  • 长城的建立,仅靠尽心工作的人们把石头随意堆积起来还不行,它需要有熟练的建筑师指导和统一的目的才建成。
    A great wall does not just happen because many committed people drop stones into piles. It requires a master architect, and a unity of purpose.
  • 你不给我服用药片吗?
    Can not you give me pill?
  • 你不给我服用药片吗?
    Could not you give me pill?
  • 领导力已成为通用的维生素c丸,人们似乎大量需要强有力的领导。
    Leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill. People seem to want megadoses.
  • 他举马可斯家族为例子。马可斯被指敛财穷国超过20年,他的遗孀和孩子却获准回国参政。
    His example of this is the case of the Marcoses, who had been accused of pillaging the nation for 20 years, but they are now back.
  • 人群中挤得只擦柱而过。
    There was only just room to brush past the pillar in the crowd.
  • 处理这种问题时,你可会到处碰壁
    You may be driving from pillar to post while dealing with such problems
  • 处理这种问题时,你可会到处碰壁.
    You may be drove from pillar to post while dealing with such problem。
  • 好,这是我们夺取敌人碉堡的好机会,千万不错过。
    Now this is our big chance to take the enemy pillbox and we can't afford to miss out.
  • 多在常用的枕头下面,铺过整张床来的长枕垫。
    a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows.
  • 对了,你帮我拿毛毯和枕头吗?
    By the way, could you get me a blanket and pillow?
  • 你看你给船领航吗?
    Do you think you can pilot a ship?
  • 如果可的话,我想做个飞行员。
    I want to be a pilot of possible.
  • 飞行员向机场报告见度很低。
    The pilot reported bad visibility over the airport.
  • 飞行员神经机病长时间飞机飞行所导致的神经疲惫
    Nervous exhaustion from prolonged piloting of aircraft.
  • 如果飞行员不驾驶飞机了,还有两个机械手可以接替。
    There are also two mechanical pilots to take charge if the human pilots cannot fly the plane.
  • 假如飞行员不驾驶飞机,那俩个自动操纵器则来掌管这一切。
    There are two mechanical pilots to take charge in case the human pilots cannot fly the plane.
  • 飞机上有两部机械自动驾驶仪,一旦驾驶员不驾驶飞机时,它们取代人操作。
    There are two mechanical pilots on the plane to take chage in case the human pilots cannot fly the plane.
  • 患有色盲的人不当飞行员。
    People who are colour blind are not allowed to become aircraft pilots.
  • 见度差或者几个驾驶员同时等待降落时,特别需要用电讯通话协助飞机降落。
    There is a particular need to talk aircraft down when visibility is poor or when several pilots are waiting to land.
  • 该军在华中及苏南一带者尚有九万余人,虽受日寇和反共军夹击,必艰苦奋斗,尽忠民族国家到底。
    With more than 90,000 troops remaining in central China and the southern part of Kiangsu, the New Fourth Army, though subjected to pincer attacks by the Japanese aggressors and the anti-Communist troops, will certainly fight on despite all hardships and will never cease to render loyal service to the nation.
  • 宁愿把鞋铰开,也不让脚受屈。(谚)
    Better cut the shoe than pinch the foot.
  • 他不还手,因为双臂被紧紧地捆在身体的两侧。
    He could not fight back, for his arms were pinioned to his sides with ropes.
  • 从这儿看到那个小尖塔。
    I can see the small pinnacle from here.
  • 无数的事实说明,只有把全副身心投入进去,专心致志,精益求精,不畏劳苦,百折不回,才有可攀登科学高峰。
    It has been demonstrated countless times that only those who devote themselves heart and soul to their work, who constantly strive for perfection and fear neither hardship nor disappointment can reach the pinnacles of science.
  • 共和党人完全信任新选出的领导人在下届选举中为他们赢得胜利。
    The Republicans are pinning their faith on their newly chosen leader to bring them victory in the next election.
  • 我们指望有一个较长的假期。
    We're pinning our hopes on having a longer holiday.
  • 把全部希望寄托于赢得足球普尔,你应该出去找一份工作才是。
    It's no good pinning your faith on winning the football pools; you'd better go out and find a job.
  • 汤姆正寄希望于他物理考试的分数。否则他就不进大学,因为其他试卷他答得不太好。
    Tome is pinning all his hopes on his marks in his physics paper. Otherwise he won't be able to go to university as he has not done too well in the other papers.
  • “我认为这有效地揭穿那些拿着大把钞票来买鸟的人。其方法是确定乌的基因,指出这些收藏品都是偷猎的鸟,而不是人工繁殖的鸟。
    "My guess is that it would be effective to nail the people who are coming up with the big money for these birds by pinning them with the genetics and showing that 'Oh, this whole collection is, in fact, full of poached birds' rather than 'this whole collection is full of cap-tive-bred birds,'" he says.
  • 他们把他按在墙上使他不动弹。
    They pinned him against the wall.
  • 斯:我也不确切指出来。
    I can't quite pinpoint it.