  • 我不正确地指出错误。
    I can't pinpoint the error.
  • 将敌人精确定位吗。
    can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?
  • 据我所知,人类学家仍然不准确的断定人与猿究竟在什么时候分成了两种截然不同的种类。
    Anthropologists, as far as I know, are still unable to pinpoint just where along the line man and the apes branched into two distant species.
  • 将来,it经理们需要更清楚地看见其企业网络,在潜在问题影响性、妨碍电子商务之前诊断出这些问题,探头提供了这种必要的可视性。
    IT managers will need greater visibility into their enterprise networks to pinpoint potential problems before they effect performance and hamper e-business.Probes provide that necessary visibility.
  • 一架飞机在一块布满地雷的无人居住的陆上空飞过,用源束对每颗地雷进行扫描、定位并作下记录。
    An aircraft flies over a no man’s land sown with land mines, scanning it with an energy beam that pinpoints each mine and records its location.
  • 什麽事也不妨碍他晚上喝啤酒。
    He never let anything come between him and his evening pint of beer.
  • 生活中再也没有什么比在4秒钟喝一杯啤酒而感到自豪的事了。
    There's more to life than taking pride in the fact that you drink a pint of beer in four seconds.
  • 史:好吧,咱们言归正转。我到贵公司来的目的是想探寻与贵公司建立贸易关系的可性。
    Well, let's come to the pint, the prupose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your corporation.
  • 53.恐怕没有谁对大多数美国人的日常生活影响超过汽车生产的先驱亨利.福特。
    53. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.
  • 他的父亲威廉姆,如同大多数早期的农场主一样,希望长子随他务农,扩展农场并继承他的衣钵。
    Like most pioneer farmers, his father, William, hoped that his eldest son would join him on the farm,enable it to expand, and eventually take it over.
  • 国会除了提出一些不可实现的希望之外别无所为。
    Congress have do no more than set out some pious hopes.
  • 国会除了提出一些不可实现的希望之外别无所为
    Congress has done no more than set out some pious hopes
  • 但同时他也承认,“如果我们作为一个国家,被迫用它来达到其他目的,那么任何虔诚的信仰都可无法阻止我们这样使用它。
    " But at the same time, he recognized that "if we are compelled as a nation to use it for other purposes, possibly no pious sentiments will stop the nation from using it that way.
  • 例如rosettanet这样的规范,该规范的实现需要三个tmodel的组合方完成吗,一个tmodel表示rnif,一个用于特定的pip,一个用于错误处理服务。
    This is the case for specifications like RosettaNet, where implementation requires the composition of three tModels to be complete - a general tModel indicating RNIF, one for the specific PIP, and one for the error handling services.
  • 完成第二条天然气进京管线的建设,到2008年天然气供应力达到50亿立方米。
    The second natural gas transmission pipeline from the gas field to Beijing will be built to increase natural gas supply capacity to 5 billion cubic meters in 2008.
  • 为了解决西藏的燃料供应困难,国家拨款修建了一条从青海省格尔木至西藏拉萨的成品油输油管道,全长1080公里,对保证西藏源供应、支援经济建设起到重要作用。
    In order to solve Tibet's fuel supply problem, the state allocated funds to build a refined oil transmission pipeline from Golmud in Qinghai Province to Lhasa. This 1,080-km-long pipeline has played an important role in guaranteeing energy supplies for Tibet in its economic construction.
  • 在微处理器技术的发展中,流水线操作、超标量体系结构和高速缓冲内存储器仍将扮演着重要的角色。如果可,平行处理方法也会加人。
    Pipelining, superscalar organization and caches will continue to play major roles in the advancement of microprocessor technology, and if hopes are realized, parallel processing will join them.
  • 我是付了钱的,所以,我不明白若是我不满意,为什么不抱怨。
    I'm paying the piper, so I don't see why I shouldn't complain if I'm not satisfied.
  • 想象我是一个海盗吗?
    Can you fancy me as a pirate?
  • 一种向外喷水的玩具枪。
    a toy pistol that squirts water.
  • 你认为谁最有可夺得气手枪——女子气手枪——金牌?
    Who do you think is most likely to win the air pistol, Women' s air pistol?
  • 活塞似乎没问题。可别的什么东西坏了。
    The piston seems ok. Maybe something else is wrong.
  • 任何投手在紧张的比赛中都可会失常。
    Any pitcher is liable to crack during a tight game.
  • 只有在公共汽车达到一个稳定的速度后,我们才把手松开,这时就可以不用我们自身费力地以同样的速度运动,但是,当汽车减速时,由于我们的身体仍保持着原来的速度,因此我们必须再次紧握某一物体以免向前倾斜。
    After the bus reaches a constant speed, we can free ourselves and our bodies move at that speed without any effort on our part. But when the bus slows down, our bodies want to continue travelling at the original velocity, and we must hang on to something again to keep from pitching forward.
  • 由于lane仅仿真以太网,所以它避免某些较旧的拓扑结构的陷阱。
    Because LANE is only emulating Ethernet, it can avoid some of the older topology's pitfalls.
  • 听到他不来的消息后, 我多少有些遗憾。
    I was more or less pitiful at the news he couldn't come.
  • 因为单纯地以弱敌强,无论在理论上,在实际上,都不产生持久的结果。
    For neither in theory nor in practice can a struggle become protracted by simply pitting the weak against the strong.
  • 其他一切任务都要服从这个中心,围绕这个中心,决不干扰它,冲击它。
    All other tasks must revolve around the pivot and must absolutely not interfere with or upset it.
  • 这次会议否成功,决定因素不只一个。
    The success of the meeting pivots on more than one factor.
  • (英国)轿车门上的一个转动的小窗口。
    (British) a small pivoted window vent in the door of a car.
  • 安装在家具或卡车或轻便机器的底部的旋转车轮使得它们移动。
    a pivoting wheel attached to the bottom of furniture or trucks or portable machines to make them movable.
  • 马克:你想得出还有哪一个时代曾有过这么多年轻球员担大梁吗?
    Mark:Can you recall a time when so many young players have played such pivotal roles?.