  • 辉银矿一种有价值的银矿,ag2s,银灰色,具金属光泽,常失去光泽而成为暗
    A valuable silver ore, Ag2S, with a lead-gray color and metallic luster that is often tarnished a dull black.
  • 钛铁矿一种发亮的色或褐色钛矿石,主要成分为fetio3
    A lustrous black to brownish titanium ore, essentially FeTiO3.
  • 一个伟大的人——一个人——……为文明的血脉里注入了新的意义和尊严——小马丁·路德·金。
    a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization- Martin Luther King Jr..
  • 在马丁·路德·金的梦想中,不仅人与人之间和平共处,而且白人也要成为人的兄弟。
    In Martin Luther King’s dream, not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb, but white was going to be brother to black.
  • 猞猁任何一种猞猁属的几种野猫,特别指原产于北美的加拿大猞猁或生活于欧亚大陆的普通猞猁,它有柔软而厚的皮,一端尖的短尾,和长成簇状的耳朵
    Any of several wildcats of the genus Lynx, especially L. canadensis of northern North America or L. lynx of Eurasia, having soft thick fur, a black-tipped short tail, and tufted ears.
  • 鲭鱼分布很广的几种属于鲭鱼科的海鱼之中任一种,特别是(鲭鲭属),的大西洋鲭鱼,是一种重要的食用鱼,背部有色波浪状条纹,腹部为银色
    Any of several widely distributed marine fishes of the family Scombridae, especially the Atlantic mackerel(Scomber scombrus), an important food fish having dark, wavy bars on the back and a silvery belly.
  • 威斯康星--麦迪逊大学的神经学家理查德·大卫逊也认为包括类人猿和猩猩在内的高级灵长目是迄今仅有的被证实具有自我意识的动物。
    " Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin -- Madison, agrees that higher primates, including apes and chimps, are the only animals that have demonstrated self-consciousness so far.
  • 那位y公爵,在马德里风传他在巴黎破了产,而在巴黎又风传他在马德里破了产,而实际上连每年的年金都没有花完。这会儿他一面在跟m太太聊天,一面却在和n夫人眉来眼去调情。m太太是一位风趣诙谐的讲故事的好手,她常想把自己讲的东西写下来,并签上自己的大名。漂亮的n夫人经常在香榭丽舍大街上散步,穿的衣衫离不了粉红和天蓝两种颜色,有两匹高大的色骏马为她驾车,这两匹马,托尼向她要价一万法郎……
    the Duc d'Y, who is believed in Madrid to be ruining himself in Paris, and in Paris to be ruining himself in Madrid, and who, when all is said and done, cannot even spend all his income, while continuing to chat with Madame M, one of our wittiest tale-tellers, who occasionally agrees to write down what she says and to sign what she writes, was exchanging confidential glances with Madame de N, the beauty who may be regularly seen driving on the Champs-Elysees, dressed almost invariably in pink or blue, in a carriage drawn by two large black horses sold to her by Tony for ten thousand francs...and paid for in full;
  • 他意识到手党要来报复他。
    He thinks the Mafia are out to get him.
  • 手党大地主;手党组织
    A Mafia overlord; a Mafia organization.
  • 手党中一旦有人面临法律制裁的威胁,其余的人就会一致行动,聚集起来支援他。
    As soon as one of their members was threatened by the law, the Mafia closed ranks and gathered round him.
  • 黑手党成员
    A member of the Mafia.
  • 手党的上司派人谋杀了仇敌。
    The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered.
  • 这都是手党打击的符号。
    it has all the earmarks of a Mafia hit.
  • 吉姆遭到手党人殴打,住了两个月的医院。
    Jim was messed up by the Mafia and hospitalized for two months.
  • 约翰遭到手党殴打,住了两个月的医院。
    John was messed up by the Mafia and hospitalized for two months.
  • 纪律委员会手党内的管理委员会,它裁定家庭争端和管理家庭活动
    A ruling council within the Mafia that adjudicates family disputes and regulates family activities.
  • 这个狡猾的社会头目因抓不到指控他的好把柄而只好以捏造的罪名受审。
    Mafia leader had to be tried on a trumped-up charge, for lack of anything better.
  • 当地的手党不会涉及赌博。
    I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole; The local Mafia won't touch gambling.
  • 手党中一旦有人面临陷入法网的威胁,其余的人就抱成一团支持他。
    As soon as one of their number was threatened by the law, the Mafia closed ranks and gathered round him.
  • 同年,她又在“与mob结婚”(marriedtothemob)一片中出演了一个完全不同的角色,一个手党的妻子。
    The same year, Pfeiffer took on an entirely different role as a Mafia wife in the 1988 hit comedy Married to the Mob.
  • 深入开展"严打"整治斗争,依法严厉打击各种刑事犯罪活动和恶势力,大力整顿社会治安混乱的地方和场所,使社会治安状况有明显进步。
    In order to make the entire society significantly safer, we must severely deal with criminal activities and Mafia-like and criminal forces in accordance with the law and improve public security where it is weak.
  • 严打"整治斗争和社会治安综合治理取得初步成效,依法铲除一批恶势力犯罪团伙,惩治了一批严重刑事犯罪分子。
    Initial results were achieved in the nationwide crackdown on crime, and as a result all facets of public security improved. Some Mafia-like gangs were crushed, and many who had committed grave crimes were punished in accordance with the law.
  • 如果我们的太阳被神奇地压缩到只有1英里大小,它将会变成一个洞,但地球仍将停留在它原来的轨道。
    For example, if our Sun was magically crushed until it was about 1 mile in size, it would become a black hole, but the Earth would remain in its same orbit.
  • 磁铁矿色氧化铁矿,fe3o4,经常和镁、锌以及锰共生,是一种重要的铁矿石
    The mineral form of black iron oxide, Fe3O4, that often occurs with magnesium, zinc, and manganese and is an important ore of iron.
  • 马拉维、东赞比亚和北罗得西亚的人种族人。
    a member of a Negro people of Malawi and eastern Zambia and Northern Rhodesia.
  • 她说道:"因此,鬃毛较的雄狮会得到母狮的青睐,而且让其他雄狮相形见绌也就不足为奇了。"
    "Therefore, it isn't surprising that females would prefer darker manes and males would be intimidated," West said.
  • 素细胞构成的恶性皮肤癌。
    any of several malignant neoplasms (usually of the skin) consisting of melanocytes.
  • 瘤,素瘤含有色素的,通常为恶性的肿瘤,由素细胞引起且最常见于皮肤中
    A dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring most commonly in the skin.
  • 紫外线辐射会引起包括恶性素瘤——一种致命的疾病在内的皮肤癌和其他健康问题。
    Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer including malignant melanoma, a form of the disease that can be fatal and other health problems.
  • 东半球象鹅的鸭子,比野鸭稍大,多数为白杂色羽毛,红嘴。
    Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill.
  • 白天他们上班去了的时候,由一个人保姆照看他们的儿子。
    During the day, a mammy take care of their son when they go to work.