  • 蒸馏器被一个管子结起来的由两个容器组成的用具,原先用来蒸馏液体
    An apparatus consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, formerly used for distilling liquids.
  • 续的由互不关联的部分构成的
    Consisting of unconnected distinct parts.
  • 续起来形成一个有特色的序列音符。
    a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence.
  • 续不可分的整体,其中任何一部分都不与相邻部分有明显区别的续过程。
    a continuous nonspatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts.
  • 随着一些主要干路在一九九七年建成后,接机铁奥运站及九龙站的道路也于一九九八年通车,以配合机铁的启用。
    Further to the completion of some major distributor roads in 1997, roads linking the Airport Railway's Olympic and Kowloon stations were opened in 1998 to tie in with the railway's opening.
  • 另外,还有作为区域性运输系统而行走于港岛北岸的电车,以及接港岛中区花园道和山顶的缆车。
    There is also a tramway serving as a local distributor on the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island and a funicular tramway running between Central (Garden Road) and the Peak.
  • 著名威尼斯史学家弗德里克·评说:“对个人权力的不信任使威尼斯人要依靠各种委员会与议会。
    Frederic Lane, the great historian of Venice observed: "Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils.
  • 席卷黑人社会的新的奇迹般的战斗精神,不应导致我们对所有白人的不信任——因为许多白人兄弟已经认识到:他们的命运同我们的命运紧密相,他们的自由同我们的自由休戚相关。
    The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.
  • 一九六七年更发生串社会骚乱事件,使本港居民的生活全面受到影响,本港经济也暂时陷于瘫痪。
    During 1967, this developed into a series of civil disturbances, affecting all aspects of life and temporarily paralysing the economy.
  • 这马篱笆和沟都跳过去了。
    The horse hurdled both the fence and the ditch.
  • 她扎入水中, 浮上来时呛得咳嗽带喷水.
    She dived into the water and came up coughing and spluttering.
  • 另外,伏明霞续三次参加奥运会,而在悉尼奥运会上她成为历史上第三位赢得过四枚奥运金牌的选手。
    In addition Fu Mingxia, with Sydney as her third consecutive Olympic competition, became the third diver in history ever to have won four Olympic gold medals.
  • 与其说海洋将世界分开, 倒不如说它们将世界成一体。
    Oceans don't so much divide the world as unite it.
  • 三行图式三条续或间断平等线组成的图形,尤指用于中国哲学或占卜中的图式
    A figure composed of three solid or interrupted parallel lines, especially as used in Chinese philosophy or divination according to the I Ching.
  • 物切离术粘物的外科切除或分离术
    Surgical division or separation of adhesions.
  • 深度和速度超过身体需要的呼吸现象;如果续进行,将会导致头晕眼花、手指和脚趾出现麻刺感以及胸腔疼痛。
    an increased depth and rate of breathing greater than demanded by the body needs; can cause dizziness and tingling of the fingers and toes and chest pain if continued.
  • 另一次两名女飞行员被击落在德军后方,一三天躲避敌人的追击,最终徒步返回部队。
    Another night two women were shot down behind German lines but managed to walk back to their unit, dodging the enemy for three days.
  • 过去一年中他续遭到失败;现在他在努力设法摆脱这种局面。
    He's been dogged by failure in the past year; now he is working strenuously to pull out.
  • 我连狗刨式也不会。
    I can't even do the doggy-paddle.
  • 一月之后,《再度发誓》在英国又现辉煌,续两周名列排行榜第一,接替了"boyzone"对英国流行音乐顶尖位置的占领。
    A month later “ Swear It Again” repeated the feat in the UK,staying at number one for two weeks and following on from Boyzone's dominance of the UK top spot.
  • 续事件或思想的主导过程(使人联想到流水)。
    dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas.
  • 桑提的朋友和家人借助媒体大范围地寻求捐赠器官,并增加了酬金。
    Santillan's friends and family mounted an aggressive media campaign to court a direct organ donation to her and raise awareness for donations.
  • 桑提的名字一直在受赠器官名单的榜首。19日午夜,符合条件的心肺终于找到了。
    Santillan was at the top of the donor list when the organs became available shortly before midnight Wednesday.
  • 悲观论者们在报纸上篇累牍地预言,事情只能越来越糟糕。
    The newspapers are full of prophets of doom who predict that things can only get worse.
  • 每个宿舍、每个教室和每个办公室都与以太网接,而我用电子邮件附件向我的教授交家庭作业。
    Every dorm,classroom,and office was wired with Ethernet connections,and I was sending homework to my professors in e- mail attachments.
  • 旅游业在香港回归后开始倒退,为了解决这个问题和让各国明白到香港在回归后仍是理想的旅游地点,旅游协会筹办了串大型访港活动,逾3000名海外旅游业和传媒代表在七月至十二月期间访港,实地了解本港的情况。
    As part of efforts to combat the mid-year downturn in tourism, and tomaintain international awareness of Hong Kong as a tourist destination, theHKTA organised a series of large-scale familiarisation programmes. Morethan 3 000 travel trade and media guests visited Hong Kong between Julyand December.
  • 在建国以来的二十九年中,我们一个刑法都没有,过去反反复复搞了多少次,三十几稿,但是毕竟没有拿出来。
    For the 29 years since the founding of New China we have had no criminal law.Though we tried repeatedly to draw up such a code and it went through more than 30 drafts, nothing ever came of the project.
  • 象把树连根拔起。
    The elephant dragged up the tree by the roots.
  • 串戏剧性的国际政治事件
    the drama of international politics
  • 农奴买农具都不敢想,更不用说买耕畜了。
    The serfs could not aspire to buying farm tools, let alone draught animals.
  • 除了几只驮马和磨坊里的水牛之外,家畜也不必工作。
    With the exception of a few draught-horses or buffalos made to work a mill, even domestic pets don't have to work.
  • 气候灾害[北方春旱]2001年是继1999年和2000年续大旱之后的又一个特大旱灾年,尤其是北方地区遭受了严重旱灾,山西、山东、河南、辽宁等省旱情尤为突出。
    Climate Disasters Spring Draught in the North: The year 2001 is another year with extraordinary draught after the draughts in 1999 and 2000, especially that the northern part was hit by serious draughts. The draughts were especially serious in Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Liaoning.