  • 你们每公吨500美圆的价格是其他国的两倍。
    Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries.
  • 我们辨别的标准是看这样做是否有利于发展社会主义的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平。
    The criterion for our judgement is whether the move facilitates the development of socialist productive forces, whether it helps increase the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it brings about better living standards.
  • 随着改革的深化,国指令性计划的范围将会缩小,而市场调节的范围将会扩大。
    As the reFORM further develops, the scope for mandatory state plans will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged.
  • 的根本任务是,集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设
    The basic task of the nation is to concentrate its efforts on socialist modernization.
  • 逐步实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国
    To modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology step by step to turn China into a strong and prosperous socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy.
  • 保障国有经济的巩固和发展。
    The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy.
  • 避免出现以下情形:组织提供重大信息的决策者要注意,不要让别人觉得你是一个障碍,是一个怀疑论者,或者是一个只专注于那些过去,现在,将来都不起作用的事情的消极员工。你要避免被人看作是一位不肯创新的员工。不要停留在事情的表面,也不要不愿意和大分享信息。
    Appearances to Avoid: The purveyor of significant, needed organization knowledge needs to take care that he is not seen as a road block, a naysayer, or a negative employee who focuses on what doesn't work, didn't work, and won't work. You'll want to avoid being viewed as an employee who is not open to new ideas. You need to stay away from the appearance of territoriality or unwillingness to share information.
  • 如何成功地创业?不存在十全十美的企业--即便比尔盖茨也会犯错--不过具备一些素质能帮助你成功。如果你在以下的大部分事项中做得足够好,那么你就拥有了一个好的开头。
    What does it take to start a successful business? While there's no such thing as the perfect entrepreneur -- even Bill Gates has made mistakes -- a number of personal qualities can help you to build a successful business. If you pass muster on most of these traits, you're off and running.
  • 自我激励型。身为小企业,没有老板会告诉你什么时候来上班。如果你有工作动力问题,还是继续打工吧。
    You are self-motivated. As a small business owner, you won't have a boss to tell you when to get to work. If that's a problem, keep your day job.
  • 喜欢工作。和那些创业神话相反,并非一定要是工作狂才能成功。许多企业都认为建立合理的工作节奏更重要,在工作和个人生活之间建立平衡。除非对工作热爱,否则不要创业,因为今后会有很多的工作。
    You like to work. Contrary to myth, you don't need to be a workaholic to start a successful business. Many entrepreneurs find that it makes more sense to establish a reasonable working pace -- one that lets them strike a balance between work and their personal lives. That said, don't start a business unless you enjoy work. There's going to be plenty of it.
  • 旧金山劳动发展专DavidBach说,求职者能”对那些热门雇主多加关注,提高自己的竞争优势“。他还说,可以赶紧关注那些受经济变化影响较少的领域,例如教育、医疗和能源。
    David Bach, a workforce development specialist in San Francisco, says job seekers can "improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing employers." Fields that are less affected by the evolving economy -- such as education, health care, and energy -- make an ideal focus right now, he adds.
  • 建议遵循以下方式来在不确定的经济环境中提高找工作的成功率。
    Experts recommend the following actions to increase your job-search success in an uncertain economic climate.
  • 职业教练、《你想要我在哪公司工作》一书作者JulieJansen说:"列出一张目标公司清单”,将这张清单发送给25个人,并问问他们是否能让你和所列出公司的一位雇员取得联系。
    "Create a target list of companies, " says career coach Julie Jansen, author of "You Want Me to Work with Who?" She suggests sending the list to 25 people, asking them if they can put you in touch with an employee at one of the listed companies.
  • 根据英国年度调查资料所进行的这项研究,涵盖了大约1000名刚获提升的人。这项研究结果将会在这月底的皇经济协会的会议上发表。
    The research, using data from an annual survey of Brits, included information about about 1, 000 people who had been promoted. The findings will be presented later this month at a conference of the Royal Economic Society.
  • 确定公司运作的方向。站在镜子前,连续5遍不间断地说:"这就是我们公司的未来"。身为任何企业的领导,最重要的工作就是绘制出未来的蓝图。如果你不能为大指明方向,你就只能算是个经理而不能成为领导人。你所绘制的蓝图必须是现实可行、实质性的,能让人相信是可以实现的。即便是存在风险,你也必须敢于当机立断。
    Give direction. Stand in front of the mirror and say, "Here is our future" five times without stuttering. A leader's most important job at any organization is to lay out a road map to the future. If you can't provide that direction, you're a manager -- not a leader. Your vision must be real, substantive, and something people can believe in.Have the guts to make decisions while there's still risk in them.
