜和充足,使qos不再是个问题。
    One of the killer applications for DEN when it was announced was the ability to link QoS policies to users via directories.But bandwidth has become cheaper and more plentiful in the LAN over the past two years, and that made QoS much less of an issue.