  • 只要想想你最近的不愉快对话–无论是与朋友、人或陌生人:刚开始一切都很顺利,直到对方跨过界线开始刺探财务状况、性生活或健康问题。不管怎麼努力,你对过分分享者已永远改观。
    Just think back to a recent uncomfortable conversation you had with someone -- a friend, family member or total stranger. Things were going well until the other person just laid it all out there: an unnecessary peek into his or her financial situation, sex life or health problems. No matter what you do, your view of an oversharer is forever changed.
  • 政治议题:你已体认过与人吃饭时所聊的政治议题如何失去控制,你还要让这种戏码在工作岗位上演吗?谨记你的人有义务无条件爱你,但同事可没有。
    You've seen how out of hand political discussions can get with your family at the dinner table. Do you really want to start that kind of drama at work? Keep in mind that while your family is obligated to love you no matter what, co-workers are not.
  • 金钱在我们文化中是一个相当奇特的话题。我们渴望打听到别人赚多少钱,本身却没洩漏的打算。薪资与身价有关,当你的薪资被公开,大就会开始臆测你的身价到底被高估还是低估,以及为什麼你有资格领的比相同能力的人多。
    Salary information: Money's a weird topic in our culture. As eager as we are to find out what other people make, we're not as ready to divulge our earnings. Salary is associated with worth, and when your salary's known, it invites speculation of whether you're being over- or undercompensated. Why are you getting paid that much when another person with the same qualification earns much less?
  • 最近,Wisconsin-Madison大学的RichardDavidson发现由心神贯注研究中心首创的一种冥想呼吸法能够对大脑产生影响。在一个小范围进行并即将发表的研究中,Davidson对一生物技术公司的25名员工的大脑进行了成像,这些员工每周练习冥想6天,共练习了8周。他发现他们大脑额叶前部的左侧激活的情况有所增加,而这一部位与较低的焦虑水平、积极的情绪和大脑恐惧中心扁桃核的抑制相关。
    Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently found that a form of meditative breathing pioneered at the Center for Mindfulness can affect the brain. In a small, soon-to-be-published study, Davidson took brain images of 25 members of a biotech firm who practiced meditation six days a week for eight weeks. He found increased activation in the left side of the prefrontal part of the brain, an area associated with lower anxiety, positive emotion and inhibition of the amygdala, the brain's fear center.
  • 科学发现彻底不考虑这些问题很有帮助。迈阿密大学触觉研究所所长TiffanyField在对由于安德鲁飓风而受到心理创伤的60名在校儿童的研究中发现,连续一个月、每周接受两次30分钟按摩的孩子其忧郁情况有所下降,而那些看放松内容的录像片的孩子则没有什么改观。作为人的压力标记的皮质醇水平在接受按摩的一组中也出现了相当程度的下降。如果你不喜欢按摩,那也可以出去好好走一走、游游泳或骑骑车。锻炼不仅有利于保持身体健康,而且能减少焦虑和忧郁。
    Scientists are finding that it can help to get outside your head completely. In a study of 60 schoolchildren traumatized by Hurricane Andrew, Tiffany Field, director of the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute, found that depression dropped in kids who received 30 minutes of massage twice a week for a month,kids who watched a relaxing video showed no improvement. And cortisol levels, the body's marker for stress, declined significantly in the massage group. If massage isn't your thing, go for a vigorous walk, swim or bike ride. Exercise is not only good at keeping you fit,it reduces anxiety and depression, too.
  • 最后,记住一个强有力的支持网络能帮助你在职场中战胜变化。相信你的同事、朋友和你的人能为你的挫折和担心提供一个出口。同时,很有可能一些人自己经历过类似的情况,能够提出一些建议帮你度过这段时期。
    Finally, keep in mind that a strong network of support can help you manage changes at work. Trusted colleagues, friends, and family can provide you with an outlet for expressing frustration or worries. At the same time, chances are good that some of these individuals will have faced similar situations themselves and can provide advice for handling it.
  • 为什么呆在家里?
    Why did you stay at home?
  • 史密斯一是我的邻居。
    The Smiths are my neighbors.
  • 又有一只猫来到我了。
    Another cat came to my house.
  • 他的父亲经营一餐馆。
    His father runs a restaurant.
  • 她是位写竖琴曲的作曲
    She is a composer for the harp.
  • 她全人都是音乐爱好者。
    Her family are all music lovers.
  • 但是这些务活谁来做呢?
    But who will do all the house work?
  • 我宁愿独自呆在家。
    I would rather stay at home alone.
  • 我要为我的房子置办具。
    I'll furnish my house with furniture.
  • 多么平静美丽的国呀!
    How peaceful and beautiful the country is!
  • 请代我向你们全致以最诚挚的问候。
    Please give my best regards to your family